Jow Forums
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Advice #212
How to recover from a fap?
My girlfriend wants to be trans what do I do?
My sister walked into the living room looked at me and said "So you're turning into one of those people huh" and walked...
Manlet cope
What should I expect im going on a date with transgender woman
Hate my new job
Incels and their obsession with Chad
I jerk off to girls feet on Omegle. Could I get in trouble?
Manipulating people, specifically women
My girlfriend's ex had a huge cock
How the fuck do I meet woman in my current situation? 21, not in university...
Just an idea
Medicated anons, how do you ask for more medication without getting flagged as a seeker?
What eye color is this?
Is my outfit feminine?
Is there a bigger meme than the "just lift bro" thing...
Finances of gf
Getting girls on the streets
Why do people love to talk about how dick size doesn't matter (and even worse...
Suicide Methods
Which color looks best for a half black, half Korean girl...
My girlfriend caught me using cocaine and we were fighting. It was during this fight that I hit her...
I need your help
Meet girl
A girl who sits next to me in class keeps putting her butt close to my face at least once a week...
How do I become a priest?
How can I get a boyfriend at 23? Or is it too late and should I give up? I am autistic, female, no dating experience
The most painless way to kill oneself
Why is noone talking about bloodlines anymore?
Girlfriend wanted a threesome
ITT: Ask the Opposite Gender Anything
Thoughts on the friendzone
Friend is a whore
Are some people just not supposed to have a gf?
Virgin girl
Advice for online dating as a guy? Besides "don't do it"
2D prono/ecchi/etc
General 27+ Thread
I look 99% like pic related and I'm 5'4 at 24, is there any actual hope...
How do you become a gigachad not physically, but mentally?
So basically
How to tell a woman you like her butt? (Cold Approach)
I dumped my girlfriend after I found her on a dating app
How do I know I really like a girl and I’m not just horny...
Why are women so arrogant?
Is it a bad idea to write a letter to a serial killer?
I want to know what you're point of view is
Why do you guys consider girls with colored hair as red flag?
How do you escape from blackpill and nihilism?
Do you think my parents would be more upset if i stole all their momey and disappeared or if I killed my self?
Do you think we’ll ever understand women?
Is there hope for a 33 year old virgin that works at a fast food restaurant?
Girlfriend of 3 years meets some dude at college
Me and my bf are in a dispute and its threatening our entire relationship
How do I remove an object that has gone deep into my ear? In order to remove earwax my ears...
I don't get this
How to cope with the inevitability of climate apocalypse? I don't want to fucking die young...
How do I tell my parents that the only way my mental health will improve, is if I can be intimate with attractive women...
Do women like men with long hair?
Where else besides Jow Forums?
At work
What the actual fuck am I supposed to do about being a short male...
Are open relationships the only hope for average men...
Is it possible to stop being an incel?
GIOYC / Get It Off Your Chest
My pet of 7 years died today
Alcoholism/moving on/and continuing to live
Nirvana (pt.2)
I cried in front of my gf last night. And I’m willing to do it again...
It's literally just endless basic bitches as far as the eye can see
So how do I get a gf if I'm shy AND awkward?
How do I stop desiring women and wanting a relationship?
After 1 year and 2 months my fiance told me she is not virgin anymore...
I fucking hate being a manlet
Im really unhappy guys
How do I pass?
Just be yourself, bro
Is it reasonable to be a housewife/stay-at-home mom in the modern day? Especially financially...
Gf came home an hour early from work
I'm 26, I live with my mom, I'm a highschool drop out, I can't find a job
EVERYBODY that I turn to tells me I have to “love yourself before you can love somebody else” and “when you stop...
What's the correct response to this irl?
What do you feel is the "tell" of a person's character?
Help need Jow Forums anons. Get in here !!!
How do I stop wanting to fuck my cousin. It is honestly making me do weird things...
My wife sleeps with other men, and i accept it. Here's why
Does pua advice work?
What makes someone "Chad"?
ITT: Ask the Opposite Gender Anything
I just called out of work again...
How do I live with the fact I am a man and as such will always have to work to get the things I want?
Tfw wasted my teens sitting inside on my computer
I'm going to take mdma on friday, my friend will give me (he said he used this 10 times), is it safe? what do you think...
Question to men
What does incompatible values look like?
My mom forces me to learn and start in mathematics olympiad, I'm not passionate about mathematics...
How do you deal with getting disrespect from women?
My normie neighbor asked me to go out with him last week with 2 female neighbors
How long after their breakup do you ask someone out?
