The last bastion of any basedness on reddit looks like it's about to get banned. POL is already a clusterfuck of commies, shills and CO. What do, frens?
CringeAnarchy about to be banned
Other urls found in this thread:
clench for impact.
free speech is a bitch mate.
pretty much the only reason to go to Reddit. Some people are talking about but I'm having trouble getting in the room. Some say it's #cran or #cringeanarchy. I just downloaded the app but I have no experience with how it works.
imagine even knowing that this subreddit exists. who in their right mind even goes on reddit whatsoever. You are part of the problem, giving traffic to them. How old are you, 18? How many dozens of lbs over weight? Im gonna guess 19 years old and 6 dozens
big F
>look goy you got 24 hours
>2 hour later
>that's it youre done for
Stop posting on reddit?
Its filled with nu-males and cucks. The entire point system revolves around group think. It revolves around political correctness.
> Banned sub for looking at clouds and seeing shapes.
reddit is a CIA honeypot, don't post there
CA wasn't. CA was like pol but you could get rid of the shills.
they will come, they will be redpilled with facts they cannot deny. shatter their weak illusions and hopes and show them the reality.
remember, you are here forever.
At least until they come for the chans.
The internet days of free speech are counted.
To you Jow Forums. Cheers.
No one gives a fuck incel, fuck you.
did you see someone post something about an app called It's suppose to be like discord but not cucked with trannies.
it will be extremely painful... for (((them)))
Nice attempt at optimism, but they are too stupid, too stubborn, and too egotistical to even allow authentic, factual information to enter their brains. Yuri predicted this shit in the 70s-80s.
what the fuck are you even doing on reddit in 2019? even if i didn't hate their politics they would still be faggots
That interview is probably the best redpill in existence.
same here. only reason I would go to reddit, lots of basedness and more organized than pol.
CA was pretty much the only place left to meme on reddit. It was pol without all the constant shilling and pictures of brown people saying "die whitey".
Reddit is a perfect example of what goes wrong when a forum with an agenda gains popularity. The voting system and psuedo authority given to people with likes and karma is appalling. Not to mention the post history and everythig else. Usig reddit to begin with is being complicit in a system that we reject wholeheartedly. Delete your account and never go back
>culture you have encouraged and fostered goes against our TOS
What the fuck is it with leftists and abstractions
oh you're from reddit.
so? if they are to stupid, eventually they will give up and gtfo. if they are not, they will try to find a weakpoint in a redpill, they will dig and they will suffer the truth.
Follow it up by reading pic related if you haven't. If you're not completely hooked by Page 8, you're a faggot. I will post an excerpt as well.
Who in the fuck cares about yet another sub-leddit
Please, kill yourself.
Page 8.
Last excerpt.
Oh great, more zoomer newfags. Like this board doesn’t have enough already.
Mostly 30 year old boomers. sip.
CA was good
Quick rundown?
A while ago they redpilled a bunch of people and everyday there was one post from them on the front page which caused sjw to be mad. Sjw got CA to be quarantined after making fun of one of the investors wife's. Now they are being removed. Also reddit censored all of the porn subs and piracy ones. Admins tried to kill off a bunch of piracy sites before they reset themselves tp stay up.
>It was pol without all the constant shilling and pictures of brown people saying "die whitey".
this, CA was much better than Jow Forums has been since 2015
Reddit has been on a ban spree starting with the MDE sub. Basically every right leaning sub that isn't the_donald has gotten shut down except CringeAnarchy. They take down the backup subs, or put them into quarantine (not publicly available unless you manually opt-in). At the time CA got quarantined (6 months or so ago) it had nearly half a million subs and was the biggest sub of it's kind (which was basically redpilling normies by stealing Jow Forums memes).
Expect a massive flood of CA users here in the next day or 2.
