How do I cure death grip syndrome?

I can literally have sex for hours and not feel anything. Masterbating takes a half an hour or more. I'm circumsized and I'm a 21m. I've lost basically ALL sensitivity. Really need help everyone!

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>he only spends 30 minutes masturbating
Hit me up when you near 4 hours then we’ll talk

How does this help?
I'm squeezing reaaaally hard and my balls too! Only get a couple of drips
pic related

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Stop fapping for a week or so
You’re cock is unironically exhausted

I'll double that and stop porn. Any other advice?

focus on the person and how much you love them

Any positions to help with that? Thoughts on fleshlight?

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It's not the grip. You need to totally abstain from the porn.

check your testosterone level or try clomiphene, look for an alternative cause. might even be psychological?

Where do I check t levels? I've been moutain biking for at least 2-3 miles a day. Up hill, through dirt, and sand.

It's a physical inhibitor to stop you from just freely ripping your drawers off and touching, if you're lacking willpower.

Nofap is pretty useful for a situation like this.

Is 2 weeks enough to start recovering senses? I'm circumcised too and shave every couple of weeks

Just from now on limit it to about once a week and rely on your partner for the rest. Sensitivity only took me a few days but it may take a week for your situation.

Hey bud, nofap is a meme, do noporn, nodal for the supposed benefits are all retarded. In your case though just be abstinent for 2 weeks, if you want better results and want ur dick to hopefully be back to normal, a month or 2, nofap is dumb unless for the right reason, noporn is god-tier, obivously here and there is fine but nothing extreme. Better to trim. Circumcised desensitizes but not by a huge amount. Just dont touch it for 2 weeks to 1 month or 2 and it should work as normal.

>nofap is dumb
>noporn is god-tier
Any sensible advocate of nofap understands that it's more about getting rid of porn than getting rid of masturbation. The reason nofap works for a lot of people is because fapping without porn will lead to porn for a recovering addict. It's like a former smoker walking in to a smoking bar, it's just setting yourself up to relapse.

This. I just suggested nofap for this case because it's a physical desensitization issue rather than a mental one.

this but without the retarded device

i suffered from this years ago, and went full celibate for 4 months then only masturbating once a month because i would be leaking like a faucet after three days of not cumming

then fucking became magical, i would explode like fucking krakatoa just 30 seconds in, rest 5 minutes while foreplaying and getting even hornier then fuck like a normal person

those fuckers with pe don't know how fortunate they are, instead of feeling sha

instead of feeling shame they should keep cumming every 2 minutes*

>living in a country where they cut off part of your penis for no reason
Sorry, bruh

4 months?!?! I've been jacking off since I was in the 7th grade daily twice a day. My final plans are to stop watching porn and masterbating completely until the 18th. Then see how I feel, not masterbate or watch porn of course. Rather reflect. I also don't have a partner. I'll quite smoking (weed, I don't smoke tabacco either) and drinking too.

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how do I get to this stage? cause it sounds dope to me.

Did your balls become noticeably larger or heavier? Did your dick grow either? I heard your T levels climb with the build up. I can't wait to have a wet dream!!

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the harder you fap and grip and the more you try to force stimulation the less sensitive your dick becomes

if you fap like they do in the porno your doing it wrong, the best pleasure ussualy comes from slow motion and letting the felling come to you rather then trying to force it

also i can cum 2 times in a row with a 15 minute break in between and i have good testosterone

also faping =/= sex witha girl

its basically all in mental in your head, sex are just chemicalls in your head by the way, you will be turned on subcouncisly when with a girl then fapping and that makes a tremendious difference in felling and even boner is stronger, unles you suffer from errectile dysfunction

I think death grip is a good thing. I love pounding and feeling her get wetter and wetter.

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Have you put it in her pooper? Have done so whilst vibrating anal beads were stimulating your prostate?

No that sounds like I'd get poop every where kek

Nofap but could be cause circumcision

Here's a question actually: everybody is always saying to stop watching porn - and I'm fine with that.
BUT I also have my own private collection of nudes real life girls auve sent me and I always wonder if that counts as porn that I need to give up or not? Because those pictures kind of have a sentimental value to me so I really don't want to...but at the same time I want my cock back.

>I always wonder if that counts as porn
Yes, it does. Generally speaking, the whole idea is to rid yourself of arousing situations that don't involve another living, breathing human. You don't have to delete the pictures unless you're so addicted that simply having them pulls you back. Really though, do they actually have sentimental value, or do they just turn you on?

Start by realising that there is no such thing as "death grip syndrome", it's an urban myth.

Get a time machine, then go back and explain to your parents that cutting off the tip of your dick at birth isn’t doing you any favors. Then bring me some pre-bubble Bitcoin for my amazing advice.

[citation needed]

A citation is needed to prove that death grip syndrome is a real thing, moron.

You can easily find thousands of people complaining about this problem on the internet. You can also find thousands of stories of giving up porn/masturbation curing it. Sure, it's not scientific evidence, but it's way too many anecdotes to ignore. Additionally, it just makes sense. Many men masturbate in a way that feels wholly different from sex, often gripping way tighter and moving their hand way faster than they could ever achieve with a vagina. It's basic neurology that when the brain associates two things (in this case, death grip and sexual pleasure) it's hard to dissociate them unless you remove the behavior that is causing the neural pathways to be reinforced.

Nice speculation. Other user is right, I'd also like to see something else than "the opinion of the masses on the internet" to back a medicinal argument

There's also thousands of people on the internet who had headaches caused by disturbances in their spiritual aura and they cured it with crystals. There are also many ancedotes about vaccines causing autism and homeopathy curing cancer, but guess what? They're bullshit.

>It's basic neurology that when the brain associates two things (in this case, death grip and sexual pleasure) it's hard to dissociate them unless you remove the behavior that is causing the neural pathways to be reinforced.
That's not "basic neurology", it's internet pseudoscience.

Are you calling those people liars?

I'm calling them morons. Most people will easily fall for autosuggestion and the placebo effect and most people have difficulty making logical conclusions and understanding causality. This is why it's necessary to have scientific evidence before saying nonsense, and why you should listen to what actual experts who understand topics like neuroscience and reproductive health have to say. That is especially true for conditions like erectile dysfunction, delayed ejaculation and sexual anhedonia which are very commonly caused by psychological factors and not by firmly holding your dick while jerking off.

Are you calling those people whose headaches and nausea stopped once they started using healing crystals liars? Those people whose chronic pains went away after Reiki bioenergy healing or whatever? Or do you actually buy into all that as well?

I mean both. Sentimental value mostly in just they stroke my ego honestly. And they turn me on.

Ok here's a weird one as well:
>Wake up this morning
>Iron rod in pants.gloriousjpg
>Nice1 user I guess you do work
>Cut to now, several hours later
>Walking along the street behind QT (at least from behind lol
>Realise I can see her panties under her white pants
>Feel very turned on and want to jump her. Have to speed ahead of her to stop self from just walking behind her gawking the entire journey
>But no boner
>Wtf? Why no hard on if aroused and dick worked earlier?

Kek. "A million people couldn't be wrong!"