Is being a woman really that dangerous? Talking about first world countries
What should you do if you're a bisexual male who doesn't want to have sex with men?
Why is suicide so frowned upon?
Rape: how to be less useless?
In love with a sociopath
Stress dump ->>HERE<<-
Unhappy marriage
Gf told me that if my dick was 1-2cm bigger it'd be better
So im in uni and trying really hard to get a gf but all the girls travel in packs...
How to walk away
6-7/10 femanon in late hs
I am a female who feels like a male. I haven't transitioned...
Holy Shit I fucked Up and I Need Advice Now
Had sex with another man
Mental Health/Relationship General
Should you see a roastie therapist?
Are men unironically attracted to dominant, assertive and ambitious women?
I feel fucking socially insecure and awkward, I've never had girlfriend, I don't know if my friends really like me...
Gay male here. The guy I have feelings for says he doesn't want to date me because I've slept around too much...
⟨Prayer Request Thread⟩
I was raped
Should I try dating her again?
Has Porn rotted my brain?
How to attract a 4.0 gpa shy boy who only cares about studying & games?
GIOYC Get It Off Your Chest
Anger management
My boyfriend makes me too horny?? ok hear me out...
So my buddy says ive changed in the past few years and says he doesnt like being around me anymore...
How do I get bigger breasts? I'm 25 years old and only an A cup. Is there anything that can be done to make them bigger?
Why do I hate the working class?
Is there a point to life if you can't trust?
I'm 18, I want to be rich, I live in fucking small town in Poland...
Anxiety Med Suggestions?
ITT: Ask the Opposite Gender Anything
Am I an asshole for telling a girl I didn't want to go out with her anymore after she never had sex with me?
Is this image depressing or am I too sensitive?
So how have you been?
So I go t rejected and I need help I feel angry every time I see her or her friends...
Snappy Comebacks
Is there any way i can reduce the brainwashing Jow Forums has done to me...
A plan
I cannot afford for college/university in the US, but it's my only chance to not fail in life
Tell me user, what makes you fall for a girl? Is it purely looks or is there something else?
I am:
Can people look past your mistakes?
There are people following me
I've recently heard that a girl that i know IRL has started selling nude pictures and videos...
Anons who get girls. How do you do it?
What do girls do in the spare time?
My 2 months gf is begging for me have a baby with her, I want kids too, but it seems to early...
My stomach hurts the worst it ever has, my face is all itchy and very very red, I'm shaking...
How to become fuckboy? I don't want relationship, I just want to fuck girls, what should I do...
I just need encouragement. Anything, please. Any kind words whatsoever
Is it too late for me to find love?
Fucked a girl 1 week after I met her
Viable ways to make money from home?
Worked in a school as a teachers aide about 3 years ago
Real question: is there a point to living if you aren't tall, attractive and white?
Why do women only love badboys?
How do I stop wanting to be a girl
Someone is threatening to come to my home and harass me. They live in my area and know where I live. What can I do?
Boys: answer this
What's the best place to go to on a first date
Lunar Thread
What would be the correct way to react to your gf getting stolen in front of your very eyes?
How do I find a serious girl who wants to be a housewife? I make over $400k per year in my career...
My Gf doesn’t ever want to give me blowjobs...
I missed a lot not dating in my teens?
Going through horrible break up
ITT: Ask the Opposite Gender Anything
I'm sick of being alone. I want a girlfriend
I'm starting college in a few weeks. And I want to wear a uniform school...
Femanon here. I live in an abusive household. A few weeks ago, I was beaten by my dad twice and it left bruises...
Post some useful infographics that can help improve my shitty life
Do i even have a chance as a 32 year old ugly female virgin
Why do you come to Jow Forums?
What the fuck am I supposed to do about climate change...
How to get into the Normie world???
Woman or Career?
What do I do?
GIOYC / Get It Off Your Chest
Why do men with mental illnesses...
For around a decade I've had very odd back pain. If I'm standing, walking, etc...
There are people following me
This may sound a bit weird but
How to cope with climate nihilism?
Am I the bad guy?
Have no social skills, no friends, 35 year old khv
Its 3am. I’m standing across the road from the girl I love’s apartment...
How do I get a MGTOW to like me and agree to date me or have sex with me? He won't budge. Help me...
My girlfriend of 5 years wants to explore her sexuality with other men...
We're having a party at work and everyone is bringing their spouse or bf/gf...
I think my nighbours heard me masterbating
Bifag here
What's special about a virgin woman? I ask this because there is a woman interested in me, she is attractive...
