1/3 american babies are delivered through C-section

>1/3 american babies are delivered through C-section
amerimutts, explain yourselves

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Lots of complications can occur through normal child birth which is why infant mortality and death via child birth are so high in the third world. If doctors determine there is some risk, they offer the option of C-section and those that want it take it. Turns out that when insurance is a commodity and not a "right" that you can take optional procedures instead of risking your life.
Anybody got international statistics on birthing fatalities for the mother or child? Willing to bet America has better survivability.

American babies are fatter and sometimes they don't fit through

>insurance reimbursing doctors at higher rate
>female vanity

>Having a big scar across your stomach is vanity
You had it at Insurance. People opt for the surgery because it's less painful and doctors offer it because healthcare isn't on the public dime.

Nothing says vanity like being sliced open from hip to hip or from pussy to belly button and having a giant scar.

A c-section is incredibly more painful and has way more complications than natural birth.

I think it's the part about being conscious for the pain of a vaginal birth versus taking some pain killers post surgery with a C-section. Basically women are huge pussies, not that I'm trying to pass a bowling ball through my dick.

I've not found a source that limits child mortality to conception related deaths, but here are the stats for maternal death rate during childbirth

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I stand corrected, Sven.

When your migrants get settled either c sections will soar or infant mortality will.

Americans got that toight pussy

If a doctor deems that giving birth could possibly cause any sort of complication they will give a cesarian section regardless if the mother gives consent or not.

I read somewhere that natural childbirth is an orgasmic experience. If that’s true it may strengthen social bonds and maybe a desire to do it again. It may even be healthier for the baby. Thus c-sections pushed?

but why is the mortality rate so much higher in the US? Shouldn't it be lower?

Like another user said apparently C-section comes with it's own set of complications. So the mother ends up at higher risk. The answer is probably (((insurance))) companies.

We're big guys.

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... of a stretched-out vagina.

If what you're ultimately implying is America a third world shithole. Honestly most of America is indeed a third world country. 1/3 Americans are obese. another 1/3 are overweight. 1/4 are alcoholics, 1/4 are addicted to drugs both legal and illegal. 1/3 are depressed. 1/3 have a mental disorder. 8/10 Americans live paycheck to paycheck. Roughly 7/10 Americans are too addicted to pop culture or escapist pursuits leading to their real lives falling apart. 1/3 Americans are black or Hispanic. Most Americans have zero financial literacy to know how to get make money, properly save or start a business.

America is only an economic collapse away from a full out civil war your statics don't supprise me one bit. There is something absolutely fucked with contemporary America. Just like the late Roman empire with the use of lead pipes in their drinking water, there is something that is poisoning everyone here and it could be many things.

I'm curious however what is the rate compared to Latin America, East Asia and by each state.

For you

They have a fetish for cutting themselves. Just look at how many of them are circumcised.

Could it be race mixing?

Meanwhile Sw*des have no babies at all.

This. White pussies can't fit big brained nibbas.

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Here is what I've found by rates by each state but I can't find a direct correlation with any of the statistics.

it is racemixing, mongrels have all sorts of problems and birthing the orcoids is one of them, its the same for dogs, for fuck sake i

Hah. Good post yakub

My umbilical cord was too short, wasn't letting me exit correctly so they had to do a C-section

gotta keep that pussy tight, why put so much mileage on it just to give birth

>African countries low
Us niggas need no c-section.

Thanks for the appreciation Tyrone.

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imagine a roastie in her 30s having children for the 1st time. her body is completely fucked from years of oral contraception and HPV. then add the fertility drugs she needs to take in order to conceive in the first place.

old roasties are having children these days at near the extreme end of their fertility. natural births in that case are nearly impossible.

fertility is finite


I applaud the for the gracious concession, something that board lacks.

Although I suspect if you broke down that US stat by race...

Because American women don't want children until they're in their 40s. The fertile girls are on pills.

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fertility is actually higher in Sweden than in the US. However, it only differs 0.05 units

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The vagina is a muscle. People with loose vaginas were born with loose vaginas to start with. It doesn't "stretch" out.

cut it out, save the pussy

are americans aware of the risks that c-sections poses to the child's development?

Shaquil. I'm sorry to say but your enlightened niggers probably don't know what a C-section is. You guys have been killing doctors because you guy think they're practicing voodoo black magic and have been killing bald men as you guys think their head's are filled with gold.

Better for the bajayjay

Us niggas studied your c-sections from our flying pryamids and decided we don't need it. Also, artificial wombs are already a thing here in Wakanda thanks to our superior voodoo technology.

You two just had the most gentlemanly argument on the internet and remain to be united by the mutual trait of racism.
I love this board.

Xenoestrogenic plasticizers, screens, spiritual decay

C-sections rack up more money

Best Coment Eva!

It seems like rate of C-section is a pretty good indicator of health at time of birth, genetic or otherwise.
So my explanation is that Americans are very dysgenic.
Of course, this only applies to first world nations.

Like what? I’m not aware.

American courts are retarded.
Doctors told patients about risks, even let them sign forms. Something happened, patients sued and won.
Doctors (and legal departments) now won't take any risk.

Most Americans are already retarded I don't think most would notice a difference.

Save the beaver, have a caesar.

funny because its the other way around
blacks have smaller brains thus smaller skulls, so if black woman race mixes she has to get cut because their black hole is not big enough for bigger brain

> doing a c-section in somalia
Niggers are dumb but certainly not suicidal.

you can schedule a c section and thus golf is not interupted you see whereas mother nature's live birth time bomb is always an unhappy surprise with it's timing.

We did it elective. You don't like it? It is probably because of the potential brain damage you got while being born normally. God really fucked up creating us, or, rather, there was no intelligence involved.

You are fucking stupid. My wife haven't noticed until the baby came out.

Don't want to deal with hours and hours of labor or having a baby on a specific date for convenience reasons.

It's not. Not for anyone in the room. It's guts and pain. Then after the massacre, the psychological feelings are the best you'll find in this life.

The doctors make a few hundred more for a c section vs vaginalwhile a hospital makes a few thousand more, recovery is longer. Its about money.

Beneficial bacterial inoculation from contact with the vaginal canal. I believe the delivery doctor now swabs the vaginal entry and wipes fluids on the baby in case of C-Section. I’m not sure how useful vaginal birth for bacterial growth is anyway, considering the first thing they do to a newborn is wash it.

Protip: you must fuck you pregnant wife everyday up to the day of birth to insure a smooth delivery