>Post redpills about "Libertarism"
What if I told you there was not such thing as "Libertarism"?
>Post redpills about "Libertarism"
What if I told you there was not such thing as "Libertarism"?
i´m intrested, more info?
It's the first step to become a nazi.
>Public ownership of borders
>Inefficient at stopping people
>Private borders working perfectly
>Borders should still be public though, I'm sure we'll get it right this time!
well, i didn´t start with libertarianism to be a nat soc
take your meds pedo
Nothing much, I'm afraid. It's just that OP was looking for: "Libertarianism"....not "Libertarism"
Fantastic way to address my argument by not addressing it at all and moving the goalpost. I guess you conceded your point.
Fantastic way to address my original argument by not addressing it at all and moving the goalpost. I guess you conceded your point.
Hoppe - Short history of man/From aristocracy to monarchy to democracy/Democracy: A God that failed
Hayek - Road to Serfdom
Rothbard - Anatomy of the state/Ethics of liberty
Also this archive.org