So should Kosovo be Albanian or Serbian?
So should Kosovo be Albanian or Serbian?
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3 countries ive never heard of lmao
fuck off kike
>spent almost all of its medieval existence as a vassal of byzantium without any notable achievements
>entire medieval heraldry borrowed from byzantium
>'''''their'''' cyrillic script was created and spread by bulgarians
>had an '''''''''empire'''''''' that didn't even last a single generation, left no notable traces or built anything of significance
>medieval core of the serbian state formerly known as raška now more popularly known as Sandžak, given its name by turks
>medieval core of serbian state is now majority muslim
>betrayed each other at the battle of kosovo
>betrayed crusaders in crusade of varna at a key moment in battle against turks dooming the entire balkan peninsula
>later fought extensively on the side of the turks
>230.000 registered muslims in serbia (excluding kosovo)
>150.000 registered gypsies in serbia, third largest ethnic group in the country
>spent half a millenia under turkish occupation
>over 8.000 turkish words in the serbian language
>got rid of the turkish occupaiton only after centuries of internal strife inside the ottoman empire and with extensive help from other countries
>first serbian dictionary caame to existence only in the 19th century
>chimped out 4 times in the 90's larping as crusaders, manage to lose each war
>kill a few thousand muslims but still lose kosovo to them, another center of medieval serbia
>kill a few thousand catholics and banish several hundred thousand from bosnia
>destroyed and looted over 300 catholic religious objects in the wars of the 90s throughout bosnia, serbia and croatia including monasteries, graveyards, churches that survived the ottoman invasions
>have to act as russian cockholders and use them as leverage for politics because they have made enemies from everyone in europe
it already is over 90% albanian
Technically yes but I hope it's never reclaimed because there's legitimately nothing funnier than Serbian butthurt
nobody cares, all countries are plantations and youre the slaves.
Neither, it was always pure georgian aryan blood until russian mongolian faggots replaced us with sandniggers and a couple slavic faggots.
pssssst Shlomo, we talking about countrys that existed before 1945 ;)
After Germany and Italy started fascist conquests and genocides in WW2 they lost some territory as punishment, Serbia and Montenegro(that was controlled by Serbia) started fascist conquests and genocides in the 90s, so I think loss of territory in form of Kosovo is a good punishment. I mean they weren't really punished that hard, fascist warmongers from the 90s are still present in Serbian politics, Serbia and Montenegro promised to return stolen items and pay reparations and they still haven't done that, they are obligated but they "postponed" it, Serbian goverment also denies war crimes, Montenegrins at least said that they are sorry, but Serbians don't so I think this is a good punishment.
Also Serbia had time to integrate Kosovo, but they genocided Albanians and of course they wanted to be independent
As for status of Kosovo, it should either be independent multiethnic country or split by Albania and Serbia, in this case Albania would get most of Kosovo, Serbia just ethnic and culturally important areas(e.g. Ibarski Kolašin, Peć)
Kosovo je srce Srbije.
Whsts point of these threads again? Balkaners sucking cuck to bunch of westerners, could we please adress to real issue for white race
You were the only Axis country to actually gain territory after the war, shut the fuck up. Also you started the 90s war, not us.
>Hrvati su najhrabriji narod na svetu, ne zato što se ničega ne boje, nego zato što se ničega ne stide.
>You were the only Axis country to actually gain territory after the war
We weren't Axis country, ustashe were a regime that Germans and Italians put in place, they had almost no support, even other ustashe didn't support main ustashe.
Croatia had most partisans in whole Yugoslavia. In 1942, 1943 and 1944 an actual resistance movment was present only in Croatia and Bosnia.
I could more easily say that Serbia was an Axis country because there was almost no resistance after uprising in 1941 and while ustashe were giving many Jews and Serbs Ariyan certificates like tickets Belgrade was first "Juden-frei" capital in Europe
>gain territory
We lost Syrmia and Kotor, but we gained Istria and Baranya, it was a switch or a trade, not a gain
>Hrvati su najhrabriji narod na svetu, ne zato što se ničega ne boje, nego zato što se ničega ne stide.
