>What is the point of this board? Containment, OP. What is the point of a ghetto? To keep poor, crime-prone people away from the rich. This board keeps all the whiny >tfw no gf virgins out of other boards (or attempts it anyway).
Jackson Ross
People who only critique rarely have anything of value to say. Show me your threads, I bet they're shit. I won't lie though, There has been a flood in low quality threads through these last few months in particular. Its summer the kids are out. You're mostly dealing with teenage incels.
Hudson Wright
Here's one. How can I minimize my CO2 footprint and how can I make up for the fact I need to use my car every day and I cannot carpool?
Logan Robinson
Anthony Rogers
That's just how you troll this board. The real point is to try and give others different perspectives and answer questions.
Jackson Lee
good question yusukebro. i wish these constant "why can't I get a gf" and "gf/women issues" people would just go to r9k.
Aaron Perez
>Persona 5 cringe 2 da max
Adrian Rogers
You absolutely do not need a car you spoiled brat
Brody Bailey
no it's not
Thomas Jones
Buy land and grow a forest on it. Forests are a great carbon sink, and not only will it help mitigate your pollution, you can sell the forest to polluting companies to offset their own pollution under the "cap & trade" policy to make a profit. Furthermore, it provides renewable building materials that are fraction of the carbon cost of things like cement or brick production.
Additionally >fact I need to use my car every day why? I live in Los Angeles, where they say you "need" a car. taking public transit takes only 15 minutes longer during rush hours (which lasts from 7am-10am and then 3pm-7pm every single day) >and I cannot carpool why? if the reason for this is that you're shy, we don't deserve to save the earth. humanity was a mistake.
Adam Gonzalez
>City dwelling scum tells someone to buy land Oh the irony
Tyler Barnes
>What is the point of this board? Mostly? Getting second opinions for personal dilemmas. Or more rarely - getting answers to legitimate questions.
>It's the same questions and the same answers every single time. In my personal opinion that's because these are serious problems that weigh heavily on people's conscience. On top of that, they aren't really answerable (there doesn't really exist a fit-all solution) so it's 99% guesswork and conversations that lead nowhere.
Pair the two, and you get recurring questions with rehearsed answers. Doesn't surprise me.
Jacob Cook
>I've never seen any actual advice given
Here's a piece of advice: Stop being such a negative nancy.
Austin Ward
>doesn't know what investment property is My family owns a lot of farmland in the middle of flyover country. They don't farm it themselves, they lease it to corporations to farm it for them and they get a portion of the income while they live in the big city.
Hudson Mitchell
You see those answers to the same questions because they're vague as all hell.
If people want actual advice, they need to know what to ask.
Gavin Campbell
People with massive egos who brag about how tough they are all day hiding behind anonymity and “incel virgins are below me so I can’t get embarassed” coupling the most obvious googleable questions of all time with “subtle” shit which directs the entire post to giving them attention , positive or negative
I remember when this was a troll community. We used to call in bombs to the whites house. Fucking cuckolds.
Evan Sanders
>We used to call in bombs to the whites house Come on, that's not even edgy at this point, they probably have a dedicated redirect for it. >if you would like to call in a bomb threat, press 3
Connor Walker
People with low self esteem trying to be badass by taking the opposite stance of you in every scenario regardless of their actual belief. You are literally a defect and should kill yourself.
Nathan Wood
There’s a few gems here and there. But really this is the last stop before people end their life.
David Reed
By "end their life" do you mean give up on their dreams?
Noah Roberts
It's true but it isn't just this place. I tried going to therapy and they give just as useless advice and ultimately just want to give you drugs and for you to shut up.
Xavier Moore
that ghetto analogy was once of the most ignorant things i've ever heard
Lincoln Collins
Saying everyone who can't get into a relationship is a failure is extremely unhelpful and damaging. You can espouse the values of tough love or harsh truths all you want but at the end of the day it's just going to make most people feel worse about themselves and not inspire any constructive change. It's cathartic on your part to put them down but feel satisfied should always come second to actually helping others get better.
