Do you agree with Ben?

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Yes. If you can’t take care of yourself, you should die.

Hell no. Grandparents and people struggling shouldn’t die. We’ve all been thru some shit and get back on our feet later

It's not a right. It's a luxury given by others with their time and skill. They need compensation. If you can't afford it, well, god has other plans for you or go to school and learn how to fix yourself

If you want to have a generous welfare system you have to give up open borders.

I do support plans to make healthcare available and affordable, but the idea that it's an unalienable human right to have the government hand you every little thing for free is pure nanny statism.

no reputable conservative is saying this. However, if you live in Bernie Sanders world, anyone who doesn't want to tax the shit out of the middle class and force everybody onto a government rationed system wants to kill granny.

Imagine if your healthcare were run like the DMV. This is the world Bernie Sanders wants to force you to live in.

>you have to give up open borders
Bernie understands, now if only Trump did

Attached: Bernie Sanders on open borders.webm (790x442, 2.82M)

If we had fair tax laws we could easily afford health care for all.

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Grandparents have families and should have amassed enough wealth in their lifetime to take care of themselves in their final years.

kikes talking about how america should be run. What a joke

not bad.

you can't be "generous" with other people's money.

Do you write your mileage off your taxes for transportation to work?
Oh wait...

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The only fair taxes would be no taxes.

I do a job. Somebody gives me money. Government should not steal any of that money. Simple as (unironically).

And if they don't? Tough shit, gramps?

look closer to the top of bens head for your answer to your question

>Ancap brainlet

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Yes, it is tough shit that literally every single person dies at some point.

Unidentified male enters hospital, no ID from a crash site. He has no insurance that is known. According to you, he dies?

Based greenpilled.

Pretty sure we can afford it, considering we just gave huge tax breaks to billionaire corporations that Bernie will reverse.

America is the richest nation in the world. We can afford healthcare for citizens.

Borders are unrelated to this, but sure. I'm sure there are arguments to be made about policing the border more.

>Imagine if your healthcare were run like the DMV. This is the world Bernie Sanders wants to force you to live in.
Pretty sure Medicare for All would not be run like the DMV. More like how it's currently run or like your current insurer.

Suggestions? Real policies

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Blacks and spics aren't people

If you cant pay the prices our jewish financers set you should die.

Is America this idiotic?


Not an argument.

and how do fund the protection of the system that allows you to have job and private property? And no your AR-15 isn't going to stop literal armies, think of something else.

Muh freedom

>and if their social credit score isn't high enough, tough shit incel

Kys kike

so im guessing you dont care that white men have the highest rate of suicide? I mean thats just Darwin in action.

How do I like my eggs in the morning? None of your fucking business. As long as I didn't steal the eggs from you or anyone else, it's none of your concern.

So because of your retarded libertarian beliefs, we can’t reform the tax system? Take your libertarianism and shove it up your ass

If you don't want to pay taxes then stop using public services.

Animals rarely commit suicide


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Yet another non-argument.


Now he’s gonna say he lives entirely off the grid. Yawn

But user, both sides are jewish

>the American way
fuck everyone else I got mine
did you guys know health instance is a recent thing in the last 75 years
75 years ago almost nobody had health insurance

Oh wow. I didn’t expect him to go complete hypocrite mode

Wrong again :^)

How is it hypocritical?

Society should encourage people to form strong family units. If a man cannot find work he starves, if a man cannot find a wife he may not suffer in the short term, but the lack of ability to raise enough children in a stable and strong enough home should be just as damaging as not eating.

People are not individuals, and families are not islands, they are building blocks for the foundations of societies and need to be encouraged, preserved and made strong. The ones that don't make the cut should whither and die.

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>pay no taxes
>use public services
>not hypocritical

>Is America this idiotic?
Yes paying for your own services instead of leeching off other's through taxes is stupid! Brave and powerful post!

>We’ve all been thru some shit and get back on our feet later

Not if you're dying. How far are we supposed to take this medical care bullshit? We could devote 99% of our GDP to keeping people alive until their 200 years old inside a test tube; at SOME POINT you have to make a decision about when to die

No because he's a delusional liar with no valid points who only appeals to other insane people.

This. Natural selection.

The Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs is responsible for making sure those eggs are up to standard in the UK. They are screened for contamination so consumers like you don't get sick. Do you think it's fair to use these services for free?
Do you think it's fair to utilize public services without paying for them?

I never said I don't pay taxes. Are you retarded?

granted, Ben is a conservative and you "people" are inherently dishonest so I don't expect you to tell the truth, ever.

>We can afford healthcare for citizens.

What do you mean by this? Healthcare is not a binary on / off switch, it is a procedure with diminishing returns. The close you get to death the higher and higher costs get.


>shmolo angry people don't wanna pay taxes
Organized civilian militias and private security forces
>we can’t reform the tax system?
What is there to "reform"? I shouldn't be taxed to pay for your services, fuck off leech

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Ben is a fucking Zionist Jew Shill. I'm not even gonna bother looking at that face

Natural selection is the key to maintaining a strong white human race, let the poor blacks die out

He still has to pay taxes even if he didn't use them, lmfao what a terrible comeback

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>Scientists baffled as local Jew says he would rather watch goyim die than part with his shekels. No clear explanation in sight.

