GIOYC - Get It Off Your Chest

Post your shit

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I'm sick of gf being mad at me after I fuck other girls. She should be used to it by now

I don't think you understand what I meant. I'm not talking about people dying or my own life ending, I'm talking about missing chances and not even having certain experiences to hold onto.

I wasn't close to my grandfather, but U could've been closer, maybe even much closer, if I wasn't such a nervous person.


What an inconvenient typo.

What’s the point? No matter what I do to fix myself I always end up being weird to other people. I can’t help that my childhood was filled with social isolation, bullying, and mental abuse over all. I’m sorry I’m not attractive like you, I’m sorry that I don’t just get handed money out the ass, I’m sorry my social skills and anxiety make me seem weird, I’m trying my fucking hardest and the only thing I want to do is make people smile or laugh. I bend over backwards to help people in need and what do they do? Use me as a step and forget about me. It’s so tiring meeting new people and getting my hopes up that maybe, in the 19 years of me being alive, I’ve finally made a friend, only to be fucking back stabbed or to be thrown to the side

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There are only 3 possible scenarios that make sense:

1. He works for the CIA
2. He cares about me
3. He hates me

When I heard his eulogy, I was kind of amazed. I've been to 2aybe 3 or 4 funerals now and out of them, his was so memorable.
He had the most interesting life story put of all of them and when I really thought about it, I guess I did miss him a little.

But it wasnt just a matter of oh I knew him. It was like I could've known him.

D, J and M.

All know things they shouldn't.

Eagle's nest...
I was definitely guided to you and we connected telepathically. I think about you from time to time. Especially what you were trying to do. I understood but I wasn't afraid like you were.

you won't hurt me again. I am over with us for good. You made your bed long ago now go lie in it. It's what you wanted. Enjoy dating in your 30+s I am sure you will find a damaged fat mentally ill single mom that will be thrilled to be manipulated by you. Enjoy it.

It's strange. I mean, I'm not all hardcore mourning this guy wondering what I would do without him, but even then and even as the one dead family member so far I had the least contact with, it seems I liked him more than I thought.
He was ready to die at like 94 or someshit. Wife long since dead.

But I remember his voice and demanour so vividly. I was so curious about him and he always seemed so positive until, from what I hear, his last year or so.
He always came off like a good and possibly quite inteligent man, but really all I remember his how he said hello to me, all the toys they owned, his sense of humor (vaguely. It was a really defining feature), and the job the post-retirement job they had. I never actually conversed with him.

I don't know. I'm alright, its just a bit strange right now, but I be don't think I'll feel this way for too long.
Just strange.

Okay and that's enough. Now I need to think about something else.

FUCCKKK, saw this hot Russian bitch at the store wearing a really short miniskirt. I saw half her ass without her even bending over. It's times like this when I wish I was a normie or Chad who got to fuck bitches like that.

Better than a young bitch that loves drama

They spoke Hebrew.

I guess I am really fucked.

Hello, first time poster. I'm a 21 (going on 22 soon) black female. When I was 5, I was sexually abused by my female babysitter. Tiffany, was her name. I remember us being naked in the bathroom, the door was open & I was scissoring Tiffany. I remember a couple kids we were friends with were there, too, watching us.

It was a repressed memory in my head, to me it was just a thing that happened. My fiance, who is a regular Jow Forums user, helped me understand what happened by telling me how Jow Forums is the gateway to understanding hidden truths & uncovering everyday lies we see in our lives.

He told me that a majority of LGBT folks were molested/sexually abused as children. I just thought that me being pansexual was just something I was born as. Turns out, it was just the pedophilic lesbian molestation that fucked me up for years to come.

I remember when I was 11, I was curious about women & my dad had an old laptop he forgot about, I got it working & used it to look up lesbian porn.Often everyday I would take the laptop & for hours I would watch gay, lesbian, bisexual & straight porn. I didn't understand what I was looking at, but I liked it. Had it not been for Tiffany, I wouldn't even be the way that I am. I questioned my sexuality for years, thinking I was some SJW faggot making up orientations, regretting marking my body with that stupid symbol.

So, Tiffany if you're still out there. Fuck you.

