I don't feel like doing anything at all. How did you find your passion?

I don't feel like doing anything at all. How did you find your passion?

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i made a student film in my hs english class about language, and the video was so abstract he let me explain it to him

i was praised, that's like, the first ever praise i've gotten in my academic career (considering i'm a mediocre fuck) and everyone clapped, including my bitch-ass classmate naina

i wanted to pursue filmmaking, and i still want to because it reminded me of a time when i was less jaded, that i can do anything, and that makes me feel good

Nobody does you just find something and stick to it

try to do something different in every aspect of your life, do things that scare you or that youre afraid you wont succeed at, not a guarantee but a good way to start exploring yourself through outside means

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My passion has led me to a point of complete isolation.

Attraction is passion, and everyone I'm attracted to, to my direct knowledge, in every literal sense of the word, has told me to basically chill out and find someone else.

How many people are there, user?

My passion has forsaken me. I want to just die and maybe get a new body for this game, but something seems to be preventing me - namely, I keep waking up in this body.

So we seek these things together, I guess.

Trial and error. If there's something that remotely tickles my fancies, I look into that and if it turns out to be boring, then tough luck. Something new always comes up if you stay curious.

By being curious, traveling, and exploring.
There’s a very large world out there.

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Don't pursue passions.

simpleton npc

I do that too. We should do better

Fuck off, Mike Rowe.

Step one: be grateful.

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You should yourself. Passion is involuntary lunacy, it does not serve you - you are the servant.

Pursue the mastery of self, discover your divine mandate and fulfill it.

This is cope.

To be grateful is to exercise ones' time in proper application - do you spend the time allotted to you on inhospitable pursuits?

Do not be wasteful - this is true gratitude.

This guy has wealthy parents and went to a prestigious college but larps as a blue collar down to earth salt of the earth character and makes a killing doing so. So based.

>Towson University
Also his parents were teachers. He did get a degree in communications though which is rather strange considering the character he larps as.

I hardly enjoy anything let alone have a passion

Dood. Eviscerated. I'm a product of white privilege too, and like it only hits harder when you see someone like yourself knocked back for being an insouciant twat. and you're just glad you're not them because you have a modicum of shame.

But like life fucking sucks for everyone still in some way, it seems, it must be said.

That being said, I think everyone could do better.

>everyone could do better

Not in terms of competition with one another, that is, but rather in terms of listening to and understanding each other.

The folks who thing that it's all some kind of Yu-Gi-Oh! game where we get to select and review our decks before entering the battle literally don't know any better, because they've been allowed to select and review their decks.

Sometimes you don't even know the rules before you're plunged into the game.

Sometimes you don't have to know them to win it.

If you're happy with what you've got, then you're closer to winning than I've ever been, though, so if it were a competition, then I'd be behind you.

But what I have you might envy, in which case I'm ahead of you.

The whole thing is a farce, of course. If you have what you're looking for, then you probably aren't alive, from what I can tell, and if you are, then you couldn't describe to me how to get it further than some weird motivational speech that I'd probably resent and make fun of with other people who don't have what they want.

All you have to have is less than what you want, after all, to empathize with those who also have less than they want.

Maybe someday we'll all figure it out, but until then, it seems like empathy is the best thing we have going for us.

It was surprisingly very young when I was around the age of 6 or 7 I was obsessed with Abe Lincoln (like any kid) but seeing as I lived in Virginia beach Virginia I was only about a 2-3 hour drive away from Washington D.C. so for the 6 years I lived there my mother mad it a summer trip for me and my sister as my father was usually on deployment for the Navy to go to D.C. as soon as I stepped on the steps of the Lincoln memorial I said to my mom “I want to feel like this forever” to which my mom says “like what” to which I said something along the lines of “good but not knowing why” but lone a behold just last week for shits and giggles I’m looking up Bronze Age Greece just for the hell of it. So I guess the way I discovered my passion was running with the first thing I liked and was really good at and got to see first hand and the was History.

I am fine being a servant, because I serve a higher purpose at the same time as I serve myself.

>lone a behold

*Low and behold*

Lincoln appreciated the Renaissance vision of being well-rounded, but he was obviously influenced by Judeo-Christianity.

History is larger than any human being - perhaps that is what draws you toward it.

>I serve a higher purpose at the same time as I serve myself.

That's called "ego."

In what way?

It's actually "lo and behold"

I mean, I think a lot of myself. I won't lie. I tend to believe that I know a lot of shit about stuff, and everything I do and say is the result of a shitload of processing - but to actually say that I "serve a higher purpose" is something I can't claim, because I don't.

I serve my own, and thus anytime I see someone claim otherwise, I have to call it out as I see it: that's your ego telling you you're more than what you are, which is human.

Whose "higher purpose" might you serve, after all? God? Who's that? Kek? Maybe, but still, who's that? Do you really think that serving yourself is fulfilling some "higher purpose?" Whose purpose might it fulfill?

Feel free to elaborate; I'm very open-minded.

You are correct, and I thank you.

You're welcome. Cheers

I experienced ego death high off my mind on LSD at a rock concert and now I play guitar

Does it help?

When I was a kid my mom and a teacher encouraged me

Not in any substantive way. You can experience ego death without hallucinogens. Most people just call it depression.