Tfw my lifetime best friend has been in love with me for 12 years (yes, I've known of his feelings the whole time...
Hi so i'm 23 and recently came into some serious money in the last year like well into 8 figures...
Women don’t like dates anymore
Why should I care about toxic masculinity?
Is not having a car a deal breaker for women?
Spiritual advice for you
Is sex the only best thing there is? I feel that everything I do is meant to achieve that goal
How to feel less depressed and lonely?
As a man in my twenties how do i stop hating teenagers for having it way better than i did?
Buying an engagement ring
As a single guy who's never had a gf:
Hey anons, my gf has been spending a lot of time with her guy "best friend" and it makes me really uncomfortable...
/sig/ - self improvement general
GIOYC / Get It Off Your Chest
How do I acquire the sociopathic skills necessary to function in the egocentric judeo-globalist consumerist society?
What's the point of dating when your gf is just going to cheat or leave you when a better man comes around?
How can I cure my addiction to women with big boobs?
I applied at my local mcdonald a month ago and no response , should i go back to apply a second time
Met a guy through missed connections after having talked to him once while he was at work
Boyfriend does nothing for me
Why do girls with borderline personality disorder feel so dark?
18F. I'm in love with my best friend's brother
I'm terrified that commies are going to take over the U.S...
Hey Jow Forums I’m an asian male who’s thinking about getting a penis enlargement surgery. My penis is only about 4...
What traits do incels possess that don't allow a woman's brain to produce chemicals of attraction an love for them?
Job with photography
Sexual hangup
I know this no longer fitness & health but one could argue this is tangentially related
Holiday with escort
$1,000 rent
So how bad of an idea is it to fly to a random city and start life over? How worried do you think my parents would be?
Wasting my youth
I've been on this site for some years, and in this board since it's inception
Should I consider myself a virgin?
I just saw a pic of this couple in this board and for some reason all I wanted to do is fuck his girlfriend while he...
I fucked myself with a fucking carrot
Is helium suicide really the best (least painful and most effective) method when you don't have a firearm access...
How do I respond to this
ITT: Ask the Opposite Gender Anything
Is there any point at all in living or building a career when climate change is just going to ruin everything...
Sex count
Is it morally reprehensible to fap to your coworkers?
What's the point to living if bad stuff keeps on happening?
How I get out of Ireland?, should I even consider college in China as a way to get out?
There must be something seriously wrong with me if no guy ever liked me for the past 18 years
What stops incels from finding a girlfriend?
Is life honestly worth living for a bald 5'4 guy?
Why is getting a gf such hard work? Isn't there an easier way?
New girl left me on read yesterday and hasnt texted me today
Hey Jow Forums, I have a huge crush on one of my boyfriend’s best friends. My bf’s friend is funny, flirty...
Today was my birthday
BF does not eat me out
Just shaved my head due to severe balding. Keep it real, how do I look? Any tips for appearance?
How do I find a man who is into the same boring shit as I am...
Any guys who have been single their entire lives who are over 30 here? I'm headed down this road...
Gf wants to join the air force. I don't think she'd be doing anything dangerous...
Stuck between getting a dog or a cat
I used cocaine and my girlfriend caught me and confronted me...
21 year old virgin
My tall height makes me feel so fucking insecure (I'm 5'10/178cm)
Girl I am thinking about dating:
I need to learn how to do oral sex to my gf also if anyone could help me to chose a sexual toy posting a video or link...
Is it cheating to go on a date with somebody else when you're in a relationship?
Struggling with misogyny
How do I cope with this unfair world. It seems like most people just say that it's unfair and then just ignore it...
19/F/UK, been with bf for year and a half
How to deal with an extremely controlling and bossy gf?
Can't handle uni, help
Why are men expected to be monogamous?
Do looks matter to girls?
It's impossible to find a gf
Am I depressed/slowly turning into schizo? Suddenly failing school, no motivation, no emotions...
Is it true that height is the most important physical attribute for men?
Does nofap increase energy and confidence and motivation?
Women are so shallow. What to do?
Guys i fucked up everything, im fucked, i need to get this shit of my chest...
Are tattoos red flags in a person?
Dating a homeless girl
How can i attract a woman as a dead average 5'10 male...
I've been on a few dates with a woman and yesterday she took me back to her place for the first time...
Can't stop thinking about how the current popularity of "trust all women" can fuck me over
Unless you have years of driving experience with a license several years old and are older than 25...
Open carry
Fellow incels, how do you deal with feelings of hopelessness?
GIOYC / Get It Off Your Chest
Who do you ask for forgiveness
Hey guys. Time for another one
How do you get over being a disappointment to your dad?
