How do I ask this girl across from me on the train on a date?
How do I ask this girl across from me on the train on a date?
Hail mary it, politely.
"Hi, you're cute and I wanna get to know you. Wanna meet up for coffee/drinking sometime?"
Accept the no if she refuses.
Nice thighs
>on phone
She's taken
This, just do it, and if she seems bothered, too bad, her fault for exposing her legs in such a lewd and indecent manner.
Should I wait until near the end? Should I try and make small talk first?
Give me something to open with besides "nice legs"
she has nice legs and hands. Keeper in my books
Just rape her. Women love it.
You Muslim?
She has been staring at her phone the entire time I'm trying to make eye contact first.
Fuck I realize she has airpods in.
How do I get her attention without yelling across the isle?
Put you hand on her crotch without making eye contact
go up to her and yell very loudly that you are virgin
It's weird how all of you fucking assholes on here are simultaneously obsessed with women and yet hate them at the same time. Board is fucking rife with this kind of faggotry.
Don't wait till the end. Ideally you two get chatting. Has she got a book or something you can ask about?
Look bored and see if you can just get some regular small talk going. Find out where she's headed. "Oh that's funny so am I. Actually I was thinking of getting some lunch when I get there...I don't suppose you want to come?"
what's the problem? Are you obsessed with work? What a loser
Probably she really is trying to not talk to people then...but we're all guilty of that. Doesn't 100% mean she's taken.
Do you have a deck of cards or something? You could flash them at her and ask if she wants to join because you're bored.
It that's not possible you need to come up with a reason why you need her. Say you don't have a charger. Ask to borrow hers. You're very sorry to bother her. See it she gives any indication that she wants to continue conversation.
When you grow up you'll realize women are good for pleasure and don't deserve any respect for being warm holes
I wanna marry her bros
I literally have no idea what that's even supposed to I am not obsessed with work. I like women. The difference is that I actually like them and don't have any problem with them flashing some leg - I actually really enjoy it.
We decided in the western world quite a long time ago that women can dress how they want. It's only extremely religious types, and then also unfortunately, your new breed of incel Jow Forums virgin that disagrees. And your shit opinion actually threatens the entire western world.
Eww. Her face is ugly af lmao
You didn't decide anything except continuing the opinions of the people who came before you
I mean maybe you're a troll. Maybe you're not. Either way you're not being helpful to either the virgin losers on here, or men who actually do have social skills and get laid. And clearly you're not helpful to women. You're just a detriment to society generally. You do not even help your own case because you WANT to sleep with women yourself. You fucking idiot.
You can get women without sounding like one
Yeah really genius comeback. You clearly understood the important part of what what I said and didn't just attack a complete triviality.
Yeah dude she's mad cute. Her face isn't a total "fuck off" expression either. Which is good. If you go straight in with "look I know this is unusual but I think you're really cute" I personally think there is a strong chance that she'll give you an automatic no about having a boyf even if she doesn't because she'll just be nervous/awkward.
Therefore I recommend you do something still brave like just go straight in and talk to her but don't say anything about fancying her. You are just bored want her to join you for whatever random thing you can think of.
Mate I just support women's rights to look hot. Why would I not support that you retard? I don't want them running around in fucking burkas.
Don't get brainwashed by the complete retards on here. They almost exclusively have no idea how to deal with women.
Is there a bar on the train? "Hey what's up? Really long voyage and I'm mad bored...I don't suppose you wanna come check out the bar?"
Ok. Here's the deal. You can appreciate women dressing like whores and you can call it out and you can still support their right to do so all at the same time
For the love of social cues, OP, don't just ask some stranger on a date point blank. Strike up a convo first.
If some dude outright asked you to hang out again without any prompt or prior interaction it would come off as creepy and weird.
Leave her alone. She's just trying to get to her destination w/o some neckbearded hambeast mouth breathing on her for a date.
What are you on about? Firstly she isn't dressed like a whore to begin with.
Secondly if you call someone out for something but actually like what they're doing at the same time you are directly contradicting yourself and are a hypocrite. So yes you can do it - like you can do anything - but it's still very stupid.
Sincerely hoping your silence means you're going for it OP. If not have you got a pen and paper? Try drawing. It usually catches people's attention. Once she looks you have your chance to say...well anything really. Make a joke about drawing her.
Show her your dick
You can like whores and call them whores without contradiction
But she isn't a whore. (Most probably).
You literally know nothing about her except for that she's dressed actually quite modestly just with shorts because it's the summer and it's hot.
So what is your fucking point?
Is it only me but the old woman in front looks like the young girl when she was younger as the young girl behind her?
Love how the old lady and the girl are both glued to their phones. What a race of zombies we've become
girls like this are 99% already taken or will say they are because they know they can do better than some average Jow Forums dweller who asks strangers how to approach her.
