Do you agree with Ben?

kikes talking about how america should be run. What a joke

not bad.

you can't be "generous" with other people's money.

Do you write your mileage off your taxes for transportation to work?
Oh wait...

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The only fair taxes would be no taxes.

I do a job. Somebody gives me money. Government should not steal any of that money. Simple as (unironically).

And if they don't? Tough shit, gramps?

look closer to the top of bens head for your answer to your question

>Ancap brainlet

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Yes, it is tough shit that literally every single person dies at some point.

Unidentified male enters hospital, no ID from a crash site. He has no insurance that is known. According to you, he dies?

Based greenpilled.

Pretty sure we can afford it, considering we just gave huge tax breaks to billionaire corporations that Bernie will reverse.

America is the richest nation in the world. We can afford healthcare for citizens.

Borders are unrelated to this, but sure. I'm sure there are arguments to be made about policing the border more.

>Imagine if your healthcare were run like the DMV. This is the world Bernie Sanders wants to force you to live in.
Pretty sure Medicare for All would not be run like the DMV. More like how it's currently run or like your current insurer.

Suggestions? Real policies

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