So I got a bit of a problem. Whenever my dad or older sister get really pissed at me...
Is SSRI good for anxiety disorder and paranoic personality?
Anyone got a decent pick up line? Struggling a bit
Do guys ALWAYS have to make the first move when trying to date a girl?
Gonna get my hair cut and bleached today. What do?
What is essential I need to know about women?
Beginner sex mistakes
ITT: Ask the Opposite Gender Anything
/fig/-fitness improvement general
Why do I need a job? What's wrong with the NEET life?
Is it a redflag if a girl never drinks any alcohol?
Dude how do I avoid this shit in America. Holy fucking shit Americans are such stupid fucking fat asses...
Why do I only match with fat girls?
Gf is shady
Female inceldom
I can see my neighbor shower/ change
Why do girls with "daddy issues" tend to be so kinky and submissive in bed?
Help, girl was underage
How to survive women's increased height demands in the social media age?
I missed out on teenage love and now all I probably have left is having some girl settling for me because I'm...
I dated a teenage slut. AMA
Almost dated a girl with BPD, until she ghosted me and came back, faked being well...
How true is the "Brad Pitt rule"?
I'm going to pity fuck a male friend of mine who's been single for years. Any advice?
How do I get a bf if I look like pic related?
I am a male
Why are MGTOW men angry exactly?
Just learned this chick I've been talking to is bisexual. How do I cut things off...
Where do average guys tend to find the hot girls from...
I want advice on a gaming PC. I don't care about playing everything on the highest graphics...
What exactly am I supposed to do if I'm 23 years old, a kissless dateless virgin...
How to ask out coworker?
I feel bad for overreacting... I'm red, she's blue. Would you forgive me if I apologized for this, Jow Forums anons...
Does anyone here have experience dating a Jow Forums girl?
I kissed a 17 year old girl I met online. I'm 30...
Made up the word "gosherooney" as an exclamation of surprise when I was a kid
Is there a more surefire way to kill your confidence and self esteem...
Is there any actually realistic solution to the current incel and loneliness epidemic?
Intense Longing for Affection and Physical Contact
Any lawyers here?
What path do I need to pursue in life if I want to know more about secret and classified information...
I DON'T WANT TO BE A FUCKING WAGEKEK! What the fuck else can I do with my life to ensure that I don't have to work some...
Is it normal to hug female colleagues as a guy?
Loyal gf
Can any girls here actually defend this?
Girl hitting me at a party
I'm a 22 year old female who's only been in two relationships but they were both long term, I got dumped by both guys...
Scared to leave my girlfriend because she'd probably kill herself
I want to bang a tranny hooker
Gf got in a Facebook group full of incels who keep on mocking her while she tries to convert them out the redpill or to...
I'm 18, my parents are about 55 years old, my mom is often mad at my dad...
Love this girl but don't find her physically attractive
ITT: We Play Producer
Get It Off Your Chest
Ask The Opposite Gender Anything
He got another girl's number
I need to lose all of my empathy permanently. What do I have to do to achieve this...
Can only feel something during sex when I edge or cum
I like seeing animals tortured. Are there any sites I can visit for that?
Should I call off the wedding?
Effect of penis size on vaginal tightness
How to get psychiatrist to prescribe xanax?
Trauma from viewing snuff films
Does PUA work?
I need to destroy a home
Selfish gf is making me depressed
I just blocked my girlfriend because we had a fight about Hong Kong situation...
I feel so done with life
How do women have such an easy time befriending men and not wanting to be with them any other way...
I see you as a friend
Am I a trans gay man?
Mixed-raced, 23 year old male
Dating single mother
99% of people I met on Jow Forums and IRL are simpletons NPCs with not real interests beyond the most normalfag hobbies
Why can’t we talk about the evil shit women do?
Is Jow Forums actually being raided by libs or is the amount of wine mom-tier liberal shitposting just some new shade...
As I get older, less desire I have to have a gf, and it's becoming a taboo for me, is it the end?
How can I get my girlfriend to be more kinky?
Kid is addicted to gaming/tv
I have solution to all problems
Why do girls pretend to love you?
How do I protect my virginity until marriage? It gets very, very lonely. Any self perseverance tips?
At what point did you give up on your dreams?
I feel like a whore
Ask a pretty girl anything
Bloke's got a pretty good point
Am I an immature employee?. In your opinion should I change?
Hope for incels/spit out that black pill
How to induce schizophrenia
Would you date a non-psychotic schizophrenic girl?
What motivates men today?
Is being a short man a curse?