Right now they are redirecting people to riot which is better.
means more Ieddit fags incoming
cannot unsee
Holy shit, Jow Forums really is infested with redditors. I thought it was just a meme, but you guys love to browse shitty echo chamber forums. Reddit isn't bad because it disagrees with us; it's bad because it has all of the negatives of a traditional forum with none of the positives. It has a shitty karma system, and people will look at your post history in order to avoid confronting what you're saying. It lacks the strong community that forums tend to have as almost all redditors are tourists who won't stay in a particular community for long before leaving to follow the next trend. On normal forums, these redditors would be called out for being newfags and be told to conform to the site's culture. On reddit however, newfags are ignored because "they're a redditor like us--who cares if they've never even browsed this particular community before"
The only reason to browse Reddit is to hear your opinions repeated back to you. If your opinions don't conform, you're deleted, and people desiring to redpill people on reddit are misguided at best. Encouraging redditors to come to Jow Forums is only going to lower post quality and make it more difficult to influence the mainstream. If you want to directly convince people of your political opinions, it'd be better to go on a place that isn't as heavily policed like Twitter or Facebook or whatever. Otherwise, you're just wasting your time and lowering post quality by encouraging redditor hordes to ruin our culture.
Anybody that actually posts on reddit is someone that desperately needs validation from other retarded faggots. They are not people that would fit in. Every other board dislikes Jow Forums because of the fact that you, in contrast to literally every other group on Jow Forums, relish in inviting newfags. People don't hate you because you're based and redpilled, they hate you because you infest their board with the worst kinds of newfags.
I hate nu/pol/ so much.
Didn't read lmao
Reddit has more circlejerking, Jow Forums has more shills. It's a tradeoff. And pol def isn't what it used to be and that has nothing to do with reddit.
Why cant i view this subreddit? Says I have to contact the admins. Who?
imagine caring this much
Betterchan is dead, gets shills and banned tor.
We need to direct the newfags to go to voat or riot.
that place was unironically better than here. there are so many fucking faggot shills on pol.
Everyone on CA was also a Jow Forumstard. People can use multiple sites you know.
It was good because sometimes it was like browsing Jow Forums but without having to filter out all the shills and unfunny or witless content.
>implying this entire board isn’t a CIA honeypot
>Implying the cia doesn't own Jow Forums and betterchan and are controlling our views to make sure we don't get to know too much.
who gives a fuck
Duh, haven't you seen homeland?
>you shouldn't care about what happens to your community because that's so cuh ringe
Wow! I never thought about it that way.
I went there and got downvoted for saying a completely objective point. I am a conservative, but I'm not an incel. These guys are being banned for their incessant hatred for women.
Imagine that, hating the women who will birth our white children. Get a fucking reality check, women are whores because men are only looking for sex, start actually courting them and helping them grow as women.
Even if they betray you, you're doing what you have to do to gamble at starting a family.
This is how our ancestors did it, stop being an entitled faggot.
Because it's not going to stop at reddit, it will come to Jow Forums Jow Forums eventually. It's already started happening with 4channel.
Quite true, redditors are a bunch of conformist fags who only seek self validation.
Maybe they might be able to be broken down and rebuilt, but this is unlikely.
It is a shame that Jow Forums has experienced such a decline, especially Jow Forums.
There are still some good discussions to be had, but this board is good for little more than newfags squabbling, side threads and the occasional happening.
I honestly believe it might be possible to leave now, as Jow Forums is no longer the same as it was.
The mindset will remain, so you'll be such here metaphorically, but I don't think that I shall bother coming back here until the 2020 elections.
At least then there'll be some shits and giggles to be had.
There is one advantage to plebbit. One.
Because anyone can create a sub-plebbit, and because the website has a substantial userbase, any interest can be represented. If you have, say, an emerging technology and every company has their own unique design ideas and philosophies, plebbit allows you to have a place for each one individually. There is no website better at representing niche interests.
But yeah, if it has more than five digits of people subscribed, or it isn't a technical sub, then it's going to be shitty as sure as the sun rises.
I say we use them as a scapegoat and let them go out with a bang.
that sites groupthink disgusts me, propaganda wet dream.
Fusion centers have more nigger power than you think.
This thread is full of retards who think everyone on reddit is a leftist. CringeAnarchy is the last redpilled sub on that site and once it goes down anyone on there who already wasn’t on pol will come here now.
