CringeAnarchy about to be banned

CA wasn't. CA was like pol but you could get rid of the shills.

they will come, they will be redpilled with facts they cannot deny. shatter their weak illusions and hopes and show them the reality.

remember, you are here forever.

At least until they come for the chans.

The internet days of free speech are counted.
To you Jow Forums. Cheers.

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No one gives a fuck incel, fuck you.

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did you see someone post something about an app called It's suppose to be like discord but not cucked with trannies.

it will be extremely painful... for (((them)))

Nice attempt at optimism, but they are too stupid, too stubborn, and too egotistical to even allow authentic, factual information to enter their brains. Yuri predicted this shit in the 70s-80s.

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what the fuck are you even doing on reddit in 2019? even if i didn't hate their politics they would still be faggots

That interview is probably the best redpill in existence.