How do you approach a woman at a bar?
How do you approach a woman at a bar?
grab her by the pussy
If they're sitting close by, or if we're standing next to each other to order more drinks, I simply say hello to them, ask them how they're doing, share one short sentence about my day as an invitation for them to share about themselves or inquire more about me, then exchange names.
>Hey, how's it going?
>good, you?
>I'm good, just left a barbecue with my family (or whatever, that's what I did today), we had a good time
>oh that's nice, I did XYZ (or, "oh that's nice, do you blah blah whatever with your family?")
All goes well, we'll chat for a couple minutes before we even get around to introducing ourselves
If they're across the bar and I see them look at me a couple times, or smile/smirk/grin/face lightens at me/inquisitive look, or if they're just sitting there alone looking bored, I'll walk up to them and do the same thing.
If they tell me to fuck off, I fuck off. If they aren't contributing to the conversation in any way, I like to trail off, stare at them for a few moments, give them a bottom of pic related look and walk away without saying anything.
>How do you approach a woman
Well you see most human learn to walk at an early age, if you are lucky enough to be one of them you must utilise this skill to move in the direction of a woman.
>Well you see most human learn to walk at an early age, if you are lucky enough to be one of them you must utilise this skill to move in the direction of a woman.
Offer a drink but don’t ask in a super flirty way because it comes off as sexual deviant. Ask in a friendly approachable way that makes it seem like you’re interested in actually knowing her.
Bruh, tf do I do if she's in a group. Especially if her beta orbiters r around?
>Bruh, tf do I do if she's in a group. Especially if her beta orbiters r around?
Invade their personal space and assert dominance
Pic very related
go with your friends, merge groups and everyone has fun. or go to a quiet dive bar, hotel bar, restaurant bar where people are often alone, and during the workweek where people often stop by for a drink by themselves to let the traffic die down or whatever before going home.
or become an actual sociable person who can engage with the whole group and eventually peel her away after having a good time hanging with her friends, instead of acting like a predator stalking the weak and isolated ones. the guys who are able to do that are the ones who can get laid again and again and again. nothing gets a girl more dtf than knowing her friends aren't going to judge her for fucking that particular guy.
To be fair, build up your confidence by stalking those weak isolated ones first, get your sex-having feet under you, then when you're socially confident in yourself maybe you can start soloing her whole pack. I don't expect you to start doing that immediately.
Thanks for the advice man. I'm not a club goer but see a girl in particular I'm into since a year in my college but I might have already fucked it up by doing nothing.
Smile at her, if she smiles back. Then approach and say Hi! or if you can invite her a drink (mention the drink, something like beer or wine, in order to avoid she orders something super expensive)
"Are you feeling lightheaded yet? Alright lets keep dancing."
you don't
leave them the fuck alone unless they give you steady consistent eye contact & smile back or wave
you're only setting yourself up to look like a fool
the only thing that will happen 90% of the time is they use you for a free drink
even if you get a cell # they aren't interested most of the time
>all my friends are women
>all of them get approached at bars every single time
>they dont talk to ANY male that approaches them in this manner
women are emotional creatures and you have to play the long game if you want a steady relationship
bringing home a barslag is not healthy & somewhat degenerate
i would recommend messaging someone youre into and having her meet you for drinks
>leave them the fuck alone unless they give you steady consistent eye contact & smile back or wave
You'll most likely die of an old age before this happens, your tip is one of the worst that cab be given to anyone trying to sell themselves or some other thing
>i would recommend messaging someone youre into and having her meet you for drinks
How do you message someone if to meet women you need to stare to you since they're demigods that don't want mere mortals talking to them?
youre retarded and have completely failed to read into nonverbal cues/communication.
have kissed over 15 women and dated several of them / of course have a decent icebreaker ready - but you'll know if she's into or not right away
approaching someone who you don't know (aka have 0% chance with) is a waste of time and money
>waste of quads
approaching strangers is the hardest way to get fucked , have sex with people you already know
its easier to spend time with someone you already met because their guard is down
stay persistent and even the ones out of your league will come around
im NOT that cute but i swear a few of my exes were barbie supermodel-tier & in hindsight i should never have had a chance
>approaching someone who you don't know (aka have 0% chance with) is a waste of time and money
Then how the fuck should I meet women if Im not in college or school? No fucking way Im dating a coworker
This. Just say "ladies, you are looking good tonight!" and walk away. The interested ones will come to you.
to seems so autistic
just be yourself, but NOT the sperglord version
Why? It worked for me
I've dated co-workers before it was fine
but she was a school teacher and very fucking hot (couldn't resist)
I'm an aspie too user
i hide my power level unless prompted
or poking fun at myself for being such a dweeb
when I'm the designated driver i have the girls wear cat ears & take pictures (trying to get all of them within our circle of friends in the photo album haha) / but my hobbies are VERY cringe inducing - magic the gathering, vintage game consoles, completing original era vintage Pokemon card sets, nano/pico saltwater aquariums, medium format photography, circuit bending, etc
always talk about what they want/are interested in especially if you're out partying
I was just making a 30 year old boomer joke but I guess kids these days move from meme to meme so fast that something a year old has already faded out of the collective consciousness.
You'll find a lot of women who put up with that shit now, everybody wants to look like a nerd because it's trendy. MtG, vintage consoles, aquariums, they'll go for that stuff.