So many blue pilled faggots on here. You make me want to hop behind your proxies and beat the shit out of you Only one way to get red pilled.... and thats TIME AND ATTENTION looking at true information Wilhelm Reich
Hit watch later on the videos, and bookmark the websites. Stop being faggots and stop being misdirected by the jews from the most accurate scientific understanding of reality and biology. You can get most of these guys works on torrents
Nicholas Cooper
I know about wim, but give us tldr on the others to start the debate please.
>inb4 thread gets derailed and hidden
Nathaniel Peterson
Crystals and pyramids are all faggot peudoscience. Some orgone kook came to our town trying to make it rain with his kook contraption. Guess what, it didn't fucking work.
Read Reichs work don't follow the new age faggots that peddle pyramids.
Reich's discovery was that the ether is the reason for biogenesis. I have done some experiments with Wilhelm Reichs Orgon Accumulator, there is something to it.
Learn to master kundalini and you can see the astral without going into a trance, you can get vast information about your surroundings, read people's energies, see their intention and the truth.
Lincoln Rodriguez
fuck off to
Ayden King
kundalini is satanic, do not delve into it
Samuel Myers
Is it not politically correct enough for you?
Brayden Cooper
What makes you say that?
Grayson White
i kind of can not "Astral" as in projecting but working on it
>I know about wim, but give us tldr on the others to start the debate please. dude i literally gave you golden information. This is going to take you the summer to digest. The quickest rundown is that reality is a manifestation of mind. The information ive presented teaches you just how powerful and influential the mind and subconscious are.
Your brain transmits 44 milllion bits of information to the vacuum every second. 4 million is conscious, 40 million is subconscious. This info teaches you how to tap in to the subconscious so you make sure you are not causing negative ripples to the spacetime
no one cares about you canada. Change that by learning about Wilhelm Reichs work.
Carter Johnson
the reason why american money is green is because the psychologists who made it wanted to tap in to peoples hearts/care in order to control their minds
Same, read my frank kepple link. I have reached level three a few times and boy.. the places you see there. I can not describe it, but once you see it.
Alexander Scott
>Read Reichs work don't follow the new age faggots that peddle pyramids. hey moron. The orgonite casts are an innovation of his work. Instead of using steel wool and sheep wool, you use metal shavings and fiberglass. Do you even understand what his work demonstrates?
LONDON (Reuters) - Up to 70 percent of British men and half of all Western European men are related to the Egyptian Pharaoh Tutankhamun, geneticists in Switzerland said. From at least the 12th century the Glastonbury area has been associated with the legend of King Arthur, a connection promoted by medieval monks who asserted that Glastonbury was Avalon. Christian legends have claimed that the abbey was founded by Joseph of Arimathea in the 1st century.
Joseph of Arimathea was, according to all four canonical Christian Gospels, the man who assumed responsibility for the burial of Jesus after his crucifixion. A number of stories that developed during the Middle Ages connect him with Glastonbury, where the stories said he founded the earliest Christian oratory, and also with the Holy Grail legend.
your parents minds chose to make you. before that theirs did. all the way back to Gods mind creating matter/spirit for free will to make its own choices
The Deoxyribonucleic Hyperdimension Since 1993 The most effective thing that psychedelics did was they triggered great ideas in highly creative self-actualized individuals who were very stable and produced new memes, new visions...The people who had the most effect were the people who were most creative and could transmit that energy.—Bruce Eisner, LSD & Aldous Huxley's Island
this chart is kind of disinfo/ extremely incomplete.
Liam Evans
I have read his stuff and can honestly say no I do not understand all of it. I think he made some wrong conclusions. But all this pyramid orgonite is missing a key component of all his apparatus an empty space. pic related
As someone who makes Organite and has studied Reichs work the shit pictured in OP pisses me off to no fucking end. Useless fucking new age tourist pieces of garbage that not only do nothing but can actively cause harm to people who buy them.
These things are literally useless.
Ryan Adams
his work demonstrates that by layering certain organic and inorganic compunds... you can strengthen the incoming energy from the vacuum. All matter does it already, but you can use matter in certain configurations to heighten the flow rate. Thats what he means by Orgone Energy accumulator. Your body is a magnet. Check out Joe Dispenza for the info on that
Nicholas Scott
yeah it's basic what would be good source for more info on it am interested
Have you done an evacuated accumulator? I tried to photograph the disembodied lightflashes, and what I found you can see them but not photograph them with a regular camera.
Noah Thomas
I've been practicing wim hofs breathing for some time now. If I do it for a prolonged period of time my whole body begins to vibrate, like every cell. Lately I have begun to naturally begin to activate this reaction even without doing the breathing. It is like my body resonates with its environment. I do feel it especially in my central nervous system in the spine. What is the benefits of this if there are any? It is connected to the brain, but in what way? I learned about chakras from my friend initially and this guy. Joe Dispenza again, mentions it but he refers to the pools by the associated glands
Gabriel Ramirez
Could you recommend a good supplier? Even if it's you?
David Johnson
I don't mean to say that you're a bad person, I'm just saying I'm okay with a self-plug in this case.
Benjamin Nguyen
Joe Dispenzas technique is more calculated in this video. Its short but packed
Wim never explains what you are able to do with this except manage the temperature of the body. Can you do more than that? Does maybe Dispenza explain it better?
Noah Kelly
Im gonna make an orgone accumulator box this summer. In the winter im gonna start making orgonite.
you can email this guy. He makes it and knows other makers.
Charles Miller
I'm referring to how 99.9% of organite is made and marketed today. The main component of organite for the purpose of accumulating and 'transforming' 'energy' is the piezoelectric function of alpha quartz under stress.
Pretty much every piece of organite you see on the market uses a shitty clear resin whoes properties do not have enough pressure to activate the piezoelectric effect. The other thing is that the metals used are for the most part fucking usless as well. Aluminium shaving, fucking really? If you look at the multidimensional properties of aluminium you'll find its the lowest/worst metal to use for an orgone accumulator/transmutor.
Benjamin Morgan
watch the video bruh. Make sure you hit watch later on every video i put. Also bookmark all the links I put
"Every magnetic field must emerge from a singularity" Nassim Haramein
you got a youtube channel or website? Aluminum has its place dude. The way I view it, if you dump a bunch of any one thing in it, its going to be out of balance.
Jay Parker has been my primary Orgonite casting teacher. And he is one of the most red pilled people who are in the public spotlight.
show me your wares already. if you want to shill your own superior product at least show us where to get it and why it is better.
Hudson Diaz
This always bugged me about all the orgone items for sale, they did not seem to conform to the basic specs Reich laid out in his books. It’s been years since I read them but might try to build something myself.
Because your ass is too lazy to summarize the info within your post and you complain when someone asks for a rundown? Fuck your lazy ass faggot op and fuck your low effort bread.
ORGON ACC! Build a box with this layering. Make it as small as possible to still comfortably sit in (you should not touch the metal when sitting). Keep it dry. Make the inner sheets of metal fit as snuggly as possible. Make a slit for air.
Just imagined a fat american trying to reach me from my monitor but is too fat to actually get through so he sways his hand around angrily while im standing there laughing literally inches from him.