Can't hold down a job

>have a shitty job as a Labourer
>hate it though
>hours are long as fuck (7.30-5pm mon-fri)
>have to work with retards
>can't work for more than a week before I'm sick of it

Is there something i can do to actually work at this for more than a week? is there actually something wrong with my work ethic or am I just being a drama queen?

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It depends on you, personally I'd look for a job that's 12 hour rotating shifts, because that means you'll work three days on and have two days off or vice versa. You won't avoid the retards and crackheads, but you'll have more days off.

Some jobs just aren't meant for certain people.
Keep looking and then quit your current one when you land another one.

What's your education?

I have a degree. This is just for money as I have recently graduated. Yeah but I have problems working with this job. Sometimes I just won't turn up to a site because I don't feel like it in the morning. Then I find another one and do the same.

Yeah I'm trying to find jobs that only want people for two days but it is uncommon.

> is there actually something wrong with my work ethic
I would say so. You're not in work to do something enjoyable, so just grin and bear it. Coping with negative circumstances is valuable life skill in itself.

>Sometimes I just won't turn up to a site because I don't feel like it in the morning.
That's really shitty attitude and i would suggest you to get rid of it.

>have to work with retards
Think of them of people with different talents and life experience. You need to work with them and it really helps if you think about them as colleges and not retards. They may be not so academically gifted, but they probably can see if you think about then poorly. And noone likes that.

>Think of them of people with different talents and life experience. You need to work with them and it really helps if you think about them as colleges and not retards. They may be not so academically gifted, but they probably can see if you think about then poorly. And noone likes that.

You sound like a retard

Work fucking sucks. My last job was in a call center. I lasted three months. I'm living the NEET life now and hating it. Going to go back to university so I can at least be an educated loser.

Yes that's user's point. You have to work either retards or people who think you are a retard.

>gets given thoughtful advice
>calls the guy a retard
This is why work sucks for you

>You sound like a retard
Well, who knows. Maybe i am. But one thing is for certain:
I am not interested in talking with people who think ill of me after i tried my best to provide good advice. Thus, i will not bother helping you any further. Given opportunity, i might even sabotage your efforts just to spite you.

The point is not "everyone is smart in their own way". The point is "don't be judgmental asshole to people you need to help you and teach you in your new job".

You dense autistic cripple.

>can't work for more than a week before I'm sick of it
working sucks, unless you enjoy what you do.
can't you sell stuff, find a better job or some shit?
>have to work with retards
my advice would be to try to keep conversations reduced to your work. no personal stuff, not anything else.

>I have a degree.
what did you study?

>This is just for money as I have recently graduated.
why aren't you working on what you studied?

I'm trying to find a better job but its hard. I have a History degree so it is pretty hard to find good work with that, even though I did well.

I know I have a bad attitude but it gets the better of me too much. I honestly don't know how to change it for the better.

>History degree
you should have been more pragmatic IMO...
that said, there are lots of alternatives. as I said, you could sell shit. if you have some money saved, buy chinese shit at wholesale markets and sell it for 2x or whatever. you could teach kids, history/law students or something. drop your pride. find something that could make you money, stick to it for a bit, see if you are making a profit or not, try something else if not.
btw, where do you live?

UK. Yeah I know about the degree but by the time I wised up it was too late, I had to finish what I started. A masters is always on the table however, as well as teaching English abroad (something I have thought about but given the fact I just straight up don't turn up to work sometimes I'm a little concerned about diving into something like that).

I have thought about buying and selling shit but that won't give me enough money to pay rent. The only reason I work in construction is because eventually I suck it up and tell myself to change my attitude but one day I will wake up and say 'fuck it' and just won't turn up. It's really frustrating

a quick googling ("history alternative career paths") and I got this:

you are working in the worst shit you could ever find. why the fuck?
do you have any hobbies or something? also, did you not do any networking in uni?

it's just for money and it is really easy to find work as a Labourer. The drawback is that the job fucking sucks

I play guitar but nothing else really. I think I might be depressed because I've lost interest in music almost completely. I still play here and there because I don't want to lose the only positive thing in my life.

Also I think that website is just for the US

man, you don't really seem that smart to me. you have tools, use them

What do you mean by tools? The construction job or the degree?

I have an associate degree in welding in nh for pipe welding and advanced work but I work at HD supply welding rebar with a mig welder my boss is an asshole, many cause he's a maina. I have a passion for plants and horticultural growing. This place has benefits 401k health insurance exc 14 an hr. I just want to quit and start a grow room set up company. Whatever you choose to do, have a passion for it and make a goal list on paper.

Try lasting for more than a week. The first week on ANY job is shit, but most get better fast

Also I'm 28 and have jumped 32 jobs by 15. Hotel hospitality, laundry, breakfast setup at a hotel retail,ski lift attendant. Deli, dish, construction in aggregate. Prep cook. Server. Worst one foundation concrete work.Some things may suck, my best advice take it as experience and move on just put in applications and follow through with the phone call to get hired.

the degree of course

there should be an asterisk to it really. A History degree from a mediocre at best uni is worthless

I hope you're right. Come to think of it I don't think I've worked anywhere for longer than a week

op is in a wierdly similar situation to me

im from the uk, have a degree in chemical engineering also from a mediocre uni, work as a labourer for bricklayers
but im 28
Im better at sticking with jobs though its easier cause its more of a team

being a site labourer is fucking dogshit man, you gotta get out of that shit just google hod carrier jobs n shit theres loads out there that are MUCH better than that shit

Thanks for the suggestion. Yeah working with trades is so much better because they usually leave at like 4. I'm still worried about letting them down though. It's different when you're letting down a site, who gives a fuck, they have enough resources to cover anything, but when you're letting down a small company you're potentially bankrupting them and ruining someone's fucking life.

What does a hod carrier do? I've only ever done site labouring

yeah its definitely a whole lot more cunty to bail on a small gang
you can get day work jobs though which are alot more chill and your better bet, price work would only want hod carriers who know what theyre doing

and what youre doing is literally donkey work. moving muck (mortar) from tub to boards, moving bricks and blocks for the brickies and cleaning all the shit they leave around

really fucking easy and yeah you finish at 4

try to find day work though, theyd be a lot more lieniant on knowning nothign
just make sure you turn up on day 1 with a bucket and shovel

>just make sure you turn up on day 1 with a bucket and shovel

I don't drive. Would that be an issue? It's not ideal to carry that kind of shit with me on the train or when I'm cycling

might limit you a bit site wise but worth phoning up some people atleast

day 1 would be shit but after that you just leave that shit on site

>day 1 would be shit but after that you just leave that shit on site

True. I imagine I could get lifts with the trades anyway. But yeah you have given me something to think about, cheers mate