Which college degree(s) is the most beneficial for your life overall?

Which college degree(s) is the most beneficial for your life overall?

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Nowadays it matters little what it is, unless you plan to go to grad school. Your college degree is going to show on your resume that you can at least commit to something.

the one which provides you with work that you will enjoy more

Only go if you’re intelligent enough to get through engineering

Otherwise it’s a meme

one in a field that interests you, you will spend a bunch of your waking hours as an adult in this job so getting a degree in something you dont enjoy will bring you nothing. if you are good and passionate about what you do you will be successfull...

Whichever one helps you get a better job


Nah not really OP something genuinely impressive to pass like Medicine or Maths. Something like Engineering.

At the end of hte day if you don't use it for a directly relevant career, and you probably won't because you have no plan what to do, it's just an I Am Smart certificate. So get something that normies think is smart.

Depends on the school. Electro-mechanical Engineering is the way to go, though.


Vocational (relevant nationally accredited) degrees like nursing, medicine, physiotherapy, nutrition, OT, engineering, law, etc. If you plan on going into non vocational science you need to plan for the long haul and consider at least a masters to get into working in labs and or research. It's better to do the broadest area of the science you're interested in though and specialise later. An example of this is biology/chemistry/biochemistry, where biochemistry tends to be a bad idea to study at undergrad level because by the time you get to post grad you won't know enough chemistry to specialise down the chemistry side of bio chem, and you won't know enough bio to do that either. If you do specialise early, make sure you do something vocational.

not going to college and learning a trade
t. math graduate
it's honestly fucking trash, and I don't even think much of math itself nowadays. it's pure, useless autism.
plus in my country most college degrees are worthless

not business fir sure
it's a fucking scam

It depends where you live. I've got Bachelor's in electro-mechanical engineering and in fucking Eastern Europe it means nothing. I graduated with a very decent GPA and awesome final thesis graded as one of the best in the history of my Uni and still no decent jobs there.

If you are from the USA user don't bother yourself with getting a degree, start your own business or learn to code.


Yeah dude, doctors are so poor with their $500k/yr.

This was good advice 40 years ago. Law is an over saturated profession now, with a highly competitive hiring process that is fraught with nepotism. It can be a rewarding career but it is no guarantee of job placement and is very unlikely to wind up being very lucrative. If it's the "family business" so to speak then you stand a much better chance with a network already in place.

I graduated law school 6 years ago and have found a job that I enjoy but believe me when I say that I'm in no danger of getting rich. The job is interesting and mentally stimulating but for the investment law is not a great choice.

Seek H1b1 greencard and study or work in USA, that at lest is my plan

Depends on what you want out of life. Pick something that you have some talent for though, and avoid degrees that are a mindless grind (e.g. law or medicine) unless you need them for whatever you want to do. Also anything that isn’t STEM or at a top tier uni won’t do much for your career prospects, so keep that in mind

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Tbh engineering or some other creative thing like chemistry. If you're willing to work you'll always have a job. It will probably be a shitty one but you'll have a job.

you havin a giggle m8?
Anyone can pass engineering. If you've got a gpa somewhere between 4.0 to 3.4 I agree, but barely sneaking through isn't really hard.

Thanks user, I'll think about it. Just one year left to finish my Master's and I'll be free to go.

>tfw french
>tfw here, uni is where you go when you have failed at life
>people who are actually good go to insanely selective "grandes écoles"
>tfw when you go to uni your chances of getting a job are the same as if you hadn't finished high school

>mfw graduated with high gpa, extremely suited for studying law but loved making short films and won an award
>not one but BOTH industries i'd love to go into are oversaturated and fraught with nepotism/cronyism
why couldnt i be born smart enough for med school fucking end me

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If you don't know what to do in your life don't go to university. You'll just lose money and time, do what you like and become in the top 1% and you will never be starving.

CS is pretty based
Teaches you problem solving skills, pays ridiculously good, and it's fun

I think philosophy & the fine arts is best for personal development, but no one will take you seriously because it has the reputation of being easy.