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I'll actually give a shit about Bernie when I see him spend all his millions on funding the healthcare of others as a sign of his dedication to the cause he tries to spin to the rest of the country. I still wont agree with him but until he practices what he preaches he can go fuck himself with a rusty pipe.

Instead of trying to have the government take over everything, why not try to actually lower the costs of care directly.

>if you cant obtain your own sustinance, other people should be forced to give it to you.

do you think we have open borders right now?

>DEFRA/other government entity forcibly does something without me asking for it
>pay up, nigga

The existence of these 'services' is unfair to start with because they're paid for by taxes.

People shouldn’t die period but they do. I’m not going to pay for someone else’s inevitability when I have my own to worry about.

Hey user, can you send enough money for food for the rest of my life? You dont wanna let me die do you?

I'd rather give healthcare than sustenance, honestly.
Automation is getting to the point where we'll probably be giving out both soon, but I feel less bad about stopping someone's fucked biology from ending them than I do about throwing money at some dickhead that can't even hit up the begging corner for a day's worth of McDonald's.

>what sub-100 IQ libretardians believe

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If you're starving in this country you are an actual retard and are on disability anyway.
Just quit losing your fucking funnel, git.

Just because we can doesn't mean we should. Some people just don't deserve as well.

Family, friends, local charities, national charities, international charities, religious institutions and loans all can make sure this wouldn't happen. Lmfao what a terrible fucking post, go back to r/FightForIsraelkike

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Yet Another Non-Argument™

>another angry sub 100 IQ Paki who wants all my shekels to pay for your healthcare

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One is more Jew. Probably the one who smiles as poor white people die because their industry was shipped overseas by a certain people

Genocide is not natural selection

Half of Jow Forums is unemployed and would die in a gutter if that was really the case.

Let’s formulate it a different way: I’ll only accept the welfare state with CLOSED borders

A Jewish coil always has two sides.

America does. You might not be America, you have a meme flag. If you come to America you get free schooling for your children and section 8 housing. This is a fact. This is why they come.

You can also get free medical care.It's not as easy as having actual insurance but they will give you care anyway. The state/hospital passes on the cost. They have said as much.

I suggest you do your research, kiddo.

Would be true if it wasn't for the absolute shitshow that is the US medical industry


if there were no patents i would agree but since most medical stuff is artificially expensive there is no answering this from a libertarian point of view

So your saying your unwilling to part from your shekels and are letting me die?

>Automation is getting to the point where we'll probably be giving out both soon

Generally, this is not how technology works. Whenever there is some new food or health technology, human population expands right up to the breaking point of the technology and you STILL get all the misery of people on the fringes.

I'd like to be locked in a room with you and with guarantees that no legal consequences will follow whatever I do to you. I'd like to see what "natural selection" has in store for this scenario.
I hate Americunts so fucking much.

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and how is that different from a nation having an army?

How would a civilian militia defeat an invasion of country with national army? How does a civilian militia stop drone strikes or missiles?
Bernie is not a hypocrite. This is a very retarded thing to believe, and you should really take a look at the mental processes you used to come to think such a moronic thought.

Okay, what stops china from invading your private property and killing you? bubba and his merry band of militia men?

Gee how brutish. No wonder your socialist

lol this comic isnt even an exaggeration

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Hes right tho, theres no laws saying it cant happen, therefor it automatically will.

Smh truth

Bernie wants to abolish private insurance companies that pay for health-care, yet he has insurance and sees a doctor? He is a hippo-crit. If was honest, he would stop using money and learn how to doctor himself!

Yet people still starve to death. Hmm it's almost like charities don't do shit.

>le murder is same as starving

Thank the government for enabling monopolies for that one.
>If we give government full control of healthcare more than it already has it'll be WAY better!
I'd prefer the insurance based/pay as you sue service that the US has than what I have right now in Canada. I'm taxed to death, the service is slow, shit and most times doctors just tell you to go home unless you used 911, in which case they'll look you over before telling you to fuck off because of all the people who use 911 for non emergencies.
>How would a civilian militia defeat an invasion of country with national army?
Yeah you're right the US lost to the UK
>inb4 France
fuck off, France barely had any troops in the US don't even bother.
>How does a civilian militia stop drone strikes or missiles?
People would still develop certain counter measures for defensive use, idk why you even brought that up "Without a huge government how will we survive against missiles and drone strikes!!111" stop.

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None of your fucking business, pal.

>if a charity literally can't feed every single hungry person in the world, they are literally doing nothing.

great argument, we should get rid of the VA because so many vets just kill themselves any way

They shouldn’t die, they should pay what they owe and stop complaining

Yes, the loose band of 13 colonies under a single commander is sure a little militia.

>Health care should be paid for at gunpoint through taxes
>No it shouldn't

How could Ben be so immoral

Healthcare for all is dysgenics in action.
The weak survive, the weak multiply and the next generation is weaker than the last.

ok, so you have no idea how you would actually enact any semblance of your political and economic ideology in the real world. Very Cool!

It will also be better for you if your fellow countrymen never have to worry about how to pay for their healthcare. They'll be able to change jobs easier. Also you get the same benefits of cheaper, more efficient service that doesn't pocket shit tons of money on overhead like insurance and drug companies currently do.