What are some red flags when it comes to dating?
What are some red flags when it comes to dating?
if they don’t respect her parents, they’ll be a shitty partner. RUN. I learned this the hard way.
Her reaction to a mutual friend of ours starting to literally whore herself for money was "she's grown and can do whatever she wants"
Just dating in general
Women suck
Number one red flag that I never see anyone ever say but is the most important
>she isn't head over heals for you
Other important red flags
>she looks at other men/is dry during sex
>she's a drama queen
>she's on instagram and facebook constantly
>she doesn't care about meeting your needs
They post on Jow Forums.
Of course those are also the ones who always say "you're not my dad"
Bitch, you don't respect your dad's opinions either
She's not me. Acknowledging her right to control her own life doesn't mean I support it or would ever do it.
The thing was, I was saying I was worried about (our friend), and that was her response.
She skipped everything else and jumped straight to what became her usual "stop being such a prude" response
Her ex is your best friend.
serial dater
When she's a single mother with a mulatto child.
> Women suck
Not all. Some don't like oral.
what if she just lurks?
>>she looks at other men/is dry during sex
Uhh sure that wasn't your fault buddy
If she insists on bringing her boyfriend along
Elaborate OP?
>Not being a judgy cunt and respecting other people's choice to self-determination
>Red flag
If a friend of yours is self-destructing right in front of you, you say something, you step in and try to help. You don't just stand by quietly and watch them roll downhill because "I don't want to be judgmental lol!!" It's possible to disagree with someone, express concern, or offer help without judging them
If a guy decides to ditch trying to get girls and get too much into his model train collection, you want to help him out too.
Enabling people who are self destructive isn't being supportive of them.
The OP was right, it is a much bigger red flag than I initially thought.
Having a feminine penis
A common one is "I decided to do this because my parents don't like it".
Whatever they decided to do doesn't have to be something serious- one I know just cut her hair short because her parants' religion is against it, but the bottom line was that her primary motivation was to spite her parents.
These are the type that don't respect their partner either. The one I'm referencing above was a known whore, and we thought her boyfriend had some sort of cuckhold fetish (she tried coming onto just about everyone in our circle) until they got married, she immediately cheated on him, and they got divorced shortly after.
>he lives with his mother
>he's over 22 and a virgin
>he doesn't have a car
>he makes he's still in college
>he has no friends beyond his younger or older brother
>he has boring hobbies like reading
>he has long hair
>he is overweight
That seems to describe me pretty well
>If a guy decides to ditch trying to get girls and get too much into his model train collection, you want to help him out too.
>Enabling people who are self destructive isn't being supportive of them.
For some guys getting a girl isn't gonna happen and trying anymore is just too painful. So you would rather force someone to do something that will only net them more misery for the sake of "helping" them, mind your own fucking business ya busy body.
>he has long hair
How is this a red flag?
The biggest red flag is if she has had another boyfriend, love interest or sexual partner before you.
It's not. This is nothing but bait. Ignore.
>he wants to use my car
>he thinks smoking with his bros is an appropriate place for me to be
>he messes with my hair
>never had a real gf but girls are always around
>he listens to rap
>wears tank tops PUKE
>has a roommate and a hell no if he has roommateS
>tattoos or body modification of any kind
Every time I mention I have long hair on here the normies demand I cut it. I can only assume it's a red flag for that reason
-If he texts me every single day
-If he jokes about my height
-If he gets jealous of me hanging with my girlfriends
-If he talks to me in general
She has tattoos.
She has unnaturally colored dyed hair.
She swears a lot.
>more girl friends than guy friends
>floor covered in beer bottles
>works wage slave job but has no desire to progress
>forces you to sit in the bathroom with them while they shit
what do you people think about women that are almost always surrounded by men? there is a girl like that at my job. I want to fuck her, but I fear she'll give me some STDs or something. she doesn't have the best reputation...
>-If he texts me every single day
what's the problem with that?
read 2 lines down and realize it's a joke
Couple things i discovered the other day after breakup.
-moving in within a month of dating
-not having a license/not working towards one
-extreme neediness
-feeling worthless outside of being a fuck toy
Yeah fun times. I myself was naive and this was my first serious relationship, i disregarded my intuition for the pus. Went sour fast at the end. Glad it's over.
I'm a closeted homo and have tried to date guys and I just don't enjoy it that much so yeah I would date a guy but get pissed off if he tries to talk to me. The best way I went about this was dating another closeted homo but he killed himself.
No, I will not date a woman. I have to date a man or my parents will beat me.
I had read the whole post but my autism didn't let me think everything was a joke
One was in a pyramid scheme.
You don't need to be particularly smart, but that's just retarded.
