Fuck your dad and become the wife
My dad (63) has a new gf (29, same age as me)
Yeah it happens. Girlfriends dad got diagnosed with cancer, decides to marry a 28 year old. Goes and writes a new will, splits everything equally, except the house that belonged to their mother and was part of his previous relationship.
Dies, wife goes fucking crazy because she doesn't have a share in the house. Destroys all the childhood possessions, gives away pets, starts legal proceedings to annul the will as not of sound mind which fail. She then starts trying to sue individual family members for random sums of money. She has an email where the youngest daughter said 'she'd give her the house if it meant things could go back to how it was before all the drama' as apparent 'proof' that she has been financially harmed by the fact the rest of the beneficiaries would not agree to amend the will to include her because they were causing her to incur legal fees. She came at each beneficiary in turn with personal lawsuits.
In the end it was agreed that she could have a share of the house because it was cheaper than defending endless legal drama. Legal counsel said in the end that she'd said she'd not stop, she'd keep going until she was broke, she was occupying the house and was able to damage it and eventually, even if it was unlikely there was the chance that some judge, at some point in some future case would decide it was fair for whatever reason to allocate partial legal fees to the defendant and at that point you'd be paying out more than the share of the house was worth anyway and she'd use that money to keep going and running up further legal costs.
Soon as she got her share she married a dude from where she worked and got pregnant. Money makes people do crazy shit.
Also families are retarded. Family wealth, inherence etc is all about consolidating power and wealth within the family. Pfft, when I die if my family think it is 'fair' or some shit they are in for a surprise. It is going to the ones who I like the most who I think will do the best with it.
Men will go mad and make terrible decisions faced with the opportunity of hot pussy.