How can I deal with the fact I will never be able to have a beautiful girlfriend like in pic?
I'm not hideous, but I'm below average, a solid 4/10
This shit is seriously making me depressed because I want in life is a good wife with a few requirements, but Im a somewhat ugly neet with poor social skills that never had a single girfriend (or even just girl friends) in my life
Im in my 20s but I heard women start being less fertile when they're 30, this is another source of worrying since I want to have more than 7 kids
How can I deal with the fact I will never be able to have a beautiful girlfriend like in pic?
>more than 7 kids
your probably overweight or out of shape anyways, you need to try harder anyways,
1.get in shape
2.make money
3.experiment with your style/clothes
4. learn social skills
Learn to compromise.
The media/internet raises our standarts for women, so pretty much every guy thinks his girlfriend needs to be at least a 7/10 model or something.
The faster you'll learn to deal with the fact that your partner may not be that cute girl, but she'll still make you happy the easier it'll be for you.
Not sure what to tell you about the 7 kids tho..
You just accept that whatever girl settles for you is a baby machine. Don't attach any significance to her; only what she does for you (makes babies). Make sure they're your kids too. Fucking her should be a chore because you're attracted to her.
>so pretty much every guy thinks his girlfriend needs to be at least a 7/10 model or something.
Lol, what? Men will fuck +500 lbs landwhales these days. Go kill yourself, dumb roastie cunt.
Women tend to be concerned with how they look to other women. None of them want shitty-looking jewelry (you, probably) to show their vicious back-biting peers. They are the rat race in human form. Really, they're not worth the trouble, especially in CurrentYear. Just do what makes you a stronger person, and happy at the same time.
Oh, and get a job you hippie. Learn to weld, there are never enough fucking welders.
>More than 7 kids
Fuck off you disgusting Mormoncel. This earth does not need 7 more people, much less from your kind.
It needs more Africans, you're right
>more than 7 kids
The more the merrier
>your probably overweight or out of shape anyways, you need to try harder anyways
Nope, korean male ideal
>experiment with your style/clothes
Why does this matter? Im not asking because I don't like the concept, I jist want to understand it
>learn social skills
So I just talk to people on the street or try getting girls on shopping malls?
Thank you
>The media/internet raises our standarts for women, so pretty much every guy thinks his girlfriend needs to be at least a 7/10 model or something
>The faster you'll learn to deal with the fact that your partner may not be that cute girl, but she'll still make you happy the easier it'll be for you.
I realize this, it doesn't matter how beautiful you are where you're young, your appearance will go bad when you grow old, but I would really want my wife to be at least above average to have beautiful children and increase the likehood of us having a big family (grandchildren, great grandchildren, etc)
>Not sure what to tell you about the 7 kids tho..
Haha, ideally 12
>Make sure they're your kids too
>Women tend to be concerned with how they look to other women. None of them want shitty-looking jewelry
Not the one I posted, she doesn't use make up for example, that's one of the things I look for in women
>Oh, and get a job you hippie. Learn to weld, there are never enough fucking welders.
Im trying programming but trades are honest jobs too, thanks for the welding advice
>Fuck off you disgusting Mormoncel. This earth does not need 7 more people, much less from your kind.
Im actually planning to be a catholic, girl in the pic also is, another one of the requirements
Yeah, Im white, a few women have been attracted to me (despite what I think my appearance is strangely enough) when I was still in school but not a single one of them were white (I have my reasons) or at least average
lol, whatever bro.
There are countless threads here with pictures of some cute/sexy girls, and people asking "how do I get a gf like this???", When they're probably 2/10 incels that never hugged a girl. Can't seem to remember the last time I saw a thread like this with a picture of a landwhale.
>There are countless threads here with pictures of some cute/sexy girls, and people asking "how do I get a gf like this???", When they're probably 2/10 incels that never hugged a girl
What if a girl hugged me out of nowhere one time?