I've just opened by own bespoke and made to measure tailoring company after being in the industry for 10+ years. Running a business is extremely difficult and stressful especially at the start and the cashflow isn't consistent. I'm poor and stressed.

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hahah the drama queen has always been you. btw if you are feeling suicidal don't call me please. I don't want to know - ''you do you'' I'll do me just like you said

I hate stupid, young drama-loving idiots. You're useless to me.

So many liars here.
So many people going to hell.

oh I am sure you are a very useful member of society user

You'd probably be a faggot and would've just tattooed yourself with some other stupid shit even if the babysitter didn't touch you. Big whoop, you thought you were pansexual, I had a stupid ex that used that too, just a fancy word for "woke bi". At least you didn't end up falling into the tranny shit and chopping your tits off. Also yeah, sounds so smart of you to just listen to everything your bf has to say just blaming all of your sexuality on one thing that happened to you. You seem dumb

That person doesn't care about you and I see why. You're nasty.

I really hate society today. The truly smart people, that question everything, are deemed mentally ill and the deranged sexual predators are considered healthy. Sick world.

I'm sorry this happened to you. I'm sorry that you will never know the true extent to which your sexuality was influenced by that experience. She robbed you of the ability to explore your proclivities freely, without the lingering fear in your head. Let me say that whatever you feel, it's valid. I hope you get the opportunity in the future to better understand yourself without feeling ashamed because of actions that were inflicted upon you by a horrible person. Your anger is justified.

God damn it. I met this one girl off of tinder. She's such a goddamn qt. She's two years older than I am and even said she liked our date. Now I see she deleted one of the pics on her profile and isn't even responding. She was so promising though.

Thank you, I still am coming to terms with it because I'm having a hard time what I identify as. I don't even know if my parents know. I know they didn't like her because she was neglectful & destroyed our furniture. I don't know how to tell them. I just thought it was it was in the past & didn't matter

Trump wont win.

Showing even in Fox news polls.

He made a big mistake.

The great and terrible thing about identity is that it can change everyday. If you're ever ready to tell your parents, I encourage you to speak to a therapist if you haven't already. It could help you to prepare for the ordeal and decide the best way to do it. Also, there are many therapists who specialize in LGBT issues. Whether you're pan or not, it could help you navigate that in a healthier way.

B2- Travel visa they never give me.
F1- Too hard
J1- ???
Any options?

Often times I think like what would happen if people come to the conclusion that trans was a mistake. Is there a way to get it all back?

that's what you get when you commit treason to win
don't make deals with the devil

With or Without Trump your country won't stop South American caravans.

I don't know how, I can't bear to imagine my dad if I told him. My older brother is friends with Tiffany on Facebook, so I don't think anybody knew what happened to me

Go back to l33ddit


It's fully up to you. It's within your right to keep it to yourself, but the fact is you'll never know how he'll react until you tell him. You've carried a heavy burden in your life. I don't know what your relationship with your family is like, but if it's good maybe you could give them the chance to show you how they can help support you.

I can try, I'd hate to break his heart, but my family deserves to know, especially if my brother is friendly with her. I don't think much can be done since this was back in 2001-2002. It's really messing with me because I feel as if my whole identity has been shifted due to this. My mind is fucked & I'm so confused about my sexual identity

you have your whole life to figure it out. you don't have to pigeonhole yourself into labels if you don't want to. sexuality is very personal and doesn't have to be defined unless you want it to be.

oh yeah i forgot to add
f u c k t i f f a n y

I'm probably the closest I've ever been to suicide yet I know I won't kill myself. I don't want to experience this anymore, I don't want to feel this anymore.

lol thank you

I do miss you

I've been trying a new method of making friends; going to small streams of Dark Souls and seeing if the streamer wants to co-op.
It's been going pretty well, I've co-op'd plenty with 3 different people and had a lot of fun!
[spoiler]It's been going terribly, the people I've co-op'd with haven't been back online in weeks and the last time I did, I got replaced 'cause naturally they already had friends to co-op with. It's frustrating. I'm tired.[/spoiler]

What's the easiest way to get US visa?

That really fucking sucks, I'm sorry. Child molesters deserve any beating they get.