Has she looked at you? shown any signs she is interested in you? if not then you're risking a lot, like her thinking you're a creep and you have to endure the ride with her around and possibly the old lady in front of her who will know you got rejected
She is dressed like a whore
Read a book. Listen to music. Talk to your fellow man
She seems kinda old isn't she?
>hey, I just saw you and think you're really cute and I'd regret not saying hi to you
Line from a chad friend
>not reading informative and educational research papers on your phone
OP here. Didn't say a word to her. My stop came first and I got off. She was staring at her phone with headphones in the entire ride every time I glanced over.
people look at things they're attracted to and avoid looking at things they're not, so they don't lead anyone on and have to go through the trouble of rejecting someone. The fact she hasn't looked once, even a sly lil' peek, is enough to make you think you didn't embarrass yourself by making a move. Its not like she didn't know you were there, you sat right across from her. Maybe she was put off by the fact you were taking pics of her kek
I can imagine her on her phone, texting someone "there's this guy who keeps tilting his phone towards me and he thinks I don't know about it"
pro tip
it only works cos hes chad.
a-a-a-and she's ugly. Here we go. /thread
one of those fake Gucci bags, materialistic whore, she would have only used you for your money
don't. im a girl and if some random person were to do that to me i would be really wierded out
someone communicates with you with interest in something more.
you think that's weird.
that's literally how meeting people has worked since the beginning of time you fucking freak
also, stop attacking her she looks perfectly fine and probably wouldn't appreciate being judged so harshly
You don't. This is a train, not a tavern.
If you're definition of dressing like a whore is wearing shorts, or if it happens to be, a reasonably lengthed skirt then you are extremely conservative and your opinion deviates wildly from what is considered the norm. Therefore you are as I suspected, either an incel or a religious nut and either opinion threatens the great culture that is the west. Now fuck off you dirty fucking arab.
Do not do this. High risk high stake move. Much better off saying something normal and just try and imbue a positive energy. Approach anything or anybody negatively and it's unlikely to go well. No matter what you say to a girl as long as you say it with some positivity it should at least make you seem charming and not like a creep even if she rejects you.
Ahh shit. Well we've all been there. Lucky for you there are 3.5 billion more fish in the sea and 7 billion if you're open minded.
> 3.5 billion more fish in the sea
This is so retarded every time. You're telling him grannies and babies are good to go.
It's Jow Forums mate. You really think these people are above that?
Saludala, di algo gracioso, y hazle saber que te interesa. Y si sale mal, soporta y vete.
Out of your league. Mind your own business, dipshit
How has nobody noticed that big fuck off engagement ring on her finger?
Christ I must really be surrounded by children here, and I'm only 27.
What a fucking incel creep
Don't forget the indians, africans, chinese, which are the vast majority of the remaining ones and that are deemed unfit of his /po/cel rotted brain
>people look at things they're attracted to and avoid looking at things they're not
As a shy Guy I disagree
This will be your kid.
I would desu
Sure you would. Im 100% sure about it.
I absolutely would... imagine... hmm.... yes... hmm....
i bet you're planning your entire life together in your head right now
I do in fact i have went throught natural human life cycle and experienced death. As of now im in astral plane.
>Those sexy legs.
Should've taken more pics, user. Will jerk it to her later.
She's a time traveller Co.e back to watch that time user spilled his spaghetti. I mean look at that smirk on her face.
operate from the assumption that everyone wants to talk to you. Dont apologise for bothering her or existing , say hey excuse me and ask for her name, introduce yourself and then make small talk, then ask her out. Or just say you think shes gorgeous and ask her out
Fod gods sake, stop idealising her, she's just pretty. stop taking fuckin photos of her and ask her out
dont listen to this guy, be direct. She will know you like her just by the fact youve said hello, having the balls to be direct communicates dominance and strength. if shes not keen, say no problem, sorry to bother you, have a great day. Dont take it personally, you have nothing to lose
You are a creepy ass dude.
Yours will have downs, I was pointing out that no, there are not 3.5 billion women out there for him, you literal mongoloid, it has nothing to do with me or my life
She looks pretty old, user
>Risking a lot
God forbid some woman who he'll never see again for as long as he lives thinks he's a creep for the day or so that the memory of the interaction exists in her brain
Being afraid to annoy women is how you remain a frustrated incel for the rest of your life. Just talk to them, it's not like they're doing anything anyway. At worst, you're interrupting their daily ritual of vacuously cycling through facebook/twitter/instagram/snapchat posts about shit they don't even really care about, and will welcome being able to tell their friends "Yeah some weirdo tried to talk to me on the train today". If anything you're doing them a favor