Dude Jow Forums is going to be banned in Britain in 2 months and I am not even joking.
>will come here
on second thought we should endeavour to help your fellow plebbits
my fav reddit thing is people asking for jokes to have a /s on the end of them, because asking people to Get Jokes is too much
>bongs will be gone
>sad day
No we're not. Banned for posting Serena Williams memes (wife of cofounder of reddit), for blaming (((certain people))) for (((electrical fires))), Taydolf Swiftler memes and 13/50 posting.
Damn shame it is. There goes 90 percent of the reason I still have an account there. I took a look at the voat equivalent and somehow voat is even more cancerous. They try way too hard to be edgy and "redpilled". Oh well, I still got Jow Forums. Not a significant loss.
Bong police are great entertainment.
Voat is fucked too with shills.
In my experience with courting women, I try and wait a before we start having sex, and they ghost me in the first week. Whereas I know I could have fucked them and they probably would have hing around for a few months before shit went sideways. I flip flop on seeing it as aa bullet dodged or an opportunity missed.
"Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." -JFK
They think they can contain some sort of permanent control through their censorship. It's going to explode in their faces tenfold more.
yes I post on /mu/ sometimes and always get warned for racism from saying kike spic or nigger
But that's exactly it. Previously people that had niche hobbies made forums and websites all about that particular hobby. Now they make sub-reddits instead of forums. Reddit has centralized all of what was previously individual forums with their own culture and rules.
Reddit is responsible for the decline of forums everywhere, and reddit is much worse than traditional forums for anyone with eccentric views. Unlike forums which each had their own rules, and the culture was free to grow uninhibited, reddit smothers any individuality in forums with its centralized rules and moderation. The only plus is that setting up a website is more time consuming and costly.
If Jow Forums goes to hell, which it might after the 2020 elections, where would we go?
Betterchan is the same but slower and there is nothing really else out there right now. Would be go back to irc or newgrounds?
Betterchan? You don't mean cripplechan, do you? User created boards was a mistake.
Reddit used to be a goldmine. I miss the good old days.
Yeah the separation and splitting of boards with the slow post speeds makes it shit.
You mean when it was mostly jailbait and run by Jow Forums users?
They can’t do shit about it if you aren’t a bong can they?
we should take back /b/ tbhfam
How the fuck would that even work? I mean, have you SEEN /b/ lately?
So much for free speech.
can it be worse than Jow Forums these days?
Then it wasn’t like pol
You just need a couple terabytes of trap0rn.
You have to go back
IRC would be the solution but I fear what we actually get will be a Discord server.
Free speech as long as its not hate speech, bigot.
What's hate speech? Whatever we don't like.
Same memes, same topics, same people. Seems like pol to me.
>trap porn
>mostly porn from insta or facebook
>reused threads from every day
>gay threads
> the one or two threads a week that are good
>CA was like pol
Actually weirdly true.
And if the niche wasn't big enough for it's own website, then you were out of luck. Hope you like the developer forums for whatever you want to know about, if those are publicly available.
but yes, centralizing everything possible under the same website and the same system with the same tendency towards pettyness was broadly worse than it was better significantly.
Hai fellow MAGAPEDES! I've never been here before but heard about it a lot from The Donald and Cringe Anarchy. I guess I'm going to check you guys out, I even got a Jow Forums pass!
Anywho, it took me a while to figure this place out but I figured out how to make an account! Can't wait to chat with you guys more, I still can't figure out how to make a new thread lol, but found a tutorial on you tube
You can call me SammySamarinoPumpkin xD
>People unironically believe hate speech are speeches they hate or hateful sounding speeches
Depending on what happens I can get a vps to put an irc server on but it might have a max of 100-300 users at a time and be text only due to budget.
I'm not even going to look at the board before posting this.
Here are the threads that are probably up right now
>trap thread
>dickrate thread
>rekt thread
>kik thread
>about 5 different porn threads with no posts
>furry thread
>loli thread
>snapchat nudes thread
>cum tribute thread
Now go there and tell me how right I am.
You're thinking of /b/. this is Jow Forums we're talking about.