Jow Forums Humour thread

Sides ready, show us your best. Bonus points if it's accurate portrayal of da joos

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Lmao you pathetic racists never fail to make me laugh with your Jow Forums humour threads, let’s face it, most poc will be infinitely more successful than any of you sad virgins, you are on the wrong side of history, get over it

>"da joos"
Funny how jews will never actually write "jews". It has become way too easy to discover shills and kikes.
Fuck off, kike

checked but you're not a canadian so it has no value

>wrong side of history
are you advocating genocide user? The USA did pretty well out of that, all things considered. I am sure this would vitalize the EU economy

imagine still falling for that copypasta

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Based zoomers.

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Wasted get.

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our gal.

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I-I’m sorry I’m n-not a leaf

its hard to find good webms these days

Attached: headbutt retard .webm (654x360, 2.43M)

is she, dare I say /ourgirl/?

Attached: puta gringo.webm (640x640, 2.76M)

literally laughed out loud

oi oi mate , you got loicense for posting here? oi come on now bruv.

Attached: god save the queen.webm (360x640, 2.74M)

in the credits
>the gays
wat lol

There it is, but wrong flag. 1 point for trying though

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who was the man in blue to them?

This is adorable, it's like a mom trying to substitute for their retarded kid. I'll allow it & check.

go fuck yourself kike

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...What is this?

why so butthurt

cause i read true talmud and i've seen that you're true enemy of polish people

i didnt read the talmud, you retarded slavshit.

you lie. all kikes read talmud to know how to kill white people, especially poles

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Less of a jew than you French cunt

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Niggerkike, get the fuck out of Europe. You're not British. You're a filthy subhuman and you will be lynched when the day comes.

Hanz...get the colonialism

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how did he got black belt?

80s and 90s was the absolute golden age of anime. I miss these simpler times..
what's the name of this one?

Just give us the bag of Jew gold already.
Not the fake one, the REAL one.

amerimutt video:

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well, I think Jow Forums happiness increases too when there are truck happenings. Those should be added to the charts.

hahahaha great webm

You need my stupid flag for the meme to work cunt


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Look up kol nidre fren. Never trust a jew.

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>especially poles
I'm sure it mentions you specially. You give yourself too much significance.
>all kikes read talmud
that's so far from reality, it is laughable

I wish we would all get along

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if you're not aiming to destroy poland, then why are you blaming us for holobunga?

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pussy. we need to eliminate all non slavs for the glory of piast forefathers

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The other girls told the fatso they were gonna do it together, look at the way they snicker even before it happens. She was finally in on a joke with the cool girls and it turns out they were just gonna embarrass her on national television.

It's actually hilarious fuck that fat girl

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Not funny

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how would that destroy Poland?

humph , you think you goys are equal to the chosen ones? dont make me laugh

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all your obedient gollems in EU govs want us to pay you reperations, and then take our land. therefore all of you kikes need to be killed. and we won't faill like your puppet hitler did

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You are literally the child of jews polack.

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Hehehe that's funny but kindda fucked up.


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kikes came to poland throu russia you faggot. and there are more kike and sandnigger in you than me

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no one demanded reparations or land, you absolute fucking retard. Our politicians are butthurt over a law they didn't even read.
>and we won't faill like your puppet hitler did
im gonna assume you're trolling now

But...he was a jew.

Classic Jow Forums humor. The (you)'s happen, every time.

On the jews and their OTHER lies.

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*my wife's boyfriend's girl.

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You need a leaf flag or at least a meme flag to pull that off champ.


lol ur gay

>never fail to make me laugh

Isn't that the point of these threads?

Hahahahaa! Omg you're probably right

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Why hello there newfriends

Wow, what an absolute skinhead faggot. Head buttee was nice enough to check on his pussy ass and got sucker punched a-fucking-gain.

OMG i just realize this. Good catch

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Not even bullshitting but a few weeks ago I made a random girl orgasm by just touching her hand at a party based on some shit I read from a pua. I've known her and her boyfriend for 15 years and he was pissed off to all hell. All the girls dragged her off into a bedroom but everyone could hear her. It lasted like 15 or 20 mins and then she left the party after our of embarrassment. I know most people will think this I'd bullshit but to you anons who believe, pua tactics work.

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