>Just read the Bible
Speak Latin do you?
Pope won't let superstitious Catholic kiss his ring
Bergoglio is a self-centered cunt. Kissing the ring is not about him. It's not his ring or his hand. It's symbolic. I would have slapped that bitch hard in the face if he did that to me.
How bout ya kiss the ring around the middle of my ass?
Ay Ton', you hear what I said? I told the guy to kiss the ring in the middle of my ass?
The Catholic church was globohomo from the start. It's an artificial construction ordered by Emperor Constantine, they rode on the coat-tails of a religious leader that had been dead for 300 years by that time already (Jesus of Nazareth) that still had a following and co-opted them into their Dogon Mystery Babylon State Religion.
It's NWO from it's inception, fuck off catholics. You're globohomo by default. God needs no intercession, you are a part of God, you are always a part of the Divine and no mortal man has any power over your relationship with the Source. Catholics can get fucked, they're as bad as Satanists.
>Latin cannot be translated into English
Good goy. Your priests literally wear yarmulkes.
>raucous laughing in Joisey Italian accents
Protestants are fags.
This is hell. When the bodies we temporarily haunt die, we go back home, to the Source, the Godhead, "heaven", our home.
Any evil you commit here shall be paid for here. In this life, and the next one(s), depending on the severity of the sin and penance required.