Next best thing is something that requires abstract thinking and logically prooving stuff like maths or physics because it generalizes well to philosophy (and personal development in general), is respected and pays pretty good.

IT is an industry where titles are irrelevant, all that is taught on CS studies can be learned in 1 year for free.

But true, if someone likes it is an extremely pleasant career path.

>being 50k in debt for """personal development""" and no career prospects
you are either retarded or trust fund babby

A Masters degree in having rich parents.

>IT is an industry where titles are irrelevant
Agree, but only if you want to work as a software engineer. If that's what you want to do, good shit!
Personally I'm interested in AI research, and you need some good math skills and at least a masters degree to get into that, so I'm glad I'm in college.

I agree, but only because I've enjoyed learning CS since highschool.
The whole learning to program thing is a meme. If you don't genuinely enjoy CS or programming it's gonna suck.
I remember tons of students in cs101 classes that were just there because they thought a programming job pays well, but couldn't write a simple for loop.

I did a msc in statistics which is supposed to be a hot area but haven't been able to land my first job

Yeah, I've noticed that too.
I honestly think if you don't already know programming somewhat well before going to college you're doing something wrong. It's really something you need to teach yourself by just making stuff.



>ctrl +f
>no Computer Science
c'mon, fellas. I'm a 100 IQ brainlet who got a CS degree from a no-name state school in 2012 and now I make $110,000 a year in a medium cost of living city in Maryland (reeee i miss Virginia). you don't even need to be good at programming to make good money or get a job with a CS degree. most people who haven't worked in the industry assume all you do is code but probably only half the guys use tools that are largely GUI based. think about your Blackboard site when you're in college, my job is basically to administer and modify that for our business needs, I don't really ever code anything.

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Retarded american

>>Jow Forums

This is good advice. To add, which university you do your undergrad in doesn't matter as long as its accredited by a subject relevant body and you graduated in a western Europe or the US.

Medicine its a fucking waste and will wreck you to the ground.
Got friends in Actuary that says its pretty comfy

the cutoff for an impressive gpa is 3.8+

nobody gives a shit about your gpa unless you're going to grad school tho


>pays ridiculously good

It's honestly not. I'm a senior software engineer and I feel ridiculously underpaid compared to people that I know that did economics/finance/chemistry.

Perhaps you shouldn't choose a shit company and complain about your pay.

honestly how is it even possible to be low paid as a software engineer in 2019

Let me guess, you're some onions "front end ninja" who installs wordpress and fiddles with PHP?

I feel like generally, anything STEM gives you the widest array of options and will afford the most desirable set of skills and knowledge. What exactly you do, and what you do with your degree, is something that falls entirely upon you. You gotta make things happen.

T. Someone who, as a naive freshmen, saw college as high school 2.0 and figured that since I always got better grades in English/History that I should major in the humanities.

I’m now a senior. While I feel like I’ve learned a lot and have a genuine interest in my major, higher education has given me a restored appreciation for science that I had lost as a child because of shitty public schooling.

There's 2 kinds of CS students:
>1. The people that already did CS before uni and really enjoyed it.
They're actually pretty good at what they do. But they'd be good without having studied CS too because they actually put a lot of the work required in already and are the kind of people that liked solving problems since childhood.
So for them CS is basically wasted time and they could aswell study something different and code on the side

>2. The people that didn't do CS before uni
These people are shit. They can't code their way out of a Witcher 3 Special Edition Box if you import all of Stack-Overflow into their 1.2 GHz-arm-brains. I'm pretty sure that 90% of them heard "IT is the hot shit now" and didn't know what else to do with their life, plus they like vidya, so CS it was. Now all they can do is apply the stuff they learned in their lectures 1-to-1 into a problems, which leads to overlycomplex, half-assed solutions (if they find one that is). Hit them with anything more complicated than data-structure-design and they crumble down.
Maybe they'll be good problem solvers 4 years into their job, but that'd also have happened if they just studied something else, and coded without the pressure of uni (which leads to half-assing) and then entered the IT industry later.

