Ah yes, Wilhelm Reich. The father of weaponized pedophilia...
Suppressed science thread
who members Space Elevator thread?
Read books written Swedenborg and Jung
Read the Vedas
Learn Vipassana meditation if you want to really master the power of prana/chi
And also there is this you can look into:
>Kalachakra Initiation:
Read Reichs work don't follow the new age faggots that peddle pyramids.
Reich's discovery was that the ether is the reason for biogenesis.
I have done some experiments with Wilhelm Reichs Orgon Accumulator, there is something to it.
i do didnt look in it though was it gud m8?
Learn to master kundalini and you can see the astral without going into a trance, you can get vast information about your surroundings, read people's energies, see their intention and the truth.
fuck off to
kundalini is satanic, do not delve into it
Is it not politically correct enough for you?