Question why do you white nationalist retards love gooks? Gooks are ugly, mean, stinky, annoying, rude, and sneaky. Gooks are also coming to this country in high numbers and yet you bitch about Mexicans all the time.
Question why do you white nationalist retards love gooks? Gooks are ugly, mean, stinky, annoying, rude, and sneaky...
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ok, but you sound like a chicano mexican broh.
>don't you want to come shooting with me user-kun? We can pretend the targets are niggers!
Fuck spics too, but I’m wondering why you don’t hate gooks as well. Why do you ignore chink immigration? I’m not saying spics get a free pass, they don’t
Fuck gooks and spics
Fuck goooks
> why would the people idolizing intellect and hard work like people that are intelligent and hard-working
Oh gee that's a hard one. Guess we'll never figure it out. What's more, you bring up a second unsolvable puzzle.
> Gooks are also coming to this country in high numbers and yet you bitch about Mexicans all the time.
> why do the people who don't like violent criminals not have a problem with people who aren't violent criminals
Guess those will remain an enigma for eternity.
Well, when the world turns Islamic, this might be the last safe place.
Have you though about that?
Asian women are beautiful, Asia has the greatest culture and history of all and then there is the 20th century.
OP you are probably a gen-z kid with no understanding of the real America or how things were just a few years ago.
Back in the 90s and early 00s American pop culture FUCKING SUCKED you had he-man superhero comic book garbage or dungeons and dragons, Japan had goddamn Initial -D and Akira.
Oops I got caught up in the drama and forgot to finish my post.
Anyways yeah back then Japan had goddamn anime and MOTHERFUCKING VIDEO GAMES.
At that point America had never created a decent gaming console or any decent games, everything good came from Japan.