Meet up with a friend of mine and go clubbing together

>meet up with a friend of mine and go clubbing together
>I get incredibly drunk, tell her I like her and start kissing her a lot (first time I've ever done that)
>she didn't shrink away but didn't really reciprocate either
>she said she likes me too but only after I was drunkenly demanding an answer
>text her this

So how badly did I just get rejected? Sorry for all the big rectangles it was videos from last night. And she did reply saying yes let's do it again

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just block her number and move on bro lost cause

sex again

>Did I get rejected?
>Btw she said yes to hanging out again

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I know she's got a lot of dudes after her, so I can't help but feel she's a tease and just being nice. Especially because she didn't say again she liked me, just that I'm cute.

tell her again sober

In person again? Since I basically did over text

>I know she's got a lot of dudes after her
And she said yes to hanging out with you, not them. Shut the fuck up and take her out somewhere. Stop overthinking this.

Why is her English so shitty? And who says that you were rejected? And why are you being so apologetic about making a move?

>she said she likes me too but only after I was drunkenly demanding an answer
>she didn't say again she liked me, just that I'm cute.

If this girl is into you, you're probably going to fuck it up because you seem painfully insecure. It's like you're subconsciously looking for a way to screw it up.

And don't do this, don't make "I like you" declarations. Just make a move, get physical.

Damn man you're overthinking it, go out on a date or something and fuck her until she begs you to never stop ever

It's that 2019 "I have to wait for someone who ticks every single fucking box including wrist size" phenomenon. I'd say she likes you she just has a few things she's on the fence about. Casually ask her about her ideals, and see if you can extract what she's cautious about with you, and then show an effort to change. Honestly it could be your drinking from her mention of it, women get scared of signs of alcoholism (often drinking to excess is a sign)

Cause I'm currently still in my falling relationship. And she's Japanese.

Oh I remember you. Break up with your girlfriend you swine. Of course this one is on the fence - you aren't fully committed

>I'm in a relationship
What a shit thread. You must be blessed with good-looking genes cause it's definitely not your personality that is attracting these women.

I know, I'm scum. My current relationship actually started in this exact same way

Well I was incredibly drunk, so I wasn't acting with a 100% logical mind. But since I had gone this far already I have to admit I was curious to find out what she thinks.

Well man the world is yours. Just juggle these chicks. If she's as infamously wanted as you say but only responds to a taken man such as yourself, wouldn't that just prove that hypergamy is re- yeah let me just leave

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She also seemed to do the half-reciprocate half-handsoff with her other guy friends too, though. That's why I think she's just a tease

"I was really drunk the other night but had a good time with you. Are you up for trying again with less alcohol, im free xxx day?"

>makes out with a girl while drunk
>let's do it again
fucking autists man

What's wrong with that