How do I avoid this shit living in America? How do I leave my country if I’m on probation for being black
How do you not turn a relationship boring? What do you do when sex tires, stories run out, and jokes become predictable?
27+ General
Penis enlargement
How do I get a gf like pic related? Specific advice please
Lunar Thread - Come chill with us on the moon!
My life is getting worst what can you guys advise me
Improvement general /ig/
Fell for the causal sex meme, do I deserve love
Can a person be happy with loneliness or am I just fooling myself?
I hate rich people. To the point that I believe that rich people's feelings shouldn't be considered...
I live 3 hours away from my job, how should I enjoy my drive?
Anons who are in relationships, could you please answer the following questions?
Are toxic masculinity the reason why so many men become mass murders?
About to whore out
Persian girl here
What drugs do you recommend for ocasional evening chillout? Except weed and alcohol
Falling into the MGTOW trap
Bad sex
Should it bother me that my gf was kinda a slut before we dated?
I'm moving to a new city to start do an Masters degree...
I have a fear of women. Help!
My dick is only 6.4 inch and pretty thin, should I kys?
HELP! I have a Tinder date for new Tarantula Film
Decide to pursue the most meaningful things in life: writing, composition, painting, study, travel
Beginner sex mistakes
Am I being insecure?
Where have all the decent grills gone?
GIOYC thread
Job ideas for someone with anxiety?
Gf broke down crying and confessed she's been hiding something she did to me a long time ago
I missed a doctor appointment, and was charged money for it. I just ghosted my doctor...
I can't be the only one that cringes when i see women with this hairstyle, it looks so fucking stupid, thoughts?
My boyfriend struggles with toxic masculinity and I want to help...
Help winning boy over?
Why are men so fucking dense?
What age guys do females 18-22 prefer to date?
Why are there no good men anymore and how can I attract a loyal, generous, kind man myself?
Gf going to nude beach
ITT: Ask the Opposite Gender Anything
Soon I will join the Foreign Legion and I want to trigger my psychopathy so after 5 years of service or more I won't...
Is it considered stalking if you like someone who works at a store and you consistently go back to see of you can catch...
Just found out some people i went to school with are in a band that's now famous
I've seen a lot of people here who are single and even virgin in 25, 28, 30+ (!)...
If whatsapp shows someone as "online"...
Where to find trad girls who just want to have families and live self sufficiently?
I'm 18 years old virign, I've never even kissed a girl despite the fact that I'm not ugly and I'm good-looking...
What are some red pill truths everybody needs to know?
Suicide? Why not?
Has anyone here had luck with Christian dating apps/sites?
Can’t cum?
How are you supposed to find a gf?
I have no interests and no goals except when: becoming rich, is there anything wrong with me...
Guys never love depressed girls
How to become the perfect waifu
Can psychedelics change my life (for better) and boost my creativity etc?
Anons I work for amazon as a picker and I fucking despise everything there...
As a recovering alcoholic, am I meant to go the rest of my life without alcohol? That's an insane thought...
Girls: reject nice guys like me and only sleep with the top 20% of men
Best way to suicide?
What are some signs your girlfriend is a slut?
My wife of 10+ years cheated on me with a dude she met on FOE app game. to make a long story short...
How can I know if my husband really loves me?
Finally decide to see my toxic parents after weeks of silence
Gave first bj to boyfriend
ITT Ask the Opposite Gender Anything
I would like to know if it is worth to smoke weed, if there are any major dangers or what I will feel
Waist > boobs & butt
Get bigger cock?
Dating an experienced girl
I'm bored with my life, nothing makes me truly happy, I have few interests and hobbies
How can I stop getting so nervous before/during sex?
Let me get right to the point:
How do I turn heterosexual?
Jow Forums general
So I installed Tinder and I have got exactly 6 likes over 2 weeks. I've probably swiped on around 200 women
I have a violent criminal record. Long story short...
What is the best way to get revenge on someone who has cheated on you?
Hey Jow Forums, how do I control my lust and respect my partner? See...
I think Jow Forums is ruining me (fairly new)
Gf Has Sexual Past
Femanon here. What are some red flags you should be worried about in dating a guy?
My therapist thinks I'm a narcissist based on my dating history. To be precise:
What type of gf do you reccomend based on your experience?
Is it wise to be open-minded anymore?
GIOYC - Get It Off Your Chest
What do i do if im incredibly tired? Like literally i think im half way in the grave already...
Becoming less of a pussy
Women are hard
ITT: Ask the Opposite Gender Anything
How to starve self?
When is suicide justified?
