Rich Nigga Problems

I just inherited 3 million dollars at a very young age. I live alone in a house I own. Through aggressive investments in stock / bond portfolios and working with a financial advisor, couldn't I make around 6 figures a year doing nothing? Why do other wealthy people work instead of taking the enjoy life pill?

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Most rich people keep working because they want to be more rich.

You can send it all to me

But what more could they possibly want? Besides having income for hobbies and vacations. Is it just greed?

Buy me Rust on pc, pls and Thankyou

send me some bitcoing so i can killmyself. fr it would be really dope of you

or send me like 10k and put me in a studio and you could make me a famous rapper.
or just send me some bitcoin , so i can by some damn weed and alleviate my fucking depression and ptsd

Y'all niggas got problems begging like that

>Why do other wealthy people work instead of taking the enjoy life pill?
>Most rich people keep working because they want to be more rich
It isn't that, if you keep money "stuck" in one place it gives you bad luck
Money isn't just the paper, it has a spiritual component to it, the bible talks about it sometimes

One of two things.
1. They believe that acquiring will gain happiness.
2. They grew up poor and are insecure financially.

invest in condo's, and interest accounts. having 1mill in a intrest account can generate about 90k a year. just sitting there.
so send me some bitcoin so i can smoke some weed or smoke myself man. cause this life ain't worth it. all that money could be gone tomorrow or made invaluable. you never know

That's retarded. The only two universal rules we are certain of are existence and non-existence. Being born human is a gift and we have to enjoy it to the maximum while it lasts.


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not really, people who are rich because they earned know how money works and they know that in 30 years that money won't be worth the same
at the very basics it's because of inflation nigga and it's making your cash lose around 2-3% of its value per year so you better get that money moving
and God save you from a retarded keynesian or your money will be gone next time you go buy toilet paper

I'm seeking financial advice on Jow Forums, I don't know how bitcoin works dawg

Yeah but after college an income from a career would be less than what I would make investing..

all you need is CashApp....
but i am giving you solid info bro, investment portfolios and property investments are big money makers and you just have to sit and hold the title and get the money, like Monopoly...
wish i could smoke some of that tho, my company just lost there contract with Gulfstream i was hired under, so i got laid off. fucking sucks bro
someone hit me with some bitcoin so i can move tf on

You'll quickly realise that this isn't even rich anymore. Billionaire money allows you the ability to dictate world history. If I were you I'd consider starting a business.

well if you wanna play it safe you can buy treasury bonds which pay you a yearly interest with a slightly higher % than annual inflation
(actually annual inflation for 2018 was 1.9%, compared to 3% fixed interest of tbonds it's not that bad, althought remember inflation fluctuates, it was 2.1% from 2016-17)

public debt is usually the safest way to invest your shekels but it gives little returns, you could try and talk to your bank about buying bonds from other countries which can give you a much higher annual return but with a much higher risk (ask the people who bought debt from Argentina, the goverment was so deep in shit they had to offer a 25% of return to attract funding, but in the end this couldn't keep going so they went to default and people never saw their money back)

or open an electronics shop, those are nice

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Rich people don't work you mong, maybe just the few of them that genuinely enjoy what they are doing. Stop drinking the kool aid.

Also, invest in bitcoin and real estate.

Kek I'm OP and actually an argentina fag. Parents are immigrants. Are investments riskier or starting a business?

>The only two universal rules we are certain of are existence and non-existence. Being born human is a gift and we have to enjoy it to the maximum while it lasts.
Im sorry but it doesn't work that way, you can call it karma, but if you didn't deserve the money, you'll lose it very quickly

Then what the fuck do they occupy high power positions for? For shits and giggles?

stop talking shit about our mercy overlords, they earned what they have by working hard

Who's to dictate who deserves what? And why do people have the luck to be born into a third world life of hardship?

>Who's to dictate who deserves what? And why do people have the luck to be born into a third world life of hardship?
This really isn't the board to speak about it

Intriguing...mysterious... religion and science can both teach us a lot. But at the end of the day you're either alive or dead fren.

then get on the debt ride before it crashes nigga it's at a plowing 19% so i don't know how much longer it will go before everybody stops buying their garbage papers and the goverment has to stop paying altogether (again lmao)

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people who want good karma help others in need even if its just 100$ or something small.
help me move on the my next life 17RDsm96wj34rUF46biKuzA8BT3k9TRRbw

The country is going to become Venezuela evolved

>Why do other wealthy people work instead of taking the enjoy life pill
Because the one thing that feels and tastes better than drugs, is success.

But how is success measured? I'd say having the income to enjoy experiences like vacations and high quality organic food feels like success.

>Are investments riskier or starting a business?
it really depends
as a general rule, the riskier it is, the higher returns it gives
think about it like a videogame, at the very beggining you are progressing slowly and it's boring but if you keep going there's a moment when everything starts happening waaaaay faster until you reach a moment where getting enough exp points to level up takes a shit ton of time an effort

same shit happens with bussinesses, and with economies in general
that's why you'll always see "developing countries" having a much higher annual growing % unlike first world countries which should have a stable rate of 'round 2% anually
however, the thing is that investing in a growing bussiness (or opening your own is the same shit but way more tiresome) is pretty risky because you can't be sure they'll survive when they start competing with other bussinesses either locally or from other countries
if they do survive they'll go through a rapid expansion and as you are a share holder, a % of the money is yours
and if they fail there's gonna be some suicides

that's great for you actually
fuck the working class

You have 3 million dollars but you don't have wisdom. Which one do you seek?

I came to Jow Forums for wisdom on how to smartly invest the money

Thank you for the advice. I'm actually a U.S. citizen but travel to Argentina for one month a year. The next election will truly determine the economic future of the country

Who are you going to vote for, if you don't mind me asking?

Macri for sure. kirchner is a thief who lined her own pockets. Ruined the economy by subsidizing everything and giving out tons of welfare. No investment in infrastructure or industry. Unfortunately, she will likely win because of muh welfare. Another cycle of economic ruin

That's not wisdom. You are asking for financial advise on an anime forum for neets and incels. You have no wisdom in life, you just have money, congratz, but wisdom is more important.

In a best-case scenario, the money frees them up to pursue work that they find fulfilling, because income is no longer their top priority in choosing a job. You might find that you get tired of doing nothing and "enjoying life" and you will still need a sense of purpose, in some form, to fill your days. You're in a lucky position where you could treat a hobby as a career

For multiple reasons you are not clued in into.

It seems your parents failed in educating you, which is a shame, but you can overcome it - probably not through Jow Forums.

My parents always made sure I had the highest education and performed well. I am just slightly blackpilled by seeing them work so hard their entire lives to end up in an "unhappy ending" scenario. (father suicided)

Troll thread, 7-figure inheritance doesn't move an inch without lawyers involved. This money doesn't touch the ground without accountants involved. "Aggressive investments" aren't just something a random chuckler does on a whim without any coaching.

If OP had a lawyer and accountant then he would not be asking fucking Jow Forums how to handle this.

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Who's to say lawyers aren't involved? I'm not gonna go through every detail of the finances while frogging on the 4chinz

What have YOUR parents actually taught you?

Being shipped off to various education institutions to obtain certifications and tertiary knowledge on various subjects is not how a parent educates his child.

I would get you and your money the hell out of Argentina.


/thread closed

comprate la AFA y la arreglas