Where are they? Why do I always end up with sluts that cheat on me with chad? Is there a place where good girls are hiding?
What happened to the good girls?
with the good guys
do you leave your house? finding the right girl is like a needle in a haystack. if you don't leave your house it's like trying to find a needle in a haystack while blindfolded and the haystack is 10 miles away.
are you sure?
>cheat on you with chad
what's a good girl anyway?
which one's the slut? they look pretty similar
They're probably tired of dating, too. At least, I can imagine since the dating scene seems to dominated by the "pump and dump" mentality on both sides.
Ever heard of the Dark Forest Theory? Pretty sure it's like that.
outside somewhere
the second one
How many girlfriends have you had? Did they all cheat on you? How old are you?
lots of places to look
an unremarkable claim must be backed up by unremarkable evidence
why do you always end up with sluts?
lots of things happen to good girls
just taking a guess. now you're talking about claims and evidence. i don't know any of these girls, you autist.
checked, i will accept those as evidence
Something something entitlement. Something something women don't owe you anything. That's what happened, society tells them they can do whatever they want, or at least that's what extreme feminists say.
>no girl with a smile to come back home to
is that what a good girl is
> meet girl
>she funny and good to be around too but not really a model
>she most likely want me but I dont
>she aggresivly flirt with me while we are drunk
>too drunk to say no, i kiss her and we fool around but no sex
>next day we sober so dont do shit. Have sex with another girl, i just met.
>feel nasty the next day. Maybe girl one had a thing for me and I fucked one of her acquaintance
>next day we drunk again and hook up with girl one again
>soon everynight we kiss, even before we are wasted.
>we start kissing during the day and just hanging out
>leave for vacation she shower me with messages. Say she wants me to fuck her, even send me a heart.
>next night she tells me she could have fucked with some guy but didnt
>deep down I know they at least kissed
>go back to her we spend a day together
>the very next day (i m away) she kiss the same dude again
>ask her wtf ?
>oh there was nothing between us user
The other guy isnt even better good looking than me and he is shorter than her.
Feels bad to be cucked by a manlet
Ur gay
>Why do I always end up with sluts that cheat on me with chad?
Probably because everybody is attracted to a lot of people.
If she can acknowledge that you are, though, and accept it, and you can as well, then you have a pretty good chance.
People's libidos tend to be larger than just one person for the rest of their lives, despite what crazy people might tell you.
Yeah that means monogamy is probably a delusion in practical terms for most of the population.
Do you think she's a "good girl" because she only wants you even though you want other girls?
Or do you think there's some "good girl" who will capture your entire libido?
Either way, I guess good luck, user.
This. "Cheating" doesn't exist and is actually a good thing
Define "good." Then again, don't waste your time. All women will are whores if given the opportunity.
Oh, it does. When people make promises, they make promises, as unrealistic as they are. The problem is that they think they're only making them to one person, when they're actually making them to themselves.
That part sucks, because there's basically no way to not break that promise, because like humans want to bang lots of other humans.
But if you hold it against another, you hold it against yourself.
Maybe someday we'll have a happy life.
When it comes to relationships similar minds attract
It's more because women aren't capable of love and lack morals. I can bet you that if we went back to the times where it was normal to beat your wife or even kill her if she cheated, bitches would stop it.
Women are just a reflection of the state of men. Men have allowed themselves and women to wallow in the profane. Focus on being a virtuous man and dont allow degeneracy to go unchallenged. If enough men do this things will change.
Where you aren't. You, and most men these days, point blank aren't good enough for them. Pornfried knuckledraggers or manbabies that just want a sexmommy, or both. They're going to get with a guy leagues above you in social and physical status, a guy that doesn't make threads like this.
Me and my bf, together almost 6 years, neither of us would even think of cheating and we love each other. Both have jobs, work out, have healthy social lives. Can you say the same?
Like attracts like. Try being better you pussgut beta
>What happened to the good girls?
They went extinct with the rise of 2nd and 3rd wave feminism. Now if you want a western gf, your only options are sluts (that will cheat on you) or single mothers (who will cheat on you). If you want a decent woman you have to move to another country and stay there.
you're either larping or you're not a good girl at all, as is obvious by the content and composition of your post, faggot
Based roastie telling us what's on the female checklist of requirements
In their homes.
Good girls don't go out wasting time o drinking alchool. And be sure that not one single good girl would ever touch any kind of dating app.
>thinks there are "good" or "bad" girls anyways
there are 2 sides 2 me~
they're all already in stable, long-term relationships
I’ve only dated one bad girl ever. I think the problem is you.
Maybe you're just good?
Maybe, or maybe i have a better sense of the personality and quirks of these women. And don’t jump into the first thing that glance my way.
So you're good. Thanks for clarifying