Why won’t satanists use the word Christian?

Why won’t satanists use the word Christian?
...very telling that both Killary and Obomber used the same terminology isn’t it?

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the synagoge of satan fears christianity

Their jewish overlords will not allow them to name Christ in any way.

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i worship satan.. and i fuck my bf in his raw ass.. deal with it.

They're all run by kikes and kikes hate white people and Christ.

Attached: google-doodle-snubs-easter-again-but-remembers-all-jewish-holidays.jpg (730x960, 57K)

Nobody cares about you. Deal with it

Can you explain me a difference between Satanists and Kikes?

Dumb fuck.

there is none.
kikes come out of pharisees jews who were babylonian moloch worshippers before babylonian captivity

Trudeau didn't get the memo

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no difference. jews worship themselves just like satan worshipped himself thinking he was hot shit and got rekt out of heaven like a loser.

Get to know a man's asshole you incel losers.

Because it will give victim capital to Christians and the whole strategy in place is about displacing white christians from the society they built.

This means he is out of office soon. KikeNet have cut off his access to the inner sanctum email service.

Friendly reminder that eostre was stolen by the followers of the nailed god

No. Difference.

You stick your dick in shit and then blame the government for your health problems.

Still missing the phrase "by Islamic terrorists", though.

Friendly reminder that Christians were celebrating easter long before Christianity spread to northern europe.

Jesus is Odin.

Both hung on trees. Both stabbed by a spear. Both came back to the living.

Real Satanists like me hate faggots like you. DIAF homo.

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>using terminology as a point
If I call your mother n00b, and a fucking comedian calls your mother a n00b, does that make me a comedian for using the fucking word n00b?

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Don't forget that when Obama had the Orlando shooter's 911 call transcript released, they edited all mentions of Allah to God and downplayed his motives.

strange as fuck honestly.
when did you first hear the phrase Easter Worshippers OP?

Ah yes, good old easter worshippers. Together with rammadan participants and chanuka engagers, they form the mighty family of abraham fans

Isn’t it “worshiper” in American English? How did so many of commit the same error?

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I cant find mention of "Easter Worshippers" before 2019. didn't search thoroughly but it's an interesting turn of phrase regardless

We both know you just do it for attention. Nobody cares about your degeneracy, faggot. Deal with it.

Because its an attack against christians and christianity and we dont want christians to be victims, its reserved for joos and mudslims.

christ or the sun is the aspect of your person seeking enlightened truth
persons of deceit can not stand this very notion as it shatters their egos and confronts them with the absolution of their misdirected ways
any reference to it shakes this satanic ego to its very core

can agree with this. unless I see evidence of the phrase being used at this frequency prior to 2019
not 100% certain but it seems to be a talking point that's been designed to spread into peoples lexicon at this point.

Wow, imagine that. I actually got a tiny bit of respect for Trudeau.

what are the chances of them both using that specific phrase within a few hours without prompting. maybe HRC is ripping off Barry S but really something is going on with this,

Messaging from the DNC it would appear. Julian Castro and some other dems used the same strange terminology. Avoided saying Christians and condemning Islamic terrorism.

would like to see a screen cap of all those that wrote this wonky shit

Same reason Jews are called kikes. They can't bear to mention Christ. Insecure, afraid +++

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It's their goal to rob christian holidays of their meaning. Ever heard of Xmas?

>implying it's originally a Christian holiday.
I get you point though

Here's one. Some other dems just didn't include Christians or Islamic terrorism. Rashida Thalib just used the world "humans".

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kek, anyway the whole fucking shitshow is just fucking mental really.
seriously who the fuck gives these fucks these turns of phrase that people start parroting like tards 24 hrs later? it's too fucking bizarre

Reading their tweets was the first time

Exactly. This was calculated

You don't worship a holiday. Idiots.

mine too.
weird how they all got the same message. in some cases very early morning.

Honestly, someone must have texted them or however they get their messages VERY early. but really who could it be? SOME ONE gave them orders and, like sheep they ALL followed it.
strange af desu

>SOME ONE gave them orders
My first thought as well, total puppets

Never in my life time have I ever thought about WW3 being liberals vs freedom of speech vs religious freedom vs taxes

unironicaly i'm very sleepy lol
any way good thread OP, right on the money.

The same reason illiterate yids signed with a circle instead of an X. Satan fears anything and everything that has to do with our lord

Indeed we will deal with it, in due course.

sleepy bump

satanists usualy kill faggots, because the considder it waste of flesh and unproductive.
you know nothing about satanism.
matter of fact there is a special place for you faggots and pedophiles in hell.

Those damn Easter Worshippers

They didn’t do Christmas either.


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Satanists are basically sectants, who dived into spirituality.

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He's been written off.


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Cringed and uninformed

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They really believe people are too stupid to make the connection of Easter and Christian churches.

>they are falling over themselves not to use the word "Christians"
They were TOLD to use the exact words "Easter Worshippers" for some retarded reason

It's creepy this phrase has never been used before then all of the sudden every kike'd politician uses it on the same day. I wonder if they're just following the HNIC obama or it was planned.

and then there is Ishtar

happens again and again
even just after 911 the phrase GROUND ZERO was inserted into the common lexicon, i remember being freaked out as I knew that the phrase was used in the 60's for the epicentre of a nuke blast (and i'm not fucking saying 911 was some nuke fuckery)


>"holywood satanism"
>not even a little senpai will teach you
no, just that stupid hat tilting

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Wow, trump used the word "christian", he's /ourjude/ now! We cannot allow the antisemites win the 2020 elections!

just read the thread fucko