Hello wondering if I could get any advice on becoming more self-disciplined around food...

Hello wondering if I could get any advice on becoming more self-disciplined around food? Its my only cope right now and I find it hard to enjoy anything else. I know I can’t keep going like this nobody likes fat girls.
Anything would be appreciated ty

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Find a better hobby than eating food. When i play good video game i sometimes even forget i am hungry. Try out watching evo for a while, maybe it will grab your attention

Never ever eat food outside of kitchen. And obviously whatever you do in free time, dont do it in kitchen. Its harder to slurp chocolade whole day if its in different room.

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Sis used an app to scan barcodes to count calories. Apparently she didn't realize mayo made her fat so that was a revelation. Try to combine with moderate exercise. Being able to cook also helps. Eat cheap and healthy spend the money on male escorts.

yeah I may start getting into video games again like I did when I was young it doesnt require much brainpower and takes up a lot of time
yah thats true hopefully my fatass will be able to stay out of the kichten haha thank you
I still live with my parents so they do all the shopping so I don’t get much choice in that regard but that sounds interesting I’ll have to look into using that.
And of course what wise investment

>doesnt require much brainpower
Please pick ones which actually require some skill so you not only have a reason to not eat, but also self improve a little by getting gud

you’re right user any suggestions on one?

If you'd be classified as obese (don't give a shit what people say in school, I'm talking medically), or if your parents are overweight as well, then it is time to sit down with them for the talk:

Obesity is associated with severe health complications such as heart conditions where you could literally drop dead, diabetes which will eventually rot your feet and infertility.

So you'll all die early and maimed and it will be the end of you family line. This is all your parents fault and you are blameless angel.

This can however all be reversed with some good meal planning and weekly shopping which in turn will save your family money so you all can go on a less shitty vacation next summer.


no im not clinically obese just overweight. I’m of course not a blameless angel I know that but when I move it should be easier for me to not pig out lol
ill ask mam again about getting healthier shit it’s the best I can do

no to degeneracy ! !

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I wasn't being ironic when I said you were a blameless angel. It's an actual script I expect you to rehearse to get shit sorted.

Start vomiting lol
But in all seriousness you are eating because for some reason you are focusing your thoughts too much on the wrong things
I lost 200 pounds over the last year and the last thing on my mind is food. Therapy and especially group therapy helped me a Lot
I can answer any question you have

I Just thought of a cool analogy
So imagine you dont like your House
And it really really bothers you
You cant afford to move, you cant even afford to paint it. Sure there are some things you could do to make your House a Little prettier but they all seem meaningless because its too Little
So instead what you do is whenever you feel you cant stand your House you go outside
And you start sleeping outside and you hate it but you also hate being inside and its making you completely miserable, you cant stand neither the inside not the outside and you are always angry

Quit joking about vomiting it makes you look like a creepy asshole. And if it's remotely true you lost 200lb you're fucking awesome and no shade shall ever fall on you.

oh sorry I didn’t read it properly
I’ll rote learn that lol it actually sounds good
ah wtf that’s so good it sounds like you’re doing so good im so jealous,
what has been the main thing that helped you to stop thinking about food was it like a cope or a shift in mentality or just progressively talking it out with therapies help?

Becoming schizo is a novel way of losing weight, so there's bonus points for that. But I am a little skeptic concerning its effectiveness.

dam this is too tru bro sometimes I would let to pour gasoline all over the house a fling a match to it
haha thank u but it’s fine anyway I used to purge a lot but I have no desire to anymore which is probably why I’m here

>And if it's remotely true you lost 200lb you're fucking awesome and no shade shall ever fall on you.
im not, im a piece of shit, thats the point
Any piece of shiot can loose 200 pounds if he gets the the right kind of support
And maybe you should joke more, i told people about how i ate trash and petfood (with pet shit) because you have to let that shit out so it doesnt hurt you anymore

>what has been the main thing that helped you to stop thinking about food was it like a cope or a shift in mentality or just progressively talking it out with therapies help?
well i was a complete hiki for 5 years then they shove me in a group of 30 people
i guess it was such a struggle for me to cope with that i just didnt have time for it
it helped that they got me completely away from food, i didnt buy my groseries, i couldnt cook, i had to write down everything i ate down to the glasses of water
As i said its never the food, food isnt drugs. Its the toughts, one you stop thinking this happenned so im going to eat and go this happenned so im calling someone you are pretty much cured

yes i see what you mean you kind of hit reset on the clock? I say it was hard adjusting to being with so many ppl aswell
from now on when I start to feel bad again, I’ll talk to family or someone else instead of eating and see if it helps
Thank you again

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Anyone can get support to do anything, actually doing something that drastically is a major feat that shouldn't be frowned upon.

Food can be an addiction (and obviously was for you) so eating trash and pet shit isn't really surprising.

What you did is like a heroin addict kicking his habit while constantly being surrounded by adverts for heroin on special offer for $0.99.

That's like being batman in my book.

try to talk to someone healty
i can tell you i had only two relapces
first one was a family member who kept making me break the rules and i got so pissed off i stole some money from her and ate a ton of shit
second one was this girl i grew quite fond off who told me to fuck off in a very hurtful way so i spent the entire day going from one fast food place to another eating and wishing to die
Right now im the one who has to be there for the others, and its the first time in my life, so i can tell you its neverr happenning again

If something similar hasn't been done on reddit recently you should do an ama there.

This is a good one. I found a lot of time, whenever I was bored I would find myself in the kitchen cooking or munching on something. Another trick I picked up, was whenever I was about to eat something I would ask myself, "Am I actually hungry?" If I'm not, I put the food back.

Used to be fat. Just literally stop buying garbage. If you don't buy it you can't eat it. Fill your house with fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, and legumes. Stop eating sugar, flour, and anything processed.

Just read more comments. It's clearly your parent's fault for buying bullshit junk food which makes things more difficult. Show them that list of foods and tell them to adhere to it.

I learned my lesson the hard way. I ate so much junk daily, I especially loved cheesy nacho chips and pizza drenched with cheese and loaded with meat, I'd eat it every day. The problem was it made me constipated all the time. I was shitting out asteroids and I didn't give a fuck, I just kept on with my shitty diet.Then one day I tore my asshole while taking a megaton shit. Let me tell you something, you haven't known embarrassment until you had to be dragged outta your house to the hospital from your toilet while you bleed out from your shitted asshole.

Lost about 150 pounds since this happened. I'm completely vegan now.

Been watching EVO too, glad to see another here brother.....

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But which game(s) do you also play?

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