Which one fits humanity the best? Why is our current polyamorous society failing? Which is the best for the human species?
Monogamy vs Polygamy
polybullshit is for people who aren't responsible and are afraid of commitment
First off, polyamory and polygamy aren't the same thing. Second, a notable group of 20 year olds screwing around doesn't make our society polyamorous. Third, the fact that you would already classify our society (whatever the hell that means) as failing leads me to believe you already have your set views on the topic and aren't really looking to change your mind. And fourth, you're not asking for advice here. Take this shit to Jow Forums and stop polluting a still semi-decent board with your absolute garbage dump of a post. Sage even though you're on page 1 because yes, I'm using it as a downvote, you fucking moron.
Humans are naturally monogamous.
Having sex with one person is a lot easier than having sex with 2 or more at the same time.
Polyamorous relationships will always fail, just as a monogamous relationship will fail if there wasn't mutual respect and trust. Polyamorous people have a twisted worldview that makes them think using people for sex is love and thus they love a lot of people. They will probably never find love though.
Failed relationships are not good for anything.
Whichever has beta providers caring for the offspring of Chad after roasties get off the cock carousel. It's the natural order
Humanity is mono. If it wasnt, non standard or flawed mono wouldn't fuck the mental development of children up. Most childhood trauma comes from the parents fucking up monogamy in some way.
BUT we are meant to live like people 10,000 years ago. So women might have a series of monogamous relationships because her husbands died in war or hunting.
I have a feeling women are built to pick two different spouses pre and post first child. The first spouse is a risk taker or Chad. He almost always dies early in life. During pregnancy the brain of the woman changes. Her hormone profile changes. After that she looks for a provider. She has 2+ babies with him.
This is probably why divorce is so common. Why women never actually enjoy being married to Chad. Why nice guys finish last. Risk taking men, until recently, almost always died before 30. Women having to deal with them for their entire lives is a new thing. It's why they are attracted to them but hate dating them. They are suppose to knock them up, then go die doing something stupid.
Chad doesn't die, though. You're referring to a more primal type of man who shares some similarities with Chad but is more aggressive, dumb, and not quite as attractive.
Modern Chad doesnt die, but most of us dont die. Risk taking 10,000 would get you cut and you would die of infection while the more risk adverse man would not get cut and accumulate resources.
You can call it protochad, kane and able, thor and Loki, whatever.
Smarter men lived longer and had more babies until recently. Now the smart man sells healthcare to the risk taker and he sticks around to be a pain in everyone's ass.
They're in the way and causing the decline of society. We only need a couple risk takers, not tons of them. Someone actually has to play it safe build society. Society is built by the safe smart resource building second husband. Not risk takers.
I see what you're saying but I'm my mind Chad is both physically and mentally attractive. Either way you're not wrong in what you're saying and I agree with everything except maybe terminology
In ancient times, polygyny was more common. The ratio of men to women would have been less equal, meaning more women for less men in general. Men would be doing all the hard, dangerous shit (including war), which means they were more likely to die. Men with power and weatlh would take more wives/concubines while some of the lower status men would take one. This type of arrangement was found across cultures. The chinese banned multiple wives but you could still have concubines. In a way those ancient cultures were more honest, whereas our modern society is based around deceit and the hiding of this behavior from society. Males are still inclined towards it.
Polygamy is illegal in a lot of places now, though countries in Africa or muslim ones still allow it. But gay marriage and partnership is legalized, and transgender rights are seen as "common sense" by the left. Go figure. With the laissez faire attitudes toward sex, we basically have a bunch of used up hoes running around, running the show. Women trying to be men in the sexual market. I would honestly prefer legalized polygyny (to a limit) and a closed sexual market still based around marriage, because then women wouldn't be so batshit.
Women are meant to be for one man. A man is permitted to have multiple women. I'd almost argue it's a deep biological desire for men to have multiple women. We have the means as men to make it so through sheer willpower and conquering. Women don't. It's why women fucking a bunch of men is basically them just larping as men. It's kind of sad really. They've just been brainwashed by the TV and movies and music so they think it's right. Filling a hole metaphorically and literally.
This, with emphasis on
>is for people who aren't responsible
Time, and time again, the people I've encountered who engage in these activities are druggies, working dead end jobs, no aspirations, no savings, etfuckingcetera.
>Why is our current polyamorous society failing
We don't have a polyamorous society, you retard. Just because social norms regarding dating have become more lax that doesn't mean people are overall polyamorous. Human beings are serial monogamists by nature, because people do get attached even in casual relationships and don't want to share their romantic interest. Regardless, people get bored from one another and seek a new partner. That's why people get crushes on others, while already being in a relationship. That has never changed. Matter of fact, previous generations had more sex and more partners than this very recent one.
Leave your house, incel.
Polygamy is based. Polyamory is bluepilled. And monogamy is alright for normies I guess.
People with good jobs and aspirations and hobbies don’t have time for multiple partners lol
Plausible idea
Preaching to the choir, man.
>semi-decent board
Lol, very true.
