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When will the next Mossad false flag happen?
Jayden Long
Noah Scott
>le every terrorist attack is a false flag
Jaxon Garcia
it is
Nathaniel Clark
Mossad is famous for making false flag posts on the internet claiming future false flag operations to conceal the true nature of their false flag operations covering their false flag operations Schlomo.
Isaiah Sanchez
its obvious Mossad is planning tarrant 2.0
Ryder Morales
Jayden Martin
My money is on a yellow vest doing something to the Muslims in retaliation for Notre Dame. They will get to push the crazy alt-right conspiracy theorist narrative, while making yellow vests and Christians looking bad while the Muslims are yet again the victims of white intolerance
Next false flag is unironically going to happen in France
Justin Barnes
Nah Dianne and the Dems have been pushing gun control hard right now
Owen Harris
>Every terrorist attack ever is in fact a Mossad operation designed to draw attention away from their nefarious plans. Especially the ones targeting jews because jews don't get enough sympathy.
Anime villains ain't got shit on Mossad apparently.
Cameron Lewis
Mossad is trash now that the internet exists. That's why your latest hoaxes attached memes and bullshit to it so you could blame memes and push censorship.
Alexander Martin
this is why i hate Jow Forums
fucking wanna be nazis
not saying the international jew is no enemy but Islam is a way bigger threat.
Luis Flores
Benjamin Garcia
>Netanyahu sucking America's dick to continue the flow of money to Israel is proof that Mossad is behind every single attack in the entire world
Jack Stewart
Eat a dick, Mustafa. It's your national cuisine after all.
Jews and Muslims belong in the trash.
Thomas Jackson
Netanyahu announces that Israel is behind them.
Nathan Carter
That's like saying a guy who sticks his pit bull on you isn't the problem, only the dog is the problem!
Jeremiah King
Noah Robinson
Jordan Nguyen
>If I act like a schizo I'll get people to tell me to take my schizo medication therefore proving that it's actually mossad trying to control me over the interwebs.
And for your next act, will you only be pretending to be retarded?
Andrew Mitchell
Anytime you say "schizo" you already lost. Sloppy job mossad.
Dominic Watson
Did you even read the text in the image you posted?
Lincoln Cruz
False flag incoming
Blake Ramirez
>but Islam is a way bigger threat.
they were illiterate sand people before jews pushed their migration you lying kike. If jews vanished today they’d go back to being exactly that.
Bentley Russell
False flag incoming
Xavier Foster
Go false flag your shrink.
Isaiah Kelly
yeah, we all did, he's showing a mossad shill like you losing your mind
Andrew Scott
Ethan Gray
Do you think that there aren't legitimately bad people in the world that would want to kill others?
Michael Nguyen
Jordan Howard
>Muslims go boom
>Boards instantly flooded with MOSSAD MOSSAD MOSSAD
Jews are vile creatures, but their retarded cousins, the Muslims are the ones that go boom for no reason. I want you all out of my country, Christians too. You've done enough damage and at this moment you're lobbying to have the wives and children of caliphate fighters "returned".
A pox on the house of Abraham.
Brandon Price
ISIS and White Nationalists are both Mossad
Justin Long
I see, and your infographic starring Bibi and Steve Bannon is somehow proof of that?
Mason Cook
you will never get your holy war
Carson Taylor
The one I want? I want the Jews gone too, son. Muslims? Purge. Christians? Deport to Sandniggeristan where it belongs.
Abrahamic death cultists like you have been allowed to fuck things up for far too long.
Jonathan Cook
Did she had the burning necklace on during a boat trip around France while the Notre Dame was burning?
Adrian Jones
Literally nobody gives a shit about Israel bombing Gaza so there'd be no point to divert attention away.
Daniel Carter
it said becoming but her necklac isn't important since she was literrally watching the church burnn
Jaxon Parker
Even if anyone would care, USA would just run interference in the UN again anyways.
William White
Then why did Netanyahu order the hoax shooting in NZ?
James Murphy
Juan Cooper
Wrong webm
Mason Rogers
Eli Gomez
David Jenkins
What's wrong? Not shown off your mental illness to enough people yet?
Daniel James
Jack White
Vegas a couple of months from now most likely.
Daniel Hill
nah def sooner
Joshua Perry
Nicholas Wood
>a jew cries out as he strikes you
t. moarpheus the fat jewish schizo
Gavin Scott
Thomas Lopez
Ryder Perez
Christopher Young
why cant i find the actual bomber video they keep showing on TV
Easton Cruz
Ian Williams
Gavin Torres
>anime villains ain't got shit on Mossad
but unironically
Nathaniel Ramirez
Carson Murphy
Mason Allen
schizo boomer thread #97878895
Noah Foster
>I have no arguments so I use buzzwords.
Jayden Edwards
real terrorism aka the viet cong atrocities against South Vietnam that claimed 300k civilians lives, the drone terro of the (((West))) in Libya, Yemen, Syria and the Dresden mass fire murder were all suppressed.
If its fake its "news"
If its real its suppressed
Have you learned nothing you stupid goyim?
Luke Cruz
The radikal boudists did this .. and they are clever...
Jordan Morgan
Bibi dies soon faggot.
Joshua Long
They'll probably pull something within the next couple days. Sri Lanka is doing too well a job of showing the hypocrisy and narrative control. Gotta swing it back and reset the memory.
Ryder Parker
Caleb Foster
Jose Gutierrez
Liam Morgan
Levi Roberts
Jow Forums anons have identified 2365 of the last 2 mossad ops, and 17658 of the last 5 JIDF shills on Jow Forums
Asher Wood
Yeah they’re called Jews
Tyler Wright
Oliver Young
Jackson Anderson
30 April.
Connor James
Adrian Garcia
Brandon Ward
Daniel Jones
Austin Harris
>posts his own tweet
gtfo boomer faggot
Eli Garcia
Zachary Gomez
Take your meds schizo
Brody Cox
there is a mossad false flag every single day, you just don't hear about them in the news unless they kill a lot of people or cause massive amounts of damage.
You're not going to hear about a Mossad false flag rocket launch from the Palestinian side of the Israel border
Jayden Howard
August 11 or Aug 19. Any month on the day of 19 through 2019, and Prime numbers.
John Thomas
I recently discovered with the Tarrant happening that there is a type of people especially dumb boomers straight from faceberg who will call everything a false flag/mossad. It's boomer Qtard virtue signalling about being le redpilled.
Xavier Campbell
tarrant was mossad and Christchurch was a hoax.
Andrew Turner
May 1, or the day before.
Hunter Reed
Learn from this man, it's all about the numbers and their Hebrew secret magic by numbers Gematria, the Tool used by the kabbalah, the ones that run things. And buy the book, over 700 pages of the stuff YOU should all know.
No publisher will publish it so he is forced to sell it cheap.
Christopher Jones
Your dad is a faggot and your mom is a prostitute
Nolan Phillips
God wins
Nolan Edwards
muh based mudslimes dindu nuttin