When will the next Mossad false flag happen?

this is why i hate Jow Forums

fucking wanna be nazis

not saying the international jew is no enemy but Islam is a way bigger threat.

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>Netanyahu sucking America's dick to continue the flow of money to Israel is proof that Mossad is behind every single attack in the entire world

Eat a dick, Mustafa. It's your national cuisine after all.
Jews and Muslims belong in the trash.

Netanyahu announces that Israel is behind them.

Attached: sloppy-job.jpg (1563x2139, 1.6M)

That's like saying a guy who sticks his pit bull on you isn't the problem, only the dog is the problem!

Attached: Mossad shill losing his mind.png (1751x669, 317K)


>If I act like a schizo I'll get people to tell me to take my schizo medication therefore proving that it's actually mossad trying to control me over the interwebs.
And for your next act, will you only be pretending to be retarded?

Anytime you say "schizo" you already lost. Sloppy job mossad.