Multiple wives at one time is literally the worst thing you can do for society. It creates terrorist. Normal men do not get the wives. They all go to wealthy or political men. We already see this in the Muslim world. The young men that cant get laid piss off and go kill people.
Really, the best thing we could do is stop pushing women to get married and have babies. Encourage them to stop marrying some pile of shit at 18 and then having 2 babies. Instead just fuck. Get the Chad fucking out of your system. Then go marry and have babies with someone that can actually pay a house off.
But that's not going to happen because every dork and encil secretly thinks he'll be a Chad one day, so they protect his ability to lock good women down. It's just like poor white trash that supports corruption because they think one day they will get to be corrupt and successful.
>Just let society be cucked eternally lol
>Multiple wives is the worst you can do for a society
Yeah when you're a muslim maybe. I'm speaking of a hypothetical situation that will never happen in our current state. The can of worms is already opened. "Sexual freedom" is all we know now. You're so cucked you WANT this sexual freedom to persist so women continue fucking chads until they're bored and ready to settle down, one of the MANY symptoms indicating how sick our society is. Prostitutes aren't going anywhere. You get your information about Islam from shitty news sources. Are you aware there is a huge gay subculture in many muslim countries? Or their views on young male prostitutes? Or the fact that a lot of them will have sex with animals? All that "it radicalizes them" is some nonsense to discourage a more righteous system than the one we have. I assure you, polygyny in the sanctity of one lifelong relationship is better than the cock carousel.
Pie in the sky nonsense. No better than mra good old day crap.
You keep believing it but I'll tell you one thing, if the English speaking world allowed multiple wives, you wouldn't be the one getting them. You'd probably get none.
Everyone thinks they will be at the top of these utopian worlds, but 99.9% of us wont be.
You aren't charismatic enough now for one girl, you won't be charsmatic for multiple girls.
I would say monogamy. Most people cant be that responsible at remembering dates for two ppeople. Also, the problems of one "family" are transferred to the other or just completely ignored since they have options.
Buuuut, monogamous couples could and maybe should allow each person to have sex with whoever they want, since thats usually what happens one way or the other.
But "accidents" between straight people would be catastrophic if they did as i said, since they kind of happen sometimes.
Another "accident" but between gay people(mostly) are stds, which have been kind of a huge problem since people werent exactly prude in the 80-90s
>Really, the best thing we could do is stop pushing women to get married and have babies. Encourage them to stop marrying some pile of shit at 18 and then having 2 babies. Instead just fuck. Get the Chad fucking out of your system. Then go marry and have babies with someone that can actually pay a house off.
This is what we are doing RIGHT NOW. We tell women, don't get married right away. Sleep around and get it out of your system. So they sleep around until their late 20s and then guys who were getting no pussy for years while working hard see these women and (rightly) have zero interest in marrying them.
>Women are meant to be for one man. A man is permitted to have multiple women. I'd almost argue it's a deep biological desire for men to have multiple women. We have the means as men to make it so through sheer willpower and conquering. Women don't. It's why women fucking a bunch of men is basically them just larping as men. It's kind of sad really. They've just been brainwashed by the TV and movies and music so they think it's right. Filling a hole metaphorically and literally.
5 star post.
Theres a reason why the only stable democracies in the middle east also happen to be the two there that outlaw polygamy.
Fuck off, Jew.
>you aren't charismatic enough for one girl
nice projection brotato. It may be pie in the sky nonsense but it's better than your defeatist let the roasties roast bullshit. If we instituted a limit so all the 1 percent wouldn't hoard them it could work.
>our current polyamorous society
Wut. Are you from Saudi Arabia?
Maybe where you live. Where I live, they are all getting divorced around 30 and have a 10 and 8 year old.
>If we instituted a limit so all the 1 percent wouldn't hoard them it could work.
But we wont. And even if we did, it would just be oil rig workers making 250k a year sponging them up. Nothing worth a shit would trickle down to normal men.
It's bad enough we all have to compete with the men around us that are single. Holy shit would it be bad if we had to compete with every adult Male alive.
Which one most directly fits human sexual impulses? Polyamorous. Which one provides for a more stable or successful society? Monogamy. It's sort of like how the natural state of humans is to want to eat as much delicious food as possible, but if you don't exercise control over your base impulses you end up an obese retard.
Our society struggles because shitters who long since passed their prime or any use to us continue to run their positions despite lacking the ability, foresight, drive or ambition to do so anymore.
In this, they soak up the top echelon of earnings and opportunity, leaving a younger generation-- who grow up under their thumbs-- highly disillusioned. This combined with a generation prior who treat mental health as anathema has developed a very unhealthy middle layer, which has just compounded the problems already existing.
One of the biggest issues is our highly sensationalist tendencies; we value something we can react to more. The reality about sexuality in our societies is that the younger the generation is, the less they fuck, so I don't think polyamory is the problem. I think a bunch of people with ignored mental conditions and bred into a society where they're actively lied to at all stages of life is the problem, but it's guaranteed to be much easier to blame sex because, again, sensationalism. It gets a reaction and it gets people squabbling.