Post your shit
GIOYC - Get It Off Your Chest
I'm sick of gf being mad at me after I fuck other girls. She should be used to it by now
I don't think you understand what I meant. I'm not talking about people dying or my own life ending, I'm talking about missing chances and not even having certain experiences to hold onto.
I wasn't close to my grandfather, but U could've been closer, maybe even much closer, if I wasn't such a nervous person.
What an inconvenient typo.
What’s the point? No matter what I do to fix myself I always end up being weird to other people. I can’t help that my childhood was filled with social isolation, bullying, and mental abuse over all. I’m sorry I’m not attractive like you, I’m sorry that I don’t just get handed money out the ass, I’m sorry my social skills and anxiety make me seem weird, I’m trying my fucking hardest and the only thing I want to do is make people smile or laugh. I bend over backwards to help people in need and what do they do? Use me as a step and forget about me. It’s so tiring meeting new people and getting my hopes up that maybe, in the 19 years of me being alive, I’ve finally made a friend, only to be fucking back stabbed or to be thrown to the side
There are only 3 possible scenarios that make sense:
1. He works for the CIA
2. He cares about me
3. He hates me
When I heard his eulogy, I was kind of amazed. I've been to 2aybe 3 or 4 funerals now and out of them, his was so memorable.
He had the most interesting life story put of all of them and when I really thought about it, I guess I did miss him a little.
But it wasnt just a matter of oh I knew him. It was like I could've known him.
D, J and M.
All know things they shouldn't.
Eagle's nest...
I was definitely guided to you and we connected telepathically. I think about you from time to time. Especially what you were trying to do. I understood but I wasn't afraid like you were.
you won't hurt me again. I am over with us for good. You made your bed long ago now go lie in it. It's what you wanted. Enjoy dating in your 30+s I am sure you will find a damaged fat mentally ill single mom that will be thrilled to be manipulated by you. Enjoy it.