I'm conservative and my girlfriend is a bisexual sjw. We've been together for over a year

I'm conservative and my girlfriend is a bisexual sjw. We've been together for over a year.

80% of the time I despise her, her politics, her "free spirit", and honestly her. Whenever she opens her mouth I kind of want to beat her senseless.

10% of the time she's a great fuck and is physically attractive.

10% of the time she's an educated person who is fun to talk to and makes me feel comfortable.

I want to branch swing and find someone better than her before I let her go. But before I do that I'm trying to get to the root of why everything she does infuriates me. I don't get mildly annoyed and block he rout- I can't. I get triggered by every gay friend she has, every lgbtq shit she supports, every "anti-heteronormative" thing she does, every socialist point she has, and the fact that she comes from a 0.01% wealthy family who all drive Porschesx Maseratis and own multiple properties thanks to, well, capitalism.she lives at home and doesn't work and I'm more self-made than she and bust my ass in a high stress career

I've lost sleep literally seething at who she is as a person, and that it doesn't make sense. She's expressed confusion as to how she's do "lucky" she has me which just makes me question if she's only with me because her alternatives are actual abusive fat lesbians and basedboys (memes aside, she only has queer friends, so this is actually true)

How the fuck did I get here and what's going on? For every time someone asks me "why are you with her if you're so incompatible", I wonder if she ever thinks the same about me.

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A great fuck does not make a happy marriage I'm afraid.

If you're looking for a wife I would pass on this one.

Well tell us, why did you even get with her in the first place ? does she know about your political ideas ?

>I want to branch swing and find someone better than her before I let her go.
your girlfriend might suck, you're a real shitty person

When I got with her she was a chill girl who was laid back, shared some of my ideals, had a job and her own place, and I felt at ease and secure with her, and she felt the same.

As time went on (month 10 I'd say) I saw how deep the rabbit hole went. Plus she stopped working. The person who showed up on our first date is NOT the person I see day to day now.

I swear to God if she was more of an open book when we first met I wouldn't even ask her out or talk to her. I'd look at her as a weirdo and never give her the time of day.

It's fairly common to get disproportionally angry over things people you're close with do because you are with them all the time and you see their behavior as reflecting on yourself. That's all I have. Sure someone having radically different views is a trigger for most people, and it's pretty obnoxious to spout off the non-materialism doctrine while living off your family's money.

At the same time, you hate this girl at times yet you stay silent enjoying her sex and the relationship, buying your time until you are sure someone else is willing to take her place. That's pretty revolting behavior to most people as well and she sure would hate you if she knew.

Because you're weird and way to political. And i fucking hate sjws. Stop being a pussy and break up with her like a man. Feeling around for another partner while keeping your own is the most woman thing you can do.

>Feeling around for another partner while keeping your own is the most woman thing you can do.

Meh she's probably doing the same thing. When the game is stacked against you fuck the rules

dump her now

She's pretty and you're stupid
Same as everyone else
Leave her or start using drugs 5000 x more
You'll be way cool with what she says
Fucking baby
Real conservatives fix their own problems or at least talk to their families not this public shit show

If you really believed that then you'd be sucking dicks

That logic is just a way for you to justify being a shitty person.

Logic is reasoning based in fact
just call him a retard or you inadvertently boost his ego BkAz At LeAsT aHm RiTe

Local man finds out her gf has autism but doesnt want to drop her because horny

Yes. These are the people that get girls. Personality is a meme. You just have to be exciting.

you could aslo be angry cause your working hard for what you have and she got it all for free and is just fucking around with all these sjw stuff remember like the one guy said her and it holds true is that small things build and build till it blows and if you are as successful as you are call her out on her shit or brake up and get a nuwe one

>you could aslo be angry cause your working hard for what you have and she got it all for free and is just fucking around with all these sjw stuff

This is my thought process most of the time. She likes to shit on people without "ethics" who are just in it for the money.... Despite her dad being a millionaire lawyer who went in it for money and she reaps all the benefits of it.

