Will i ever achieve it

>had multiple realtionships
>had sexual intercourse with a few women.
>still feel like i didn't had near to enough for my age.
>have a terrible fear that I won't ever have more cause i've been alone for 6 months now
>the girls i dated were hot but were brown/arabic and I want a white girl (only had 2 of them)

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Attached: Baithammer.png (860x860, 157K)

nothing wrong with being single for awhile so long as your still looking honestly probably means your just unlucky you'll find someone. desu 'brown/ arabic' is better then a white girl

on my dead friends.

it's real.

are you retarded mate me and my friends all lost our virginities at 22/23

yeah but in sexually rampet israel it's diff.

my cousin and uncle lost it at 12.

Chillax kiddo, blow some steam off on basketball or something

can't, I'm 5'10

Bruh, I'm 24 and have barely even talked to any girl in my life. Let alone touched one or done anything more than that.
I think you'll be fine.

>still feel like i didn't had near to enough for my age.
I had no one in my life
>have a terrible fear that I won't ever have more cause i've been alone for 6 months now
I've been alone for 20+ years but Im trying now, stop complaining please

yo dawg im 31 and never even kissed a girl

ima a giga loser and chronically depressed about it, but you are essentially a turbo chad at this point


arab girls are hotter you fucking fag

>i've been alone for 6 months now

that is life. no matter what you would feel like that. it is the same as your career. I feel like I am unaccomplished for my age and panic about my career. All my coworkers think the opposite of me.

not sure if y'all are for real or not, but thanks.


nigger i live in israel the girls here are dry af, this is something ive heard from tourists and newcomers

some, depends on how you look and where you live, we both know bitches aren't dry if you're from the centre (tel aviv etc)

makes me kinda sad.

no idea, i dont live far from the center and girls are pretty prudish everywhere the way i see it

but i was never a player so idk

age, height,overall face?

24, 5'6, solid 7

pretty much explains everything