I'm not used to dramatic change. But this week, I gave up my video games and tv and phone so I can focus solely on diet and exercise and reading.

my mind goes insane sometimes. I don't want to go outside for a run, but I still muscle up the courage to do it anyways.
I'm trying not to think about it as a chore or a punishment, since I want to make diet and exercise a good habit I will enjoy doing, but it's so hard mentally.

Ever since you died I haven't felt proud of myself in any shape or form. I go on trying to live my life in the best way possible because I think it what you would have me do... but I fail at even the most menial tasks and end up just making everyone feel sorry for me. Most of the time I am awake I either try to forget who/what I am or think of reasons not to kill myself. The only real reason I haven't killed myself is because I am afraid what my alcoholic mother would do if I left / committed suicide. Forward momentum from graduating high school is slowly petering out and I have given up the though of perusing that comp-sci degree that I was telling everyone that I was going to get eventually. I had a weight loss surgery that should have made me lose more than 200lbs if I stuck to any sort of a normal eating habit and that didn't work because my chemical response to food. Everything I once derived happiness from is either in the past, dead, or hopeless. Probably going to commit suicide in a year or two, and die a kissless virgin.

I could break her in half, luckily I am a very merciful patient man. Sod off, punk, this one isnt worth "saving". Your littles games are going to get one or both of you hurt.

I can't take this shit anymore, I hope I get hit by a bus or something, I don't have the balks to kill myself

I just got home from uni. im still scared and I still cant live without you.

help me.

I got offered lots of things today. some subtly flirtied with me, I made friends who expects me to change into a leader, theyre looking forward for me be I can't without you by my side. I CANT BE A LEADER AND THEY KNOW IT DEEP DOWN
I want us to join the student council together. I already subtly ignored my mom and aunt just to talk to you today. I hate them both. suicide popped out in my mind as I walk home but I know im too much of a coward to do it.

I just ate lunch and it was quarter to nine.
its nine o clock in the evening now and I have to make an entry to get accepted in an art competetion. theyre yelling at me.

I have to I have to I have to I have to do it I have to do it I have to do it

I cant lead them without you but I have to take care of you aswell please understand me

are that effort I did for you was for nothing? you took something away from me and ran away from me leaving me as an empty shell?

Every time I start to feel okay with myself, I just fall back into the same patterns of self-criticism that put me there to begin with by digging up something brand new I'd forgotten about my past and realizing that I fucked myself over even more.

We can make this work, please come to me so we can talk and express ourselves properly.

I ate out a girl when we were both about 5 or 6. I hate myself for it. I also tripped my ex with an umbrella and made her fall down.

Ive already read that except the umbrella part.

Im trying so hard to be nice to you right now. you always wanted to test my patience for you but im not gonna get triggered. not this time

I just came over from the /x/ board thread

>He told me that a majority of LGBT folks were molested/sexually abused as children
Yeah, that's how gays reproduce, by fucking kids.

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That look she had in her eyes when she told me she's not comfortable holding eye contact with people, the way her voice changed when she said that, I couldn't sleep that night, after 9 hours of just being in my bed with my eyes open thinking about the day I spent with her, I just bursted out in tears. I'm a very cold person and generally I don't have too much experience with emotions at all, friends including her have told me that. She is the only person that can make me react emotionally. I don't want to get hurt, I don't know how she is going to react when I tell her about my feelings and it's tearing me up inside.

Now that I fully understand who you really are deep inside.

I'm really goddamn sick of how every conversation in the groupchat turns to either talking about sex or the Z pity party. All the sex talk does is remind me of how pathetic I am and forces me out of whatever conversation we were having for the next 4 hours. And I can't complain or everyone will be salty that I'm killing their fun, even though y'all will happily whine about anything you're uncomfortable with.

>pity party
Boo hoo, Z thinks he's ugly, and suddenly the whole chat has to jump in and reassure him that they'd all fuck him given the chance. Z thinks he can't flirt with girls and has social anxiety, meanwhile he's bragging just last week how he got some chick's number at a bar. Jesus Fucking Christ, does literally everyone in the chat have to rush in to be Z's personal validators? He says he's ugly, we get 50 posts on how his jawline is great and how you'd all fuck him. He says he's fat, and everyone slobbers over how good his body is, despite the presence of much better ones in the same chat. Hell, just a few days before that he was bragging about how good at fucking he was, and y'all still jumped to say how you'd want to fuck him.

