Jow Forums Humour thread
lol ur gay
>never fail to make me laugh
Isn't that the point of these threads?
Hahahahaa! Omg you're probably right
Why hello there newfriends
Wow, what an absolute skinhead faggot. Head buttee was nice enough to check on his pussy ass and got sucker punched a-fucking-gain.
OMG i just realize this. Good catch
Not even bullshitting but a few weeks ago I made a random girl orgasm by just touching her hand at a party based on some shit I read from a pua. I've known her and her boyfriend for 15 years and he was pissed off to all hell. All the girls dragged her off into a bedroom but everyone could hear her. It lasted like 15 or 20 mins and then she left the party after our of embarrassment. I know most people will think this I'd bullshit but to you anons who believe, pua tactics work.