>learn to *delude yourself into thinking you're happy*
No one wants to compromise. Everyone, especially women, are attracted to attractive people. Some ugly guys, maybe including op, are aware enough that they know they are unattractive and that a genuine 7+/10 is a near impossibility. He won't ever be happy with a lesser woman the same way a fat woman won't be happy with a fat man. They learn to cope and delude themselves but it's not genuine happiness or attraction
>They learn to cope and delude themselves but it's not genuine happiness or attraction
Does that changes when they grow old? I meam, its not like people are beautiful forever right?
you are a super bowl party suck, faggot
Well, as long as you didn't just freeze up awkwardly and hugged her back I guess that counts..
Not really if they genuinely loved before aging. They tend to idealize each other and can remember the person as they were and also love them as they are
>you are a super bowl party suck
What's the supposed to mean?
Not in college though, not a single woman in college showed interest in me even though I talked to everyone there
He's a retard lose in a couple other threads. Ignore him
>experiment with your style/clothes
Because your appearance speaks volumes about your personality, tidiness and is the first thing people see about you? (Besides your stance, expression, etc)
Also, you literally won't get anywhere without changing yourself. First step would be getting friends that you look up to.
That is the perfect guide to getting a gf. I’m going to spam that to all of the weak ass faggots who can’t even ask a girl out on a fucking coffee date.
>Because your appearance speaks volumes about your personality, tidiness and is the first thing people see about you? (Besides your stance, expression, etc)
Would there be a problem then if I copied the style of a fictional character? I think his clothes are good enough
>That is the perfect guide to getting a gf
Yeah, but I heard the difficulty is in keeping them, how to make sure your girlfriend marries you and doesn't cuck you? What to do with she cucks you but you don't want to get divorced? erc
it means a lot that you take dicks and suck his dick tonight
We need rich, smart people to be the ones pumping out dozens of kids.
Find a girl that genuinely likes who you are.
> girl
> likes who you are
> genuinely
Pick 1
>Find a girl that genuinely likes who you are
How can I know if she likes me for what I am? Do I need to date her for a few months and pretend Im poor or something?
Fuck no.
She'll assume you don't trust her and that's a major turn off.
>beautiful girlfriend like in pic
>you can hardly see her face
>find a girl who genuinely likes you but also follow this guide that is antithetical to who you are
This will work
>loves you for the money
Heh, nothing personal kid
If you are below average, work on yourself to become above average. I don't quite understand how you think sitting around complaining will get you there.
So, if everyone currently below average could (somehow) become above average, would the average increase thus making the newly above average people average, or will the average scale remain static permanently? Or is your theory based on the idea that not everyone will become above average? Or maybe that not everyone can become above average?
>Im a somewhat ugly neet with poor social skills
Stop being that then, you retard. Go into education or find a job. Read on social skill and practice them. Hit the gym, get a haircut, dress better, lose weight. If you don't do that, then you're going to stay alone until you're dead.
>that's one of the things I look for in women
>another one of the requirements
>a good wife with a few requirements,
>I want to have more than 7 kids
>a beautiful girlfriend like in pic?
lmao, this guy
Only if the women do it as well. A population-wide increase in quality will start as objective, and then as the increased quality slowly normalizes, slowly become subjective and fade as cultural norms adapt.
I see. And this is realistic?
>find a girl who genuinely likes you but also follow this guide that is antithetical to who you are
>This will work
Man, besides the appearance Im looking for someone very close to who I am (obviously Im going to get a job in some time), I don't get why the antithetical
It won't, but I knew I would have a better chance getting answers if I wrote it like I hated myself
>Stop being that then, you retard
How do I stop being ugly? No haircut can save me
>that's one of the things I look for in women
>another one of the requirements
>a good wife with a few requirements
Man, my requirements were very well thought out
you have any questions please feel free to email my boyfriend. we both suck dick
Damn man, you must have a sad life
it's not even doing it that way. you're the only thing that came to mind whenever she wants to take a shit. faggot
Take notes from Ted Bundy.
Guy was a chad, way over 4/10
What is fit enough?
BMI is probably enough, it's a ballpark.