My sister (14) is into yaoi/yuri and furries, how do i bring it up?
Going to college soon, never had friends before, how to do i make friends and get laid at college...
Why bother finding a bf if g*d didn't bother making me attractive
So how was your first kiss user?
GF looks younger than she is
How to live life?
Am I a bad person?
I’m 5’6 and I think I like tall girls. is there any hope for me...
What are the minimum requirements for getting a girlfriend in 2019?
Offering Advice
Is there such a thing as too straight?
How to un-manlet
Hey Jow Forums
Is being single as a male really that taboo?
How do i make myself not trans
Why the fuck am I not losing weight?
I met my ex gf of 3 years last weekend during a music festival, I was high on molly, she probably too, plus alcohol
I get bored with things easily and nothing interests me, whats wrong with me? how to fix myself?
What coding languages are actually useful
'Nerdy girls' don't exist, if you're one of those retards who keeps chasing after them because they cosplay...
Just wash your hands after taking a shit bro
The worst thing you can be as a man is boring...
I think my boyfriend (22) finds me unattractive. He has to watch porn during sex to get off...
Should you make a move on someone you're sure isn't interested in you?
How to deal with actual PTSD day to day?
Bitchy uncompromising GF
Size matters?
Do any of you have tricks for getting rid of being horny that isnt sex/masturbating...
I don't find my gf attractive whatsoever...
Gf of almost 3 years told me she cheated on me recently when she got too drunk at a party...
I've never had any sexual attraction to other people. Is there something wrong with me? Im 22
Surviving incel life
ITT: Ask the Opposite Gender Anything
How can I get a gf and have sex?
How did you get your gf? I need to see if there is a pattern
Do you feel like you wasted your life?
I took the blackpill
Is pair bonding possible if one partner has had lost of sexual partners and one very little?
I immigrated from slavland to USA but my name is hard to prononce for workmates...
I just can't seem to love anybody. I'm not asexual...
How morally wrong is it to date a minor?
Low IQ
What's happening with my bf and what I can do to help him stop being like this?
She's the most pretty girl I've ever slept with, and she is a hooker
I have a bit of a drinking problem and I want to cut back. I use alcohol to sleep and wind down after work...
IQ Question
How can an introvert / shy guy have a girlfriend?
Why do women smell so bad? And why does their breath smell like shit too...
Jealously or Envy?
Why do men match with me on Tinder then never message or reply?
Do you value your first times?
I visited psychologist today and he said that I'm not depressed and I just have to find passion
Should I blow my nofap streak
I'm unhirable
Girl at work reported me to HR because i touched her waist when we were talking
My girlfriend sent me a text 30 minutes ago finally admitting that she cheated on me, with my best friend...
How long should I wait on a person with anxiety?
My boyfriend is going through some health problems, so he can't fuck me anymore. He's in too much pain...
My boyfriend accidentally came in me. tomorrow he's getting me plan b. is it too late? should I kill myself already?
Female, never have been able to orgasm
How are you single guys meeting girls?
Hooked up with a fat chick to bust a nut didn’t use condom came inside her she’s pregnant can I block her and not...
Women who identify as antifeminists?
I cheated on my boyfriend of four years because I was insecure about his porn addiction and two years and one abusive...
Try to sex my gf
What can I do outside alone thats not graffiti, vandalism or or doing drugs. I can't sit inside all day its torture
How do i become funny?
How do I get an abusive boyfriend?
I'm im a cold war with my father
How to tolerate trannies? I seriously fucking hate them. However, I don't want to hate any people...
My gf has these sudden irrational urges and she gets irrationally stubborn about them to the point where it becomes...
How to be The Ramona Flowers?
ITT: Ask the Opposite Gender Anything
I feel like a complete fucking failure
My ex-bf is dating some skinny whore called Julie. I slashed his tires but I still don't have closure. How do I move on...
"just stop looking for it and it will happen :)"
How do you prove to a woman you're a good man?
Why is platonic kissing so frowned upon? I kiss all my friends on the cheek/forehead/top of the head...
How to avoid being hated in the workplace
Why do women even want to be in relationships?
How to deal with jealousy?
My heart hurts often, not only because of the intense struggles in my personal life...
Why should I care about anything other than my own personal gratification?
25+ General
Fiancé thinks I’m wage slave
What are these spots on my penis? Virgin
Where can I find far-right girls?
Info about me:
Is it healthy behaviour to be a contrarian?
Been with my gf for just over 8 months
My bf is a piece of shit when it comes to sex sometimes...
