
Hey guys. Wondering if any femanons have had an abortion before and how they handled the after math. My story is this: I've been at the beach for the past few weeks with some college friends. We partied a few times but it was mostly chilling. Anywho, I stated freaking out because my period was late. I took a pregnancy test and lo and behold it was positive. Took a few more to be sure and all came back that way. I cut my vacation short and rushed back to my college town to go see my doctor. Turns out I was a few weeks pregnant. I knew I didn't know who the dad was. Not a clue. Am I am in no position to raise a child alone. I stayed in my apartment for a day trying to understand what was happening. I didn't tell anyone what was going on. Eventually I decided I had to have an abortion. I went the next day to a Planned Parenthood and make an appointment for a day later that week. It was done and for a minute I was relieved. Now I feel like shit. I have for over a week now. How can I recover? Will this feeling ever go away? I know this is Jow Forums but I know some girls come here. Please, and thank you

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I was just trying to enjoy myself after a rough year at college. I didn't ask for this

>Now I feel like shit. I have for over a week now. How can I recover? Will this feeling ever go away?
No, you killed a human being, have you never heard that "when you cross that line you can never go back"?

Hello there, indifferent shitposter here. I suspect its a hormonal thing where your body was preparing to carry to term, but with the process interrupted its taking some time for things to get back to normal. Philosophically speaking, maybe its a wake up call that taking lots of random dick can have dark morbid shameful consequences and you should consider stopping.

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I mean, it wasn't really a person but yeah. I killed something for sure and it sucks

Listen man, we all go through shit but you need to have some fucking self control or else shit like this happens. Either way, ethics are questionable when it comes to abortion but it’s only going to get more accepted so if you feel bad because of other people I wouldn’t worry. If you feel bad that you killed a living human being who would become a fully grown person with opinions and emotions and hopes and dreams then that’s just a matter of coming to terms with yourself. Therapy may help or just join some heath group.

Disgusting bitch.

Depression is common after an abortion or miscarriage. When I was 19 my gf got pregnant. We had been using condoms and I would usually pull put anyway but I guess sometimes it happens. We live in canada so there wasnt any real trouble getting to a clinic, but I remember there was a religious protest group that made her feel like shit for even going. She was very depressed after the whole thing. Not just hormonally, but doctors told her that having even one abortion can sometimes impact a womans reproductive system so she was dwelling on shit like that, as well as the obvious morals and ethics of the situation.

I would say the most important thing to take away from all this is the consequence of such a laissez-faire attitude to casual sex. The fact that you dont have any idea who the father could have been is a little alarming. Were you using protection? Do you let guys cum inside of you often? Now you know what you have to go through, and I encourage you to educate yourself about the damage it can cause, both to you and yo any future children you might decide to have. Try and err more on the cautious side and vet your partners more thoroughly. What's done is done, so try and hakuna matata it but dont forget the lesson you've learned from all this

I'm not a femanon, but I have a lot of friends who are.

Yes, it goes away.

It's like any experience where large swaths of society tells you you're a piece of shit for doing it and you feel judged negatively for it.

It's just a really unique niche of that phenomenon, but the coping mechanisms are the same:

It's your body.

Repeat that about a thousand times into a mirror, and it might still not help, but it's something that's true, and inviolable, and the kind of truth you have to dig really deep into with cleats in order to justify yourself to those who would question it.

But when you think about it, it's unquestionable.

Was the fetus born? No. Is a requirement for human live being born? Yes. Can you be a living human being if you haven't even been born yet? Not in anything but the most academic of senses.

So, it's an academic question, and it has been settled. You own the body in which this potential future human being is gestating, and you're not a fucking fortuneteller. You know you're not ready to be responsible for raising another human life, though, and we haven't really managed to create a society where you can just bring a random baby into the world and drop it off on the hospital doorstep knowing that it's gonna have a great life, so like... it's mathematical.

The pangs of wonder and regret might always happen, but they become more and more distant of an echo as you think about the realities of what raising a child would have been, and you remind yourself that you made the right decision.

That's what I could glean from my conversations, at least.

Hope it helps.