Question why do you white nationalist retards love gooks? Gooks are ugly, mean, stinky, annoying, rude, and sneaky...

Question why do you white nationalist retards love gooks? Gooks are ugly, mean, stinky, annoying, rude, and sneaky. Gooks are also coming to this country in high numbers and yet you bitch about Mexicans all the time.

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Other urls found in this thread:原爆

ok, but you sound like a chicano mexican broh.

>don't you want to come shooting with me user-kun? We can pretend the targets are niggers!

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Fuck spics too, but I’m wondering why you don’t hate gooks as well. Why do you ignore chink immigration? I’m not saying spics get a free pass, they don’t

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Fuck gooks and spics

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Fuck goooks

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> why would the people idolizing intellect and hard work like people that are intelligent and hard-working
Oh gee that's a hard one. Guess we'll never figure it out. What's more, you bring up a second unsolvable puzzle.
> Gooks are also coming to this country in high numbers and yet you bitch about Mexicans all the time.
> why do the people who don't like violent criminals not have a problem with people who aren't violent criminals
Guess those will remain an enigma for eternity.

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Well, when the world turns Islamic, this might be the last safe place.
Have you though about that?

Asian women are beautiful, Asia has the greatest culture and history of all and then there is the 20th century.
OP you are probably a gen-z kid with no understanding of the real America or how things were just a few years ago.
Back in the 90s and early 00s American pop culture FUCKING SUCKED you had he-man superhero comic book garbage or dungeons and dragons, Japan had goddamn Initial -D and Akira.


Oops I got caught up in the drama and forgot to finish my post.

Anyways yeah back then Japan had goddamn anime and MOTHERFUCKING VIDEO GAMES.
At that point America had never created a decent gaming console or any decent games, everything good came from Japan.

because out of all of the non-white races, asians are the most like us

Here's a you

Only Civ-nats love gooks.

It's kind of like how Yang Gang is a nihilistic response to Trump being shit. Fucking asian women is a nihilistic response to white women being shit.

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we take our shoes off in the house OP...our mothers made home cooked meals every night....every white girl ive dated couldnt fry an egg & never kept a clean bathroom...

Muh games, muh anime , muh bugs

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Why haven't you taken the yellow pill yet (´・ω・`)

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Croatia, excellent post.


if we could wipe out the chinks and ashkenazi the world would be paradise.

if he's comparing to negresses, then there's no question.

Exactly. A billion niggers is paradise.

Is this supposed to be something good for Japanese?
Sorry, user, but a medium with a shitty overused art style with bad proportions is something to be ashamed about.


because gooks contribute, theyre smart and hard working, and they actually blend in. every chink ive met has an english name. i do think theyre rude and disgusting but so are white people.

Asians are such submissive conformists.

I am half asian and while I do enjoy parts of asian culture.
I do realize that asian women are almost entirely trash. See being your lust and you will find a sadistic class of whore.
I urge white people to not create offspring with asians.
Your son will be an elliot and your daughter will be a coal burner. Don't do it.
Asians became great because they mimic western culture. If they were left to their own devices they wouldn't have much.

Speaking from a nigger paradise

Meanwhile, they were highering the requirements for enrolling Asian students.

I vomited she's ugly . Anyways the guy too .Is that why pol is so into Asian women?For they low standards rather than bullshit explicative civilisation reasons? Probably will expand to Africa one day and kill all nigger

He has a little dick too

I like their cuisine, that's about it.

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fucking this. wake the FUCK up bitchboys...

Nailed it. It’s the nihilistic solution and the easy solution.

any "woman" that doesnt shave or cut "her" toenails is objectively unattractive, aka the various chink varieties..

Asian women are ok, they're built for white dick. Just NO! small dick Insectoids men.

fucking niggers are more human than gooksects

can't believe betas fall for this shit. As soon as you see those big bug eyes, you know it's a lie

Always the faggots with the nazi/white nationalist memeflags. Fucking retards.

Fuck the insectoid men. We need more tight Asian poosied women here.

>half asian half whit
my unironically sincerest condolences

>he doesnt live in a chink proto-hive
no we fucking dont. statistics show that 3 in 1 asian female drivers will be involved in a hit and run at some point in their lives.

I can answer this with one sentence.
Gooks have invented the wheel, blacks never did.

Asians are better than niggers.

You love every people who invented the wheel ? Only niggers and injuns from north and south of America (who are chinkoids btw) didn’t managed to create it.