Gf parents are extremely abusive, both verbally and physically, and today they pushed her so far she had a breakdown...
Should I be worried since my transgender gf recently showed me a knife and she said she'll kill me and then kill...
Why is polygamy so frowned upon?
My husband has become an evil monster. However, we have two young kids together. I am financially independent...
Why you hate virgins?
What can I do for a lonely teenage girl?
How do I stop feeling too old for nintendo and anime at 25...
Sex and dating multiple men until a commitment is made
I body slammed my sister last night and now she won't talk to me... How do i make it up to her?
Why are men's beauty standards so much more strict than women's? And what can I do if I don't fit in them?
Is it true women have no respect for men that go down on them?
How much of a social stigma is it really to have zero experience with women?
Previous Thread: >>21223924
I let people watch me masturbate. How do I tell my gf?
I think a tranny sucked my dick
I just found out that my bf used to be slutty as hell. Am I overreacting? I have never had sex
Wanted to die since 14
What's wrong with being a virgin? Why is there so much virgin shaming?
I had no idea 6' was short
I want to die without committing suicide...
What Are Traits in a Man That Girls Are Attracted To?
Attractive user who's good with women AMA/Advice thread PT 3
Is there a point in continuing the simulation anymore
Hospital ruined my sons entire life
Pilonidal cyst treatment
How to run away?
Lunar Thread
My girlfriend wanted me to get rid of my guns. With all the gun stuff happening lately...
Whenever i drink i feel like i want to kill myself
Gf likes hanging around with dudes
Tired of life
Requesting Advince from People with Rare IQ's
What the fuck, why are women so stupid, i don't get it
I am gay:
Romantic gesture to show my ex I've changed after two years of not speaking?
Incel world
Got diagnosed with bipolar disorder today
Normies from local tabletop gaming community invited me for beers for the first time
I want to move to Kenya. What should I do or know about the area before I do it?
White turbo virgin dating Philippines girls
I'm fucked - made myself financially vulnerable
Why does no one seem to care about the impending climate apocalypse...
Getting access to GF phone
GIOYC / Get It Off Your Chest
I think males shouldn't exist
What would you do if someone cheated on you?
What must I do?
Sexual success if good looking
My girlfriend intimidates me
I've had liver disease since I was young...
College girl here aSK ME ANYTHING!!
I'm a total idiot. A few days ago, I admitted to my gf that I was looking at camgirls...
What is life going to be like if there's a second civil war?
Why do men in their early to mid 30's find girls aged 18-22 so attractive and prefer to date them instead of women...
Attractive user who's good with women here to give you advice and answer any questions. PT2
Tinder makes me depressed
Sad Thread
How do i get back at someone who stole my girlfriend and also assaulted me...
18y/o gf fucked a 41y/o dude before
ITT: Ask the opposite gender anything
How do I get rid of the stupid fantasy of wanting to be a writer?
I want to cheat
I'm p. sure I have gender dysphoria I've been questioning for over a decade now, how do I not be trans
There's a forum I browse that has it so that saying one or two word posts like "Yeah"...
I have no marketable skills annd as a result can't get a job. I am very unsatisfied with my life...
I guess i'm an asshole
I'm what Jow Forums would consider "a normie" but I still made it to 23 years old without ever getting so much as a...
Am 21
I'm 18 and I don't know what to do with my life
GF cheating?
After about a decade of working on myself, I've come to the conclusion that talent doesn't exist...
Name for an energy drink
So do women want to be the 'strong independent' type or the 'traditional feminine' type or both at the same time?
I made a goal to sleep with 100 women in the next 3 years. Share any advice you can
Haven't seen this thread for a good couple days. Let it all out, user
How did you meet her/him?
I've been seeing this girl for a while now, she doesn't want to commit...
Fellas, 19 y/0 user here
I think I might be a sociopath. what do I do?
What is more fulfilling?
My boyfriend left for the army
Gonna be a father - need baby names
A girl (23) asked me (24) when was the last time I had sex. Should I tell her that I am a virgin...
I'm a pretty short girl (5'0) and I wish I was a few inches taller...
Would it be illegal or legal, hypothetically for someone to open up a Pet Crematorium...
Men: how many percent of your approaches lead to dates?
Femanon here, so I've been with this guy for a couple of months and he's the stereotypical perfect guy. He's kind...
ITT: Ask the opposite gender anything
I'm asking this to the degenerates out there
Tall (6'2)
I'm 18, I don't know what to do with my life, I've always listened to gangsta rap, I'm fascinated with street life...
Have the opportunity to fuck a trap. Should I take it, or is that gay?
