Jow Forums Humour thread


lol ur gay

>never fail to make me laugh

Isn't that the point of these threads?

Hahahahaa! Omg you're probably right

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Why hello there newfriends

Wow, what an absolute skinhead faggot. Head buttee was nice enough to check on his pussy ass and got sucker punched a-fucking-gain.

OMG i just realize this. Good catch

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Not even bullshitting but a few weeks ago I made a random girl orgasm by just touching her hand at a party based on some shit I read from a pua. I've known her and her boyfriend for 15 years and he was pissed off to all hell. All the girls dragged her off into a bedroom but everyone could hear her. It lasted like 15 or 20 mins and then she left the party after our of embarrassment. I know most people will think this I'd bullshit but to you anons who believe, pua tactics work.

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