Speaking from experience, you're going to want to make sure you love her family as much as you love her. The more serious you get and the shittier her family is, the more you realize you've got a major fucking problem on your hands. Most "normal" attractive girls are totally workable in some way and that scales up the more of an appealing guy that you are, but you can't change their family.
The other thing(s) is/are intelligence and ambition. This is where girls can fall into the realm of "abnormal". If every time you talk about a slightly sophisticated topic (I'm not saying astrophysics here mind you...) she just gets a vacant look, you start thinking "uh oh there might be something to that NPC meme..." you might have a problem on your hands.
Likewise if she has no hobbies or interests, in combination with seemingly no intelligence, no amount of exposure to hobbies or interests is going to catch on. Everything you do will temporarily take hold, but then decay within a few days. Some girls just seem to exist. They're legitimately like dogs. Avoid those girls.
I've experimented with them and legitimately been able to say things like "okay, you don't like steak" and they're like "yea I don't like steak". 10 minutes later i'll be like "steak is your favorite food" and they're like "I love when you make steak :)" That might sound appealing to some guys, but it will erode your sanity. Good family, cute girl, and interesting hobbies already pre-loaded with SOME level of sentience to grow as a person.
He's a virgin after 20
>She or he is black
>Has black friends
Need I say more? Dating all races is fine except black.
She needs to date a non-virgin.
Have some real red flags:
>Overshares when it isn't appropriate (whether in public or private)
Oversharing can be as simple as telling you they've had a threesome or as complex as saying they've been abused by a previous partner - when it isn't appropriate. There is a time, a place, and a context for these things. Trust your intuition, and...
>No boundaries
Beware people who repeatedly demonstrate that they don't have boundaries. Why? Because eventually they'll either erode yours or do some selfish bullshit. tl;dr have some self-respect, and don't compromise it because someone else doesn't.
>Shit-talks their ex-partner to you (without you asking)
There's one of two possibilities: one, they aren't over their ex-partner; two, their ex-partner was actually a piece of shit and they're still in the "story-telling" phase of the healing process. People who've been abused by their partners (cheated on, emotionally or physically abused, dating alcoholics and addicts, etc.) internalize the false messages of worthlessness conveyed by their partner. It's okay to talk about the past, and people who've suffered abuse deserve love and empathy - but fuck.
>Lack of emotional maturity
>Poor self-esteem, incapacity for self-love
Loving oneself before loving others is seriously true. You don't want to be caretaking an emotionally fragile child, and if you do it isn't healthy. Again, everyone deserves love, but this is the type that needs to come from within.
>Substance abuse, whether alcohol or drugs
Self-explanatory. Beware people who use the word NEED regularly in reference to alcohol or drugs or demonstrate a NEED.
>Unironically unnatural hair colors and tattoos IN THE PRESENCE OF OTHER RED FLAGS
Let's be real here. This shit goes hand-in-hand with poor self-esteem. Ironically, tattoos often signify the fragility of one's identity rather than a real projection of it.
For the record, I'm a recovering codependent who dated a girl with BPD for three years and fell for a few girls with serious red flags. The best advice I can give beyond specific red flags is to absolutely trust your intuition. If you think something is wrong, it likely is.
It means they're a closeted whore and are likely to do it themselves
what the fuck
this but with vomiting from all the beer
Not everyone dates girls with BPD because they're co-dependent dude
I'm just saying, you run into a lot of red flags this way. You'll rarely run into all of this in one person, and obviously a lot of people are better-equipped to walk away from this stuff.
Inability to pick up new concepts. Your spheres of knowledge probably only partially overlap and if they're bad at learning or aren't driven to learn new things, it's going to lead to a lot of pain.
Sex-negativity, either seeing it as shameful or that you don't talk about. They won't put issues out into the open and let them fester instead, and most likely won't experiment to try to enjoy themselves more as well.
Lack of long term thought. If you can't map out potential long term shared goals with them then you will have a lot more uncertainty.
Lack of self esteem. Some self doubt is fine, we all have that at times, I mean the chronic thoughts of never being good enough or the like. Can lead to lots of issues and you need to be a special kind of person to help them.
the rest of the week he embodies this sense of humor regarding cocks
the whole family is shit it's not her fault you're an asshole
you're not doing anything exciting to get anyone's time if you can't communicate, faggot
you makes no sense because you are not politically savvy about this. girls like having dinner with my dick but it's not even real
Enjoy staying single for the rest of your life you greedy whore
stupid with no assets thinking they need a hilarious quality woman. never getting laid ever
do you read business? dumbass
Haha bitch
Sure thing, bud.
its not a big deal you can't read it