Do women care about looks?
What keeps you going?
What qualities in a woman attract you?
I'm ugly
How do I always win arguments in real life?
Is Tinder worth it at all for average men?
Femanon here:
Am I signing myself up for misfortune by falling in love with a girl with physical chronic illnesses? And mental...
What major should i get for an associates degree at a community college that will easily land me a job that pays...
How do I tell my gf I cheated on her? It's destroying my relationship with her...
What are the main differences in the psychology of a man and a woman?
My relationships isn't wat it used to be
Dealing with short height
NEET-pros, how the fuck do you do it?
When looking for a wife how do you know she wasn't a whore at some point?
I'm an 18f. Reddit completely ignored my question so here I am
Parents kicking me out because of rage issues
My cousin likes me
Is it a deal breaker to guys if a girl has her body covered in self harm scars?
So why do good girls like bad guys? I had this question for a real long time. I've been a bad boy and it's plain to see...
Stripper want to come over
Men with shit jobs: when you approach women and they ask what you do for a living, do you tell the truth?
My ex doesn't know i'm 5 months pregnant
I hate being unattractive
Is it bad to fall in love with a woman (27 years old) who fits the following description?
I'm so fucking skinny i don't know why
Could this be the perfect life plan? Has any of you have follow or at least tried to figure out life this way...
Women and their lies
Cringy to move back to land of ancestors?
Why is this wrong?
What signs does the girl give when she is attracted to you?
How to win against riot police?
Every employed person is really a cuck?
Brain damage outcast
How do i time travel back to highschool when my life was slightly happier and i can fix all my mistakes?
I have become existentially depressed after watching one video about how the earth is environmentally fucked and that...
I honestly don't know if this is the right place to post this
Posted thi on another threa,d but since it seems to be dead, I'll try again:
Adult circumcision
Why do woman prefer bad boys over gentlemen?
Where can I find girls that look like this? I find the Russian/Japanese mix to be one that is damn near perfect...
Question our short/booty shorts to femanonss
Gf breaks up with me 8 months ago
How do I stop eating?
Incel whose worldview has come crashing down
How to stop being anxious and coward?
Ask the opposite gender anything thread
Be me
Depersonalization? anxiety, depression and such
Woman here. When should you tell your partner that you have an STD?
How do I get a bf that will let me have sex with other guys while he watches but won’t have sex with other women?
In college
Why are girls on Jow Forums so mean and entitled? I asked pic related for her contact politely and she said no...
Gender pay gap
What's the point to anything?
GIOYC - Get It Off Your Chest
How can i stop over eating? please help me i lost 100 lbs at one point and i ate back 50...
How do I get my boyfriend to become more responsible? He takes things too lightly, imho
I hate my career
Ask an attractive user who's good with women for advice
I need some advice. i'm doing an art degree and i'm on my second year...
I recently took a chance and got rejected, am I being an asshole now after though?
Need medfag help
How to get guys to be interested in me?
How does it feel being loved and desired by a woman?
How to have sex?
Whats the most traditionally romantic thing you did for your partner, Jow Forums? I need ideas
How to relax? I can't relax
Be me
How do you argue with normies
My parents constantly talk about how ungrateful I am for everything that I got from them, and yet they don't know that...
Can you get arrested for saying shit in here?
Make Sex Great Again
How is it possible that all these women around me have gotten to travel around the world and the furthest I've ever...
What are women attracted to?
Am I being negged/manipulated?
My mother annoys me so much, she gets angry easily and shouts at me, what to do?
How did you meet your significant other
Did u kno commenting on Instagram its ok to be white is consider as hateful
Meet this guy at a bar last year
Can you still be happy by yourself later in life?
Is sex more fun than videogames?
How do you stop comparing yourself to others?
Can Bro's Be Trusted With Women
I want to fucking kill myself so bad, but I don't want to leave my dad without his only son
How do I find a career
Do shrooms help with depression and obsession?
Where do I rank on this chart
23 and never been on a date, never kissed, never been liked by a girl...
How do i make my teeth brighter/whiter
Going to kill myself if I can’t get laid
Be me
Last threads
Sum up your country in one image
Why is open racism towards wmaf so accepted?
France has fallen
Brit/pol/ - Joris Bohnson edition
Why yes, my husband is Swede. What gave it away?
Battle of the Century
Ivanka wore this to the UN today
Poland need to pay us (me) reparations for their deathcamps
Is Jow Forums actually too stupid to understand the greenhouse effect?
Franco being removed from El Valle de los Caídos
How does it feel being on a sinking ship