1/3 american babies are delivered through C-section

funny because its the other way around
blacks have smaller brains thus smaller skulls, so if black woman race mixes she has to get cut because their black hole is not big enough for bigger brain

> doing a c-section in somalia
Niggers are dumb but certainly not suicidal.

you can schedule a c section and thus golf is not interupted you see whereas mother nature's live birth time bomb is always an unhappy surprise with it's timing.

We did it elective. You don't like it? It is probably because of the potential brain damage you got while being born normally. God really fucked up creating us, or, rather, there was no intelligence involved.

You are fucking stupid. My wife haven't noticed until the baby came out.

Don't want to deal with hours and hours of labor or having a baby on a specific date for convenience reasons.

It's not. Not for anyone in the room. It's guts and pain. Then after the massacre, the psychological feelings are the best you'll find in this life.

The doctors make a few hundred more for a c section vs vaginalwhile a hospital makes a few thousand more, recovery is longer. Its about money.

Beneficial bacterial inoculation from contact with the vaginal canal. I believe the delivery doctor now swabs the vaginal entry and wipes fluids on the baby in case of C-Section. I’m not sure how useful vaginal birth for bacterial growth is anyway, considering the first thing they do to a newborn is wash it.

Protip: you must fuck you pregnant wife everyday up to the day of birth to insure a smooth delivery