I'm a diagnosed sociopath, although a mild case. I confessed that I'm a sociopath to my partner of 18 months that I deeply love and trust. Did I do the right thing or should I have kept it a secret? He said his feelings towards me didn't change to the slightest and that he accepts me as I am but I feel like I should have been the only one knowing that
I'm a diagnosed sociopath, although a mild case...
What do you feel when you hug him usually?
Thats just your sociopathic side telling you that you should have kept it to yourself. Your sociopathic side probably views that information as something that can be used against you and maybe you feel as if you have your partner a slight upper hand with the info, but in reality it doesnt mean anything. If anything, it will help your partner understand you better and avoid possible negative manipulation from you.
That I want to protect him and be with him forever. Protecting often involves forbidding him from going out with his female family members,except mother.
Yes that's exactly how I'm thinking. I hope it really doesn't affect anything.
>family members
Sociopathy isn't a diagnosable condition, you pop-psy-reading, self-diagnosing, dickshitting underaged. Fuck off.
>He said his feelings towards me didn't change to the slightest
Lol; no shit he did. This is up to you: how sociopathic do you want to get with him? Do you want to explain how you realize that even if he were to suddenly die you would recover and likely find someone you were at least algorithmically likely to get along with, if not even moreso?
That's a lot to deal with, though; so maybe you want to stick with the fact that he is, while comforting, absolutely incapable of containing the complexity of thought that you face on any given momentary basis, and essentially can only barely understand you when you are at your most honest.
That's pretty heavy, too... so, maybe you should find someone else who is actually the same kind of sociopath that you are - but wait, then you wouldn't be able to control him, and he'd have to actually love you.
You're worth loving though, I have a feeling.
Sorry to ruin your day.
You're not a sociopath. You wouldn't give enough of a shit about your partner's thoughts to even post this topic.
You're fucking cringe is what you are. Fuck off
Sociopathy is a commonly accepted classification of set of traits exhibited by an individual, and, at a point in time, sociopathy was an officially accepted psychological classification. Of course these classifications have blown up to absurd proportions with the monstrosity which is the DSM V where sociopathy is now lost under the label of anti-social personality disorders.
Putting others down to make yourself one-up above them for introspecting into their nature shows there's something you're insecure about as you have reacted to this action with a lot of hostility. Why do you wish to control how other people classify themselves? Perhaps that's a questions you should introspect on yourself. I'm not saying you're insecure to put you down, insecurity has a way of providing more wisdom than many realize and so I offer this as genuine advice.
>at a point in time
>blablabla psychobabble off 1 post
Shut the fuck up.
>You wouldn't give enough of a shit about your partner's thoughts to even post this topic.
Yeah you would. Sociopaths care about what others think at least as much as is necessary to avoid the label of being called a sociopath.
We can watch a person struggle and die against the current knowing that our attempts to rescue them will result in our death.
If that is the case, after all, we know that our own death would not vindicate or rescue them, and thus we continue to live for whatever reasons we find at the moment.
It doesn't mean we don't have meaningful relationships. It only means that we recognize that those relationships might change in any given number of ways and there's nothing we can do about it, because everybody is inherently self-interested, and we will simply suffer the consequences.
Sociopathy is realism in a universe without conscience or god.
Tell me where to go to find one with either, and I'll listen.
You've made yourself vulnerable whether you exhibit sociopathic traits or not, which shows you're not too far gone, as true sociopaths never make themselves vulnerable for any reason
A true sociopath loves in the way a predator loves the thrill of the hunt. Instead of empathy being used for understanding and helping others it's used for finding weaknesses which can be exploited. They tell their marks exactly what they want to hear, they get under their armor and into their most vulnerable spot and then stick the knife while their victim is at their weakest; usually after their partner has lost a job or has run out of money or if their partner is under psychological or physical duress.
You shut the fuck up, child.
>I'm a diagnosed sociopath, although a mild case.
This is an 18+ site. Come back in 5 years. Or rather don't.
>Diagnosed Sociopath
Did you take a quiz off google lmao? Or did you mistake your apathy towards life for being a sociopath? Drink more orange juice, work out and go out, soak up some rays. It'll clear that lethargic feeling right up.
If something happened to you in the past and you saw it happen to someone how would it make you feel?
I'm well aware of the struggles. It is thought, as you said, almost impossible to date a sociopath. It doesn't bother me anymore. Thank you user.
I am 21.
I used the term sociopath as it is more commonly known among people. Look at
No licensed clinician would use an outdated, non-existent diagnosis, my underaged friendo.
But hey, you're doing alright with your psych 101 course.
>A true sociopath loves in the way a predator loves the thrill of the hunt
Not really.
A true sociopath only loves who loves them as they love themselves.
Why would a sociopath predate on one who has recently lost social capital, after all?
They seek only to control that which furthers their own agenda, after all.
Having a dozen pets doesn't add to your fortune unless they are without cost, after all.