I think it's not necessarily their fault, but learning to program and solve problems maybe just takes longer than 2 years, and people who did it all their youth just had enough time to actually learn it while 3rd Semester CS-students still can't wrap their heads around the concept of pointers to pointers.

So CS is really just an excuse to work in the IT-industry without anyone really benefiting form it.

>living in the USA
that's your problem kiddo.
The rest of the civilized world doesn't have to treat education as something purely economic because it's not yet a capitalist hellscape, and can actually focus on things like ethics and happiness.

A trade school.

You can always find a well-paying job, and the school is short and cheap.

Forgot to add they're usually practical in your normal life as well to know welding, automotive, or IT


>can't code their way out of a Witcher 3 Special Edition Box if you import all of Stack-Overflow into their 1.2 GHz-arm-brains

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If you want to make money but also save from debt if recommend nurse practitioner. If you get into a pre-nursing program you can skip the 6 year bachelor degree and instead get a 4 year bachelor degree. Nurse practitioners make doctor money but don’t have to go through 12+ years of school. Medical field is pretty promising as long as you aren’t going to school for long periods of time then the debt catches up to you. Trade school is also super good but sometimes it depends on where you live.

Frens I have a problem. So currently I make 70k as a single guy and don't plan on starting a family soon. Should I go to college for a bachelor's or am I alright where I am.

what ould you want to get a bachelor in and what are you doing right now?

I hate coding/suck at it probably too brainlet, I have the CS meme degree, what else is for me to do aside from suicide?

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something stupid like commerce, econ, or business

the world is run by C- business students and bureaucrats.

want a big decision in science? hire a business douche
want to 'fix the environment hire a business douche

wanna.... do anything that requires expertise? hire a business douche.
its not the right way but it is the current way

I work in agriculture. Basically nobody in their right mind wants to work there so companies compete to get you to work for them that's why I get paid more than I should. I would ideally like to major in business or something along those lines

frankly this.
Had to do a coding project (game) with CS people, ended up with me doing everything (except for GUI which they did 1 day before submission, which was based entirely on my dev-gui with other images loaded in).
Any self-respecting person that likes programming studies maths, physics, or electrical engineering instead.

No. Those people are generally MBAs from top schools. The vast majority of business degrees are totally useless.

>does all the work for other people
>"I'm the smart one"
stay mad.

Docs make about as much as plumbers

Dont major in CS unless you want to be miserable
T. Unemployed computer science grad with no future.

I wish i followed my passions. Majoring in history would be better than this

Same situation as this user and I agree completely.

You seem like an inquisitive soul so I'll say philosophy. This won't guarantee a career however. I opted for philosophy and although it was extremely valuable I have my regrets. The truth is that happiness and fulfilment is much easier to come by for people of means and status. For this reason I recommend considering medicine, engineering, or another STEM field such as physics or computer science if you have the mind for it, as these subjects will prepare you for a well paid career. It is a difficult choice and I wish you all the best in your decision. Good luck.

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Engineering and computer science

What exactly do you do user? Also, would a degree in Agriculture be worth it?

People think you're smart and honestly most things that are considered "hard" are just applications of stuff you learn, so it really makes you fit for most jobs. You actually learn how to solve problems rigorously instead of just using the stuff someone smarter than you came up with 30 years ago. The other way isn't as easy. Ask an electrical engineer to prove anything more than the uncountability of the real numbers and he'll fucking die.
Also most people in engineering and computer science are mouthbreathing, boring NPCs with the only goal of making money in a boring, non-descript deskjob while nearly all maths students are really passionate and engaged even outside their field.

Also CS is a meme no one should take seriously.

> In fucking Eastern Europe.
Everyone can get that degree since uni is for free there.

Pest control advisor
>Also, would a degree in Agriculture be worth it?

That's why I'm asking if I should do it. Not trying to be rude or sassy but if I knew I wouldn't be asking for advice

I haven't done research because I was a C student in HS and I don't want to spend a lot of money if I'm not going to make it

Corporate finance.

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