This quote is stupid, of course we are ashamed by things ustashe criminals did, but most Croats were against that
it already is albanian
>existed before 1945
There's not even any question there, Kosovo was the birthplace of Serbia. Kosovo is Serbia.
Become the dirt beneath my feet you tractorturbonigger
No, Kosovo is independent country
Yes, you were an Axis country.
>Croatia had most partisans in whole Yugoslavia. In 1942, 1943 and 1944 an actual resistance movment was present only in Croatia and Bosnia.
The first liberated city in all of Europe was in Serbia, the Uzice Republic was in Serbia and you had strong Chetnik/Partisan presence everywhere. In Croatia and Bosnia most of the resistance were Serbs.
>We lost Syrmia and Kotor, but we gained Istria and Baranya, it was a switch or a trade, not a gain
You didn't have them in the first place. No other Axis country gained any land, while you did. Also you kept after genociding Serbs territory with Serbian majority.
>This quote is stupid, of course we are ashamed by things ustashe criminals did, but most Croats were against that
It summarizes arguing with you very well. Shame literally isn't a concept for you and you can't keep yourselves from lying and decieving.
if its independent then why the fuck still begs us to declared independence
>t.urko albanian diaspora
i dont understand you anti-serb people
why support a religion willing to take over your lands and rape your women?
it just shows how brainwashed you people are by anti-serb propaganda
it appears that western faggotry has fully taken over
>i dont understand you anti-serb people
Do you realize there are several muslims and non whites or antifa lurking this threads... whats your surprise?
kosovo threads are the only threads which really show the identites behind Jow Forumslacks - mudslime loving faggots
>croaches side with bosnisan and albanian turks
>get removed as well
>hurr durr
>after the war bosnian turks start to removed croaches from bosnia
>serbs please help
kill a croat so that a šiptar/albanian has no brother
>mudslime loving faggots
It's not 'mudslime loving faggots', it's muslims per se.
fucking kike-tard you were the reason for it
>Yes, you were an Axis country
You have no actual arguments, Just some propaganda bullshit, you are just dumb. If you say Croatia was an Axis country then you acknowledge Serbia was also, because Serbia had puppet regime in the same way Croatia had, and was even more efficient in genocide. Neither Croatia nor Serbia were Axis countries in WW2, if you think this you are stupid.
>The first liberated city in all of Europe was in Serbia, the Uzice Republic was in Serbia and you had strong Chetnik/Partisan presence everywhere. In
I know Serbia had resistance in 1941, but after Užice resistance was defeated it there was almost no resistance
>Croatia and Bosnia most of the resistance were Serbs.
In Bosnia yes, in Croatia no, only at the very begging Serbs were a most of Croatian partisans, later Croats were majority. Milovan Đilas was even jelous of Andrija Hebrang because he wasn't able to organize as big uprising in Montenegro as Hebrang and Gošnjak organized in Croatia. So again you are wrong, just read a bit about history and you will realize it
>You didn't have them in the first place. No other Axis country gained any land, while you did.
Again if you knew something about history you would knew we had them.
>Also you kept after genociding Serbs territory with Serbian majority.
War crimes were commited by some Croats, but Serbs still remained majority everywhere they were before the war, they even became majority in Knin here they weren't majority before war crimes. Also don't accuse me for something somebody else did. I don't do that to you, ethnic groups cannot share responsibility for war crimes.
>It summarizes arguing with you very well. Shame literally isn't a concept for you and you can't keep yourselves from lying and decieving
No it doesn't summarize anything. In what way could it? I give arguments for things I say, while you give just some propaganda statements with no evidence. Pathetic behaviour...
>Also you started the 90s war, not us.
How did we start the war?? Yugoslav unification became topić for Croatia after 1989, and Croatian politicians suggested to re-organize Yugoslavia into a confederation similarly organized as EU. Other politicians rejected it, Serbian and Montenegrin politicians especially because they were Greater-Serbian fascists. Croatia then used it's constitutional right for self-determination to declare independence and after that forces from Serbia and Montenegro attacked us because they wanted Greater Serbia and they started to turn some Serbs in Croatia against legal gouverment and they even organized a puppet regime RSK for genociding Croats. It was like this, not the other way around.
toxic for Croatia*