There are a myriad of reasons why some people struggle to get into relationships that aren't rooted in there being anything wrong with them as people. The would is seeing an epidemic of loneliness and social isolation. It's not just romantic relationships that are becoming more rare but platonic ones too. This isn't because people have gotten lazier or less interested in making themselves into someone other people would like to be around. It's because of the way our society is structured and the lack of support in forming and maintaining connections with people.
You can see all the post here about people asking how to get a gf and why women are evil and choose to see a bunch of loser failures, or you can choose to see a culture and economic structure that cultivates misogyny, unhealthy ideas about masculinity, and misery inducing isolation that needs to be addressed. One will make you feel slightly better about yourself for not being like other sad people desperately shouting into the internet void for help that you can look down upon, and the other can put you into a constructive mindset that encourages compassion for others.
Saying everyone who can't get into a relationship is a failure is extremely unhelpful and damaging. You can espouse the values of tough love or harsh truths all you want but at the end of the day it's just going to make most people feel worse about themselves and not inspire any constructive change. It's cathartic on your part to put them down but feeling satisfied should always come second to actually helping others get better.
There are a myriad of reasons why some people struggle to get into relationships that aren't rooted in there being anything wrong with them as people. The world is seeing an epidemic of loneliness and social isolation. It's not just romantic relationships that are becoming more rare but platonic ones too. This isn't because people have gotten lazier or less interested in making themselves into someone other people would like to be around. It's because of the way our society is structured and the lack of support in forming and maintaining connections with people.
You can see all the post here about people asking how to get a gf and why women are evil and choose to see a bunch of loser failures, or you can choose to see a culture and economic structure that cultivates misogyny, unhealthy ideas about masculinity, and misery inducing isolation that needs to be addressed. One will make you feel slightly better about yourself for not being like other sad people desperately shouting into the internet void for help that you can look down upon, and the other can put you into a constructive mindset that encourages compassion for others.
Elijah Long
gf threads needs to be pruned and sorted into one general thread. I'm sick of the incels, they spill into other threads and act absolutely retarded. The quality of this board has dipped dramatically.
Benjamin Wright
Aw, poor baby did I hurt your feelings? You wanna know I how I know you're a fucking loser?
>You are literally a defect and should kill yourself. Literal projection. I won't be killing myself but I know your miserable ass is considering for sure. lmao.
There’s been advice given on a daily basis about this. But incels won’t listen. Like fat people who complain about how they can’t lose weight, but won’t take advice
William Scott
None of the faggots here will actually kill themselves. They fail at everything else. why would suicide be different?
Cameron Scott
Think of it as a race.
You have a question dropped on your plate, and it is your challenge to provide a response.
The ideal one would be based in equal parts experience, academic knowledge, and stylistic flare that entertains your audience enough (who may or may not have posed the question, but might consider themselves contenders for providing the ideal answer) so you search your databases as you right-click on the pic and select "Open Link In New Tab."
Every response is an entry in a contest you are imagining where the most entertaining-yet-accurate-yet-helpful one makes everyone who reads it nod while smiling at how well-put-together it was, how finely crafted and yet so clearly defensible it is, admiring whatever anonymous entity put it together in however long it took them to do so.
It's a lot of kissing frogs who don't turn into princes, though, and it's not a race that you can always win, but it's still the only sport I've ever really been good at.
Jaxson Moore
>I have never seen any actual advice given, just vitriol back and forth So you can give good advice if asked?
Jaxson White
>t. Ghetto trash
Jaxon Sullivan
Of course they can't. They're only good for shit posting and trying to garner attention by trying to be above it all.
Aiden Allen
Shut the fuck up dog fucker.
Zachary Cruz
Nuke India
Carson Reyes
It's because of the way our society is structured and the lack of support in forming and maintaining connections with people Just say "family" for fucks sake.