Am I an asshole because I went to a different prostitute? I'm friends with this girl, who happens to be a prostitute...

Am I an asshole because I went to a different prostitute? I'm friends with this girl, who happens to be a prostitute, and I've solicited her services a lot. I've gone to her almost exclusively and she's a good prostitute, don't get me wrong, but I wanted to try something different. I've been going to a different prostitute to cater to some of my other interests and it's been fun. My prostitute friend asked me out of curiosity that she hadn't seen me in a long time and asked if I was busy. I told her I was going to a different prostitute. She was incredibly offended and called me an asshole and said not to talk to her anymore.

Did I break some unspoken prostitute code?

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she was probably catching some feelings for you.
It's what happens when you receive one dick constantly.

We're you paying this "friend"?

In another setting it would be
She owns a coffe shop
You become "close"(im not sure,how close you guys are)
You go to a different coffe shop and in consequence. You stop going for coffe at your friends shop
You tell her, and she gets angry

Based solely on this scenario, shes hurt because you didnt like her coffe
Based on that " prostitution" they need costumers that stay so of course she was your "friend" , but she was more hurt that you stopped paying her and that youre paying another one from the competition or something

Probably likes you. A prostitute should know that Johns have no loyalty to them.

Prostitutes can catch feelings. I've been actively solicited by some, and if I spend too much time, flirting with the idea or complimenting them, they'll actually start texting me, "why haven't you come over yet?"

I'd feel bad, if they weren't trying to get me to pay for physical affection in the first place. Here's an idea, get a job, get a boyfriend, and then you can fuck raw without having to worry about stds.

That sounds a lot like emotional manipulation. You're relationship with a whore is strictly business. Nothing else. No feelings - no friendships - just fucking. You are paying for a service, an illegal one in America I might add, and nothing more. Just like cashiers, just like waiters - it's nothing personal. You're just there for a service and they are the ones who provide it.

Sure, they probably have street-beef with each other - but that's not your fucking problem. Tell them both to shut the hell up and that you want a threesome. As long as everyone's getting paid, that's all that should matter to them and you.

Am I an asshole because I went to a different McDonalds? I'm friends with this girl, who happens to be a McDonalds manager, and I've bought her burgers a lot. I've gone to her almost exclusively and she's a good McDonalds manager, don't get me wrong, but I wanted to try something different. I've been going to a different McDonalds to cater to some of my other interests and it's been fun. My McDonalds manager friend asked me out of curiosity that she hadn't seen me in a long time and asked if I was busy. I told her I was going to a different McDonalds. She was incredibly offended and called me an asshole and said not to talk to her anymore.

That an awful analogy. McDonalds employees always have a steady salary even if you don't go eat at their stablishment. Most prostitutes live off what they make from their clients directly.

I agree with the point you were trying to make, but that's just an awful example.

I think mentally she saw you as a friend to help her conscience, when you went to someone else it reminded her she is just a whore, also business competition. she wanted a hold on you for regular money

its just business. your "friend" clearly has a bit more to learn about it

>She was incredibly offended and called me an asshole and said not to talk to her anymore.

she wants you to go to her as a regular forever because it is safer for her and guaranteed income

if you listen to her, you're a tool

She mad you had your lad with another fad

if you dick someone regularly, someone is going to develop some feelings, it's unavoidable no matter how much you both claim it's business.
if it's nothing to you, it's nothing, so don't think on it.
anything else and i'd get so many (you)'s

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Go to her right now and fuck her brains out. Give her a 20% tip and a note that says "I'm sorry, you're the only whore for me babe." and watch as she tears up.

That's more closely related to going to a different hair dresser/family doctor/gym than a McD's slave. Private Small Buisnesses do tend to try and establish return customers more than relying on single transaction.
Single Transaction Prostitutes tend to be more high risk for disease and cheaper.

So she was actually probably decently respecting you and you probably turned around and got aids.

Can confirm. I did the exact same thing to my gf and she was lovey dovey for 2 weeks straight after this. She's pretty cold otherwise

No that's a pretty weird reaction.
In fact, a lot of escorts will often recommend their Johns to their friends. It's possible she's involved in some interpersonal conflict with the new escort you went to, or that she caught feelings.


Shut the fuck up, she's a whore. Ain't no different than going from mcdonalds to mcdonalds. Their pay is not of any concern of the customers - both at mcdonalds and the hooker. If she wanted a steady salary she'd have an actual job

she wants your money retard