Yeah, its true that some bright, young poles immigrated, but those are maybe 100 000 from those 8 millions, the rest are pathology. Those 100 000 are doing fine and have good jobs abroad, they are missed and its shit for whole country that they are no longer here. The rest are sometimes worse/just than/just as ukrainians, so changing 7 mil pathology for 3 mil is a good deal to me.
Is UK the WORST case of western decadence?
UK is just one giant rustbelt
Went from being the Workshop of the World, the centre and leader of Industry, to throwing all away in useless wars
And now the UK is just a giant drab, gray, concrete shithole, drug-addicted white trash slobs and out of control Pakis
They had a good run though.
Mad to think that this picture was taken only 100 years ago
How they have changed
>lost 8 milion
>3 milion Ukrainian
lol source. we have 200 000 Ukrainians on both temporary and permament visas.
>What happens when the old poles die? How small will the Polish nation be considering they all fuxked off to Europe for shekels.
they will come back with shakels and kids and start up bussiness/take after their parents...
a fact that you are being sucked dry by nigger/muslims/asian AND us during your decline, doesn't mean we are abandoning our country
and your Shitstan can be ruled from elsewhere
its something that I have seen in berlin and paris too .the big citys of europe are full of degenerate trash and other creatures without any purpose in life other than to indulge in consumption .this is why hedonism always leads to destruction .its the hubris of every nation to think that they are safe from that.this is why religion existed in the first place ,to keep people in check .people wont respect any authority when they can piss on it without any consequences .this is why its important to call out degenerates out for their actions otherwise you get shit like thots ,trannies and other scum .imagine how people in the 50s would have treated those freaks and suddenly you realise why they did not really exist in any high numbers back them .tolerance only leads to degeneracy .