I'm conservative and my girlfriend is a bisexual sjw. We've been together for over a year

If you really believed that then you'd be sucking dicks

That logic is just a way for you to justify being a shitty person.

Logic is reasoning based in fact
just call him a retard or you inadvertently boost his ego BkAz At LeAsT aHm RiTe

Local man finds out her gf has autism but doesnt want to drop her because horny

Yes. These are the people that get girls. Personality is a meme. You just have to be exciting.

you could aslo be angry cause your working hard for what you have and she got it all for free and is just fucking around with all these sjw stuff remember like the one guy said her and it holds true is that small things build and build till it blows and if you are as successful as you are call her out on her shit or brake up and get a nuwe one

>you could aslo be angry cause your working hard for what you have and she got it all for free and is just fucking around with all these sjw stuff

This is my thought process most of the time. She likes to shit on people without "ethics" who are just in it for the money.... Despite her dad being a millionaire lawyer who went in it for money and she reaps all the benefits of it.

Honestly if she was rich and just owned being rich I'd rather deal with that then her role-playing as a freedom fighter for poor brown people before she gets bored and drives home in her Lexus. Because I know actual poor brown people who never got many chances in life to succeed and it's condescending the shit that she says. Makes my head hurt just thinking about it

This is often the way it goes my friend
All the houses in all the rich neighborhoods I've ever been through have signs that say "no war, no occupation, no empire" and "refugees welcome here" despite their empire allowing them to have $1mm+ houses (USA btw)

You can do better, trust me, I had a similar situation and it's just not worth it
You can't "redpill" them fundamentally either because girls like this are so because of their temperament, aka they literally see the world different than you do

breakup with her
make no mistake that if you have these political differences you disagree on a fundamental spiritual level. If you disagree on a fundamental spiritual level the relationship will never last.

Even excluding that why would you want to be with a person you despise so much? Women are suppose to compliment you no oppose you

OP is so repressed and wagecucked by his gf that he should suck a dick or two. You know, for spite. (so she can laugh at his shit mental state, and we can too)