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Why won’t satanists use the word Christian?

no difference. jews worship themselves just like satan worshipped himself thinking he was hot shit and got rekt out of heaven like a loser.

Get to know a man's asshole you incel losers.

Because it will give victim capital to Christians and the whole strategy in place is about displacing white christians from the society they built.

This means he is out of office soon. KikeNet have cut off his access to the inner sanctum email service.

Friendly reminder that eostre was stolen by the followers of the nailed god

No. Difference.

You stick your dick in shit and then blame the government for your health problems.

Still missing the phrase "by Islamic terrorists", though.

Friendly reminder that Christians were celebrating easter long before Christianity spread to northern europe.

Jesus is Odin.

Both hung on trees. Both stabbed by a spear. Both came back to the living.