I snooped on my brother and found something horrifying

I just found something pretty disturbing, and I’m not sure what really to do next.

My brother is usually a super private person and doesn’t hand out his phone to anyone. We’re currently on a family vacation overseas and he is the only one with a working data plan, so we've been using is phone quite a bit. His open web tab was on a popular fiction website, and I saw his logged in username before he swapped tabs to a new one.

I frequent the site too, and when back in the airbnb, went to check his profile to see if he too ran in the same fandoms as me. I must admit that this situation is entirely my fault as I snooped. I know I shouldn't have, but I was so curious. To my surprise, he had a few published works, but when I opened one, I almost puked - his latest story was of a brother violently raping his sister in graphic detail, who had the same first name and general description as me, in a setting I recognised as my parent's house. He insulted my eldest sibling and also my parents in horrible ways too. I won't go into further detail but suffice to say it was the single most horrifying thing I've ever read. Ever.

Now I'm in the bathroom of this airbnb typing this and I'm not sure how I'm going to go out and face my family. Should I just ignore this? Is this normal and am I overreacting? I mean, everyone has their kinks and my brother has never, ever acted inappropriately towards me or anyone in my family in real life. Please tell me this is so.

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You sound hysterical. Calm the fuck down and stop looking through people's shit you bitch.

I guess Jow Forums runs in the family.

Your relationship with him will never, ever, be the same. You will always look down on him.

Never let him with your children alone. Not to say he's a pedo, necessarily, but I wouldn't chance it.

Lol, fuck off, no

Post link.
I need to read this to give you advice.

Rape him back

Why isn't he using his phone to set up a wifi hotspot? This doesn't add up.

>when you know it's reddit but then you have to admit you reddit too

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He's within his right to write whatever he wants. You got freaked out because you went through somebody's shit, not because of anything he is at fault for. Don't do anything, try to forget what you saw.

Is your family abusive?

Give him a round and show it to your parents

Counter-rape him, it's the only thing that will save you from being raped.

I’m going to be totally honest here and hope you read this.
The things people do in private/hidden/secret to outsiders always seem like they are hidden desires waiting to break free into reality.
The truth is that often these are shameful things which is why they are hidden, and don’t reflect any actual rational or reality based desire but are simply bad thoughts that just need to be released, e.g. blowing off steam.
For example I am a combat vet. Often I daydream about robbing banks and shooting child molesters and drug dealers just for fun. I would never do these things because I am a husband, father, Christian, rational human being, etc. I would kill myself before ever harming anyone else, but the whole point I’m making is we all fantasize about random crap that we’d never actually do, ever had a wierd dream you’d never do in real life, same concept.

I wouldn't do anything if I were you, you shouldn't of snooped, yes ill be honest its weird but its his business as so far as he hasn't actually hurt anyone or anything I don't see a problem with it

record and make multiple backups of everything. look for more stuff. he *will* delete it. then show it to your family

some people do go beyond simple desires

This. Do it OP

He's going to rape you while you sleep. You should glue your butthole up tight so he doesn't get you.

Sounds like he just wanted to let go of some horrible thoughts.
If he is a private person that never acts inappropriately towards anyone, it gets lonely and then it gets dark.
The compassionate route is to help him improve his life so he doesn't wither away into darkness.
The safe route is to avoid him all together or only see him when you are around other people.

I have a sister and we have helped each other through some dark times. When I was young, I was doing great with women, but my sister couldn't find a boyfriend and it bothered her a lot.
When she got a boyfriend, we drifted apart. Obviously, watching a movie with him was more fun for her, so I gave her space. By the time they got married, I was the creepy loner who couldn't get a date.
If you get him through this, these thoughts will go away. I doubt these are anything but fantasies. Don't take it literal. If he wanted to use this as a threat, he would have shown it himself.

Fetishes don't always reflect actual desires.

quit being such a bitch, people are allowed to write whatever the fuck they want


>my brother has never, ever acted inappropriately towards me or anyone in my family in real life.
So leave him alone. Don't do or say anything unless he shows signs of going off the deep end. And no, writing fiction isn't a sign. Do you think all those Japanese writers who write and draw rape manga fiction about elementary school children will or are actually doing it in real Ife?

...Maybe one or two of them, but most of them aren't. So just relax for now.

Most of those Japanese authors tend to be women too.

Is Jow Forums just reddit content now?

I gotta be honest, I've written or wanted to write (or, more often, read) some disturbing things that I'd never do. It's cathartic in some ways.

On the other hand, messed up people who are likely to do these things also write that kind of thing, and it isn't harmless.

I don't know your brother, so I can't say. It's up to you to decide what to do. But the fact that he has them doesn't mean he has any intention of doing anything like that... but it also doesn't mean he doesn't.

OP, please read this because it's the most important thing in this thread you can read. Your brother is absolutely based, a real patrician and true artist. I can't believe people in this thread seriously look down on him.

>show it to your family
that's the most retarded thing I've read in this thread.

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Hahaha oh my god that is fucked.

God.. what would I do in that situation.

I deff wouldn’t tell the rest of your family. He might be fucked up but a lot of people are fucked up. If he never acts on it then he doesn’t deserve to be the family pariah.

I would definitely distance yourself from him though. Lock yourself in a separate room to sleep in all that. He is a threat to you in some capacity.

Sorry. Your relationship with your brother is fucked forever now. Just protect yourself and go about your separate ways when the time comes.

Really fucked up stuff though OP. It’s not your fault for snooping.

give him love and compassion, to give him negativity will only feed his monster until he becomes so desperate to unleash that he will act these out. but you can change a monster with love. think Dexter and his sister.

Great job bitch now look what you’ve gotten yourself into. Why don’t you leave the little nigga alone to his own fetishes and fantasies and act like nothing happened because nothing should have happened, but of course you had to snoop in his shit

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>show it to your family
if you said "ask him for X and if he doesn't want to buy/do it you'll show it to your family" i would understand, it's something an evil but smart person would do, but, what
how do you even know how to read

Muh normie answer is show it to your parents when you get back from vacation so they can send him to therapy.

>how do you even know how to read
from the OP.
>To my surprise, he had a few published works, but when I opened one, I almost puked - his latest story was of a brother violently raping his sister in graphic detail, who had the same first name and general description as me, in a setting I recognised as my parent's house. He insulted my eldest sibling and also my parents in horrible ways too. I won't go into further detail but suffice to say it was the single most horrifying thing I've ever read. Ever.
did you even read the OP at all?

This sounds like a fucking horror movie. Tell before he kills you or some shit

> Give him love and compassion

Oh he really gonna rape her ass then. Don’t listen to this shit.

> Go and asks him about what you read
> “ So...what was your favorite part?”

OP you may have to shoot this son of a bitch

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so you think you can just come here and post something like that without giving us the material? come on bitch try and remember what he wrote and post it