Honestly if she was rich and just owned being rich I'd rather deal with that then her role-playing as a freedom fighter for poor brown people before she gets bored and drives home in her Lexus. Because I know actual poor brown people who never got many chances in life to succeed and it's condescending the shit that she says. Makes my head hurt just thinking about it

This is often the way it goes my friend
All the houses in all the rich neighborhoods I've ever been through have signs that say "no war, no occupation, no empire" and "refugees welcome here" despite their empire allowing them to have $1mm+ houses (USA btw)

You can do better, trust me, I had a similar situation and it's just not worth it
You can't "redpill" them fundamentally either because girls like this are so because of their temperament, aka they literally see the world different than you do

breakup with her
make no mistake that if you have these political differences you disagree on a fundamental spiritual level. If you disagree on a fundamental spiritual level the relationship will never last.

Even excluding that why would you want to be with a person you despise so much? Women are suppose to compliment you no oppose you

OP is so repressed and wagecucked by his gf that he should suck a dick or two. You know, for spite. (so she can laugh at his shit mental state, and we can too)

OP wants to date a rich girl but cannot handle rich people, lol.
What, you want her to act like Trump just because her dad is a rich lawyer?
She's playing her part, being a rich SJW. You aren't. You don't belong because you're a poser. She'll find someone better to replace you.
That's why people date within their class. Cause values never match up when dating outside your class.

By 'sjw' I hope you mean she is full blown weird and not just 'I think racism is stupid'

You can tell us this but you can't tell her. You need to tell her everything. Tell her how rich she is and that being a SJW makes her look stupid. You know you want to.

It's because they base their identity in things they have nothing to do with, contribute nothing toward, and had no part in founding.

It's because they soak up credit for things they never did, said or embodied.

you sound like a faggot

Only American coastal rich people do this. Americans in the south with money don't do this shit, neither does the rich in any other part of the world.

Either make an effort to be less conservative and closed minded, or leave her.

>she comes from a 0.01% wealthy family who all drive Porschesx Maseratis
Lol beautiful
It makes me mad when a promising person is on a course to ruin their lives for politics. Left or Right it's embarrassing and such a waste. The leadership and thinkers behind these ideological divides do not give a shit about you, never give your life to one. Dating someone who is wrapped up in one is like watching someone get into a drug habit, ugly and embarrassing.
Most of the time personal politics reflect something shitty inside.. In her case it is probably a need to feel righteous, moral, and have meaning in life, as a reaction to being a plain and boring rich girl who will never have to struggle for anything. The guilt can get to people. Or, she is reacting to poor treatment from men. The sex positivity leads to lots of casual partners playing you for sex, then not calling back, which naturally leads to more extreme feminism and anger, combined with doubling down on sex positivity so as to not admit you made a mistake and got played by your ideology of choice
Do not get involved in politics, and avoid people who are

Does she has similar objectives to yours, if not, dump her.

>lacks self-awareness, emotional intelligence to even understand his fucking feelings and empathy
This is too real for a bait.

>"why are you with her if you're so incompatible", I wonder if she ever thinks the same about me.
Probably. But wimin tend to have a pretty high bullshit threshold and attempt to look at positives. Since you're probably haven't been too abusive towards her and have some positive qualities, it's kinda given she'll tolerate your shit.

I had a few friends giving cuckservatives a chance and usually the guy really had to overdo it at being dismissive or stalking them to their workplace for them to consider break ups.

>conservative in Jow Forums
You see, I am shocked, as 4channel tends to be far-left leaning Taiwanese cartoon forum.

He is a faggot. He just doesn't know it yet, reason why he dates a tumblerete, hopping that she shows him the truth.

If she doesn't agree with 100% of what you think then she is either evil or retarded. MAGA!

I am talking about long term plans such as buying a house, raising kids por moving to another state.