>I used the term sociopath as it is more commonly known among people
It's not a diagnosis, retard. You can't be diagnosed as something that doesn't exist. If you are a diagnosed as X, say so, don't claim to be diagnosed as Y instead.
In that case you're so far below average IQ that you leave the impression of being much younger.
I'll give you a good, simple example. I used to be abused. Physically and mentally, mostly by my peers for 8 consecutive years. If I saw a kid being abused today I wouldn't care much. I turned out just fine being abused for my standards. Perhaps I'd tell the ones that were bullying/abusing the kid to fuck off. But that's not like me to do.
Predictable, c'mon, you have more in you than that.
What'd they do to you exactly?
>I used to be abused. Physically and mentally,
Did you feel anything while it was happening to you?
>It is thought, as you said, almost impossible to date a sociopath. It doesn't bother me anymore.
I mean, I didn't say that, but I'm impressed with your braggadocio nonetheless.
Life is sort of a stupid bunch of things.
My papers say I'm diagnosed with ASPD. Mild case as I mentioned. I don't want to waste my time or thoughts on a person like you, thus I put minimum effort in my replies.
A sociopath has backups, they never put all of their eggs in one basket. Once their current victim shows weakness they are destroyed either psychologically, financially and sometimes even physically. I am not talking about your half-way sociopath, I'm talking about the real deal.
I only remember feeling betrayed. It was a very strong feeling. The kids would usually lock me in bathrooms, take off my clothes, steal my stuff, use me as a toy. Teachers would often give me low marks or humiliate me in front of the class even though I had the highest exam scores in the school. I can't really recall more stuff now as I have conventionally erased them from my memory.
Sociopaths aren't introspective.
Your time is worthless to begin with if you're coming to fucking Jow Forums of all places to ask for weird ass relationship advice which is really just humblebragging about how intelligent, nihilistic with a wicked sense of humor you are.
Try to recall them and dissect them and figure out what you were thinking and feeling it might help you become less of a sociopath
I believeis kinda right
>Once their current victim shows weakness they are destroyed either psychologically, financially and sometimes even physically.
Maybe if they have no value, but most people have some in terms of access to some kind of societal venue, be it through social or monetary capital.
Sociopaths aren't fucking stupid - if there's a chance they can utilize the relationship they have with a person to better their circumstances in terms of social or financial position, then they're going to maintain it, even if it means occasional discomfort, unless the vast and overwhelming majority of their society absolutely prohibits their maintaining such a relationship on any level, in which case they will bow out and wish them the best before cutting all ties.
Sociopaths aren't predators; they're just opportunists with no sense of social justice.
That's the real deal, and you probably know a fuckton of them.
I came here for advice as you said. How I spend my time is my problem, not yours. If you're not here to provide advice or an insightful answer to my question then why are you here? Don't you have other people to annoy?
You used the same reply twice.
>I came here for advice as you said
You didn't. Nobody comes here for advice. You came here for attention like everybody else.
>How I spend my time is my problem, not yours
Of course, but your time is still worthless. Doing literally anything else with it would be more useful.
So, since you're already wasting time I don't see any issue in helping you.
Yet, you're still replying to someone that you characterize worthless. Go ahead and keep replying to me. I won't anymore
>You used the same reply twice.
That's another goy
>I came here for advice as you said. How I spend my time is my problem, not yours.
They're trying to come on to you, user. You're playing right into their hand.
I'm wasting time just like you are. Are you illiterate or something? You're supposed to lurk for 2 years before posting on the site, tourist.
I have run into the real deal which is why I talk about them.
They are not stupid, and I haven't implied at any point that they are stupid. They are cunning and they will destroy you if you show weakness or allow them to dominate you consciously or unconsciously. They are predatory in their actions, they feed off others energy and material and a true sociopath has a touch of sadism, they enjoy this and so it is that they are destroyers, that's their nature.
There are some sociopaths who are weaker in their expression of these set of traits that will settle or get comfortable because they're older, their looks are fading or they've become apathetic over time or they bond with an even more dominant sociopath who forces them into the subservient role. Weaker sociopaths will not go up against stronger ones in the hierarchy as it's a losing battle but they will dominate those beneath them.
I know what I am talking about, I'm talking about the darkest of the dark. I'm not talking about your average, off the street middle-manager sociopath at a tech company.
>retarded attention whore shows herself to be retarded attention whore
just let it happen
the rick and morty generation is funny to watch
>Nobody comes here for advice
I mean, the board is literally called that, so I sort of feel like this is projection.
>your time is still worthless. Doing literally anything else with it would be more useful.
That really doesn't make any sense. user could pound rocks into dust or make paper airplanes, but it wouldn't make them feel better about their situation.
You seem really anxious. Maybe you should meditate.
What would you feel if someone broke into your home and fucked your dad and the dog in the ass?
>a true sociopath
jesus christ you cringy retard, no such thing exists. it's literally a reddit boogeyman, psychology has long since realized that such a blanket term has no correlation with reality.
