Painful illness & euthanasia

for the past year i have had an extremely painful heat intolerance and I cannot go outside when the temperature is above 73 degrees. I am extremely weak like an elderly person despite being 20yrs old and I feel too weak to do any kind of exercise, I cannot exert myself whatsoever and I can no longer exercise. I used to be an extremely athletic high schooler and I was an excellent student in chemistry.

I can no longer study in college from memory loss and I am too physically weak to go to the gym, I am in pain all the time.

My parents and doctors have said I am delusional and that my painful illness is not real. It is impossible to make any progress convincing them I am in pain.

I have gotten a prescription from my psychiatrist for a lethal drug triazolam only 7-10mg is lethal. I can also go to switzerland and apply for euthanasia legally for 10,000 dollars from my disability savings.

I sincerely wish I would not have to kill myself, I want to get healthier and continue to live but my family and doctors refuse to help me with my illness, my only option is a slow painful death or suicide.

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My brother went through something similar at your age. It got bearable in time (years)
Also, what the fuck, is euthanasia that expensive? 10k dollars?

my psychiatrist gave me a 10 dollar prescription for triazolam it is lethal and in my room right now

is it normal for your family to offer no help when you have a disabling terminal illness from high school?

my family wants me to die even faster than the disease is progressing.

I don't want to be the guy to tell you what to do regarding your literal life, but I can tell you it got better for my brother. 20 years later and he's still suicidal at heart, though. That doesn't mean you should be too, of course

Well, the doctors are saying there is no terminal ilness, haven't you read? Same thing in my story.
But how did you manage to get that subscription, man?

I don’t want Jow Forums 15 year olds having access to lethal drugs, so I won’t share that

Fair enough. I understand now anyway. I don't know what to tell you man. Sorry about this shit you're going through. Hold on as much as you can, if you want a shitty platitude, but it's sincere.

misconception here the doctors know I have a massive brain injury, 3 separate doctors have told me I have aphasia and dysphasia.

the major causes of aphasia are brain injury from accidents, strokes, and then genetic neurodegenerative diseases, or even an adverse reaction to a psychiatric drug.

the doctor admitted you may have a brain disease or an adverse reaction to the drugs or both... but we will never know what is wrong with you because medicine cannot answer all patients questions and the testing available cannot find all diseases.

they recommended that I try some amphetamines to see if it could improve my cognitive ability or I could try a benzodiazepine as used by junkies to improve my aphasia.

I guess I should just do methamphetamines now? that is the treatment for cognitive impairments and apathy, it was found effective

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Hey idiot, there are countless supplements and therapies you could do.
Don't try to kill yourself yet before trying them.

LLLT is one of them.

this person is mentally ill

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I don't need to kill myself, I don't give fuck about brain damage and I do what I want

I don’t want to say it’s normal but definitely more common than you would expect. Sometimes youth in pain are just wrote off as being dramatic.

euthanasia for a brain injury is like being a little kid who is afraid to sleep with lights out, your just a little bitch! fuck you euthanasia is for pussies, I don't need euthanasia for the next 6 months

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Do better research about your illness and suggested medications (ie academic research) and get a new doctor. If necessary keep getting new doctors until someone finally listens.

They all know I have a disease they all told me that it is too challenging to figure out which disease I have because there are no symptoms to work off of. I am doing a genome sequencing to check for genetic diseases

Meanwhile I am looking for a new anti depressant for apathy such as an amphetamine

My family told me the doctors are stupid and misdiagnosed me with aphasia, I am too tired to keep fighting these retards all day, if I have to argue with my retarded mother while I die from a terminal illness than the best option is suicide.

My psychiatrist is willing to give me a lethal medication that kills you with 7mg, I already have 3.75mg

Yeah... It sucks being a young Asian.

Get it? Youth in Asia?

Your solution seems misguided. You want to spend 10k on euthanasia, but your medical condition has not even been properly diagnosed? Wouldn't it be unethical to euthanize someone when you don't even know what is wrong with them?

Seems to me you should put the money and effort into getting properly diagnosed. That might mean getting a second opinion or third or even a fourth. But eventually you should have medical acknowledgement of your condition and a path towards treatment.

I was diagnosed with aphasia and dysautonomia both are irreversible and my family refuses to offer me any aid only verbal and physical abuse.

my psychiatrist is offering me a lethal drug that can kill in 7mg