Fuck yeah I am, y'all give pity to this guy who doesn't need or deserve it that you'd never give me, the guy who's never been laid and gets anxiety when talking so bad he can't make fucking eye contact.

Youre a good person! I have to be right, it has to be right!

Who are you talking about?

Theres always someone for you, always remember that.
We're basically trapped in a twinflame dilemma, ignore them
one of us is gonna end up dead anyway

and im trying to avoid that as much as possible. Can I still save him or anyone at this point?

Some guy named Z in my groupchat. His name doesn't really start with Z, but if he reads it he'll know it's about him.

There's always someone who'll love you unconditionally.
why am I like this? I regret everything

Those people are fucking idiots. my patience is running out

you got a story to add?

fucking idiot subhumans say shit like "oh no drinking ice cold water is bad for you" then proceed to gulp down a glass of soda filled with ice cubes, makes me want to punch them in the face

I wish I didn't have to feel at all and could just shut off my emotions completely and live in a bubble.

I tried to cut off my emotions and people out of my life entirely and obviously that didn't help, but letting people into my life and acknowledging my feelings only feels marginally better. I'm not looking forward to being dead but I am looking foward to not having to deal with these emotions ever again.

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Anyone know how to deliver a notice to quit? My tenant has a habit of hiding when I want to deliver it personally. Im afraid if I just leave it there they'll say they didnt know what was going on. How can I make sure they receive the notice?

No, I think im done for today.

holyfucking shit i want to die
i don't know how many times i've uttered this every single day
i know i don't have it worse than anyone else i see but god fucking damn i just want to just disappear in this world
i really dont wanna be here anymore
i just feel like a burden and there's nothing i can do about it
i just feel like i'm just letting everyone down esp my family
i'm such a failure and i can't do anything about it
i feel like abandoning people around me and i cant apologize for it
i just wanna leave and disappear completely

Don't do it user. You'll find some healing and love again if you just keep going. There's always a silver lining to the hell of being human.

I wish you would stop being insane towards me because right now living with you is hell.
Considering how you talk and judge men, you should know that what you're doing is basically being so horny towards me that I cannot even socialize on the off chance you are close.

The thing is you're so insane nothing I can say anymore, I told you to leave move on and forget me. Here you are still writing about how you had sex with someone to ''punish'' me, fake feminist femcel.

You're insane, mentally ill and I regret ever falling for the bait that you are normal. I don't want anything from you, please move on and let me live my life in peace. You're scaring me, you're destroying my life. Get real please you psycho

She's not insane not sexually interested in you. Stop projecting. Guys projecting sexual desires onto women is what's ruining the planet.

Alright. Good luck to you.

How do you know anything about this? This crazy bitch needs to go kill herself.

>i told you to leave move on and forget me.
Sounds like you're the one who needs to do this.

J, lets hope you're smart enough to not fuck with my relationship. I do well controlling my anger so don't test me.

I had a dream that I was lying in bed with you, cuddling. The world is all good now. If only I could dream that forever. I'm crying now thinking of it.

Hard When you got a psycho hovering you. She is legit rapist tier, she thinks I was born and made for her (her words)

I don't know but I know you missed my battleship.

No its not. Move.

V mature and cool of you user she will obviously lose a valuable person and asset in her life when you part ways.

No one cares about you and your shitty relationship.

You're not in any damger, you drama queen. If its so bad you would get a retraining order and relocate. Right now you enjoy this attention and playing victim. Do something about your alleged psycho stalker or shut up.

Right? He sounds fucking abusive and is probably why she's reacting the way she is. Trauma can do ugly things to otherwise healthy people.

Get a grip you loons. You projecting whatever issues you have onto my post won't fix your issues you have with your people

Its clearly not for you, or anyone here. So fuck off narcissistic larper.

Its not about projection. I see a post made by a little bitch who craves attention and being seen as a victim and I am calling you out on your bullshit please see and stop pretending you have no control.

Can I fucking vent in a vent thread? What Kind of buttons did I push on you psychos that you barrage my singular post like this. Fuck off.

I am sorry you got called out. But its what you deserve.