Kosovo je srce Srbije.
So should Kosovo be Albanian or Serbian?
Whsts point of these threads again? Balkaners sucking cuck to bunch of westerners, could we please adress to real issue for white race
You were the only Axis country to actually gain territory after the war, shut the fuck up. Also you started the 90s war, not us.
>Hrvati su najhrabriji narod na svetu, ne zato što se ničega ne boje, nego zato što se ničega ne stide.
>You were the only Axis country to actually gain territory after the war
We weren't Axis country, ustashe were a regime that Germans and Italians put in place, they had almost no support, even other ustashe didn't support main ustashe.
Croatia had most partisans in whole Yugoslavia. In 1942, 1943 and 1944 an actual resistance movment was present only in Croatia and Bosnia.
I could more easily say that Serbia was an Axis country because there was almost no resistance after uprising in 1941 and while ustashe were giving many Jews and Serbs Ariyan certificates like tickets Belgrade was first "Juden-frei" capital in Europe
>gain territory
We lost Syrmia and Kotor, but we gained Istria and Baranya, it was a switch or a trade, not a gain
>Hrvati su najhrabriji narod na svetu, ne zato što se ničega ne boje, nego zato što se ničega ne stide.
This quote is stupid, of course we are ashamed by things ustashe criminals did, but most Croats were against that
it already is albanian
>existed before 1945
There's not even any question there, Kosovo was the birthplace of Serbia. Kosovo is Serbia.
Become the dirt beneath my feet you tractorturbonigger
No, Kosovo is independent country
Yes, you were an Axis country.
>Croatia had most partisans in whole Yugoslavia. In 1942, 1943 and 1944 an actual resistance movment was present only in Croatia and Bosnia.
The first liberated city in all of Europe was in Serbia, the Uzice Republic was in Serbia and you had strong Chetnik/Partisan presence everywhere. In Croatia and Bosnia most of the resistance were Serbs.
>We lost Syrmia and Kotor, but we gained Istria and Baranya, it was a switch or a trade, not a gain
You didn't have them in the first place. No other Axis country gained any land, while you did. Also you kept after genociding Serbs territory with Serbian majority.
>This quote is stupid, of course we are ashamed by things ustashe criminals did, but most Croats were against that
It summarizes arguing with you very well. Shame literally isn't a concept for you and you can't keep yourselves from lying and decieving.