"Psychopaths" (people with physiologically impaired empathy/emotional responses) exist. Then a wide variety of anti social behaviours exist. But these sociopaths you talk about are not a thing.
>the board
Now check the domain it's on, chucklefuck
>blah blah
You're here to fish for (You)s, I'm indulging you. If anything you should be offering me sexual favors at this point.
Gosh, I'd get so upset I'd pop in Twilight and eat a whole carton of chocolate ice cream while i wept. i might even write in my journal about it. "fucking asshole raped my fucking dad n dog. gosh dang it im such a sociopath. nobody understands me."
Did I give you permission to speak child?
Now shut your fucking mouth.
seriously though imagine what your dad felt while a man was making love to his anus. Think about the humiliation and the anger and betrayal he felt towards you as you watched it
I always loved that term, "chucklefuck."
If I were to open a comedy club in Nebraska, I think I'd call it that.
Come to Chuckefuck's for the best 2$ margaritas you can get, and also Amy Schumer is headlining on Saturday!
What sexual favors do you want tho - I'm a 42-year old chubby white guy; I'm pretty open as long as you have a vagina.
*cis-het-male-white-guy" - desu desu
And yes, Amy Schumer is still hot even after that catastrophe of a movie that was appropriately called "Trainwreck" - which it was - and I hate myself for still finding her hot even though she was pandering at the end of it, which totally seemed to contradict her otherwise anti-misogynist sensibilities in terms of what she was working toward with everything else she'd ever done.
I mean, she's still thicc and I guess I can't hold it against her to cash in on that, but it just seemed super-awkward, amirite?
Not true. You can really care for someone and still be a sociopath. It's just that sociopaths usually reserve those feelings for like two people at the very most.
>You can really care for someone and still be a sociopath. It's just that sociopaths usually reserve those feelings for like two people at the very most.
Probably most people think in terms of treating a couple of people as special.
Sociopaths tend to go a step further though, and just look at the entirety of their human peers as about as worthless as them.... which is pretty worthless.
Like, what chance to any of us have to figure all of this out?
It's not a lot. It's really low. It's fucking depressing, when you really think about it, which is why sociopaths just figure that everybody probably has about as dim of an idea as what it's "all about" as they do, and they just figure that we're all just winging it.
Prove them wrong if you can. They'd love to see it.
I hope this is a pasta
>partner that I deeply love and trust
pick one
Oh god, if it isn't a pasta, oh man.. could you even imagine.. just wow, superwtfcringe amirite user?
This topic is fucking embarrassing, why the hell did you bump it, it was about to fall off? Topic reeks of a teenage edgelord or someone severely mentally stunted.
Look man, he hoped it was pasta, he really fucking hoped. You wouldn't understand.
Yeha totally XD I'm mean also kinda sociopath lmfao owo like sometimes I feel like I dont care bout people lel and have the need to belittle everyone like I'm really a total like like that fattie pig from de texas chansaw massacre XD lele
even tho I dont want kilp anyone (its true CIA agent) but yeah owo I'd consider myself a sociopath I'm not actually XD lol lying XD I don't actually sound like the usual stereotipical tumblr girl :3 that tries so hard to embiment the stereotypical serial killer sociopath from hollywood movies :) and tries to push steretipically sociopath traits on my personality XD llolol and if you say otherwise you're a child (see how careless and intimidating I am lol(
You're confusing sociopathy with blunted affect. Sociopaths generally have a blunted affect but not all people with a blunted affect are sociopaths -- autists and schizoids for instance fit in the category of blunted affect. Sociopaths are defined by a pathological tendency to sabotage, exploit and subjugate in their interactions with other people. This runs the gamut from simple parasitism and reckless competitiveness (90% of sociopaths), emotional cruelty and physical violence (9% of sociopaths), and torture and murder (1% of sociopaths). OP is deliberately raising her bf's guard that she's capable of bad things, she has a tendency to be self-serving and should perhaps be trusted only conditionally, which simultaneously makes herself vulnerable. A sociopath would not do this under any circumstances, would not think about doing this, let alone feel any emotional conflict around the question of doing so.
You did the right thing. You can make it if you keep doing the right thing.
I call bs. I got the personality disorder, sociopathy. And you don’t really have a mild case of it. That’s a human trait called being annoyed, my understanding is that everyone have that feeling sometimes. I’m indifferent to all of you, i just keep some of you around because it gains me. I do however lack the common trait of wanting grandiose life.
Anyways. You did wrong, you never tell because you have no need to. But I suppose there are some dumb sociopaths out there too. Never really thought about that until now.
You're not asking for advice. Go away.
nice catch, i would GTFO instantly
you cant be a sociopath if you care and can empathise with others, you caring about his opinion literally means you cant have aspd
>I'm a sociopath
>my partner that I deeply love and trust
Pick one and only one.
Cringe. I bet your partner is actually ur left hand u edgy incel