My local PD sent out a tsunami test warning to my email.... I live in South Texas..... is it happening lads?????
Uh, guys
hopefully it hits afrikkka so the problems in afrikkka and with china sorts itself out on its own.
Why are there so many brainlets on Jow Forums who think Space is real?
If anything happens it's probably gonna be Israel detonating a nuke or some shit.
There has been a few tsunami warnings today that where “accidentally tripped.” Something Fishy going on
not really, the magnetosphere has been going bizarro the past like day and a half, and has been strange for a while.. but yesterday was wew. Dutchsinse spent some time showing live data of the magnetosphere and the diameter of the 'bulge' facing away from the sun has been kinda low lately but not anything to worry about, but yesterday it went from being low to over double its normal diameter, and when it did this the measured particle density of the magnetosphere went negative for quite a while, which indicates either an equipment error or the Earths magnetosphere was releasing energy out into open space, which may have never been recorded before, from what I understand.
The dot and schuman res have been going bonkers too lately. Does this mean asteroid? No, and I am pretty sure that asteroid shit is a blatant fear mongering psyop. BUT, it means something.. And I think anyone who is saying that they KNOW precisely what it means is full of shit.
Some guy in another thread was larping about pic related happening soon.
This just looks like /x/tier schizophrenia.
Do we know if it's going to drop on Beijing? Will anime be affected?
You faggots are so dumb. You realize how many nations have space programs? You realize that dozens (at least) of nations would have to keep an asteroid hurtling towards earth a secret? Do you know how many thousands of employees would be privy to something like this happening? No it would have come out already, and in a bigger fashion then on a Mongolian basket weaving enthusiast board for autists.