It’s better to lose your left hand than to lose your dick

Check your stats, nigger from Africa didn't invent the wheel at all.
How do we know this? Because there were none present when the "invaders" came. We all know that the North of Africa isn't nigger tier so don't say the idiocy that you were kings in Egypt, thank you.
How can I hate on people that invented and discovered things that are useful for us, even today?
I can hate on the black person because he's a hindrance to the development of society.

nobody likes gooks
the japs are the only admirable asians

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There is less difference genetically between black and white than white and Asian. That said homo sapiens had raped Neanderthal, which is your ancestor. Still today, white women worship black.

Now you're beginning to comprehend: It's not just a matter of race, it's a matter of civilization. You dismiss the truth about racial behaviour with a handwave of racism.

Muslims are not even allowed to hate them.They must treat them as the master race.Ask any muslim.
Why aren't Chinese called infidels??
Big reward!!!!!!!原爆

Japs surrendered as soon as they got nuked. They don't have backbones, they're the nigger in Asia.

Jew women worship black.
Jew woman smell badly like negro.
The smell of shitskin to white girls is horrible and causes vomiting.
There are also white ugly woman who can't smell good...

t. chinese dog eater

There are no nukes Einstein.
Only propaganda jews.

hello zhang minguo

how big dicks do you like then?

The consumption of dog meat is not a feature of modern Japanese culture. There is a belief in Japan that certain dogs have special powers in their religion of Shintoism and Buddhism. Dog meat was consumed in Japan until 675 AD, when Emperor Tenmu decreed a prohibition on its consumption during the 4th through 9th months of the year. Normally a dog accompanied the emperor for battle, so it was believed that eating a dog gave emperors bad luck. In Japanese shrines certain animals are worshipped, such as dogs as it is believed they will give people a good luck charm called "Komainu". Animals are described as good luck in scrolls and Kakemono during the Kofun period, Asuka period and Nara period.[108] According to Meisan Shojiki Ōrai (名産諸色往来) published in 1760, the meat of wild dog was sold along with boar, deer, fox, wolf, bear, raccoon dog, otter, weasel and cat in some regions of Edo.

What's going on Jap?

>getting rejected by a kikette
the worst part isnt even the fact you were rejected. its that you went after an ugly jewess in the first place...

Blacks are literally the worst race on the planet though. It's not fair

Anything larger than 13.56 centimeters (5.33 inches) will do

bug food


Most asians produce essentially no body odor. It's genetic.

Objectively wrong, you fucking gollywog.

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>Niggers thinking they're human

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t. insecure nog

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You might be right there. But many have really bad breath, wtf do they eat? Reminder, I love all the insectoid women. So no hate, just curiosity.

>mfw merican and an inch bigger than the global average despite being obese as hell

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then whats the reason for the cat-piss-and-deepfryer-grease odor?

genuinely curious.

Look at all those countries in Africa......

but youre obese so it might as well be a vagina

>There is less difference genetically between black and white than white and Asian.
Totally incorrect. Blacks are separated from humans by tens of thousand of years and additionally total lack the ancient admixture that eurasians all possess.

You never met any Asian, didn't you? Talk about odor

a recent study in nigeria or some shit found they were on average around 5 1/2 inches

stop believing kike myths

Nah, that's abos.

Lol mayowhores

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t. dicklet

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Americans aren't Brits. When we say "Asian" we mean the squinty-small-eyed, straight-haired, tight pussied(female), or small dicked(male). I guess we mean South East Asian when we say Asian. Not Pajeets or Arabs, etc.

Check out my mayo friendo
Inb4 hooker

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user, do you have a vagina?

If I had my choice, all of our immigrants would come from Europe.

Why are mayowhores into being degraded and humiliated by non white men? Is it because their men are basedcucks?

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mfw all of these perceptions went seriously wrong....

sure, blimpy.

>reverse googe search
>images pulled straight from Jow Forumsasian masculinity
cant say im surprised

no mao, i dont
your little vestigal clitoris probably qualifies as one

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ok zhao

Your women are our Chang. Nothing you can do about it. Our dicks are more than adequate for East Asian Pussy.

Your women are ours Chang.

>Question why do you white nationalists..
>Gooks are x,y,z
how intolerant of you, someone could think that your lot are hypocrites

Mayo whores r pretty slutty. They’ll fuck anything including blacks

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good choice

the only decent le'ddit board outside r/fatpeoplestories

Absolute state of white waaaman

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I always have the feeling that chinks are behind most of the jewy threads posted on here

Sometimes I wonder if an inch is intentionally taken off in these surveys to make everyone feel good about their penis.

ok, one-third of the world population is Asian. And little more than one-ninth lives in western countries. Be my guest, Asian men love hapa

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>his ethnicity is so pathetic that it has to force a racial "slur"
on occassion i genuinely feel bad for your kind

we all know you pulled these from google, chong

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