I wanna learn Hebrew, then go to Israel and find a Jewish wife. Is this honestly a good reason to learn a language lads...

I wanna learn Hebrew, then go to Israel and find a Jewish wife. Is this honestly a good reason to learn a language lads? Would it simply be enough to keep me motivated? Before anyone asks, there are no Jews in my country.

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No, especially if you don't already know one.

I learned Spanish for a girl, then we fell out hard enough that I can't stand latinas anymore and don't even want to use my Spanish. and it's actually practical for me to know it.

I still want a Jewish wife though. What can I do? Travel to the US? What about Israel. Do they speak good English in Israel?

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Hi, an Israeli jew speaking :) Why would you want a jewish wife, aspecially if you arn't jewish?
I mean, we are cool and all, but it's less work to just.. yknow.. find a girl in your country instead of changing your entire life for it. Or at least visit israel for a few weeks before you romanticize it in you mind.
If it's the tranditional values you're after, I think it's easier to find with culturally Christian people. We do have it here, but mainly in extremely conservative or Haredi communities / semi-cults.

whats good about a jewish wife? your not german are you

Guys it's not just about culture. It's about the aesthetics. I just love how they look.

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israelis are ok with english, but it's not even close to an official language. i mean, you can pick up girls speaking english, but not really assimilate into the culture.

why not go to a country with your language and also a jewish community? or somewhere in the balkan or middle east if it's about the looks?

>israelis are ok with english, but it's not even close to an official language.

So speaking English there is OK? Do they teach it at school?

English is a common foreign language. A decent about of people there know it.
But unless you're ethically Jewish, you're gonna have a very hard time wifeing a Jewess from the Homeland. You're better off trying to get a European Jew if you're not a Jew yourself.

Is this a fetish? Why do you seek a Jewish mate? There are amazing women out there of all shapes, sizes, breeds and creeds. Also, what country are you in? Just curious.

They learn English in the schools in Israel yes

israelis are ok with english, but it's not even close to an official language. i mean, you can pick up girls speaking english, but not really assimilate into the culture.

why not go to a country with your language and also a jewish community? or somewhere in the balkan or middle east if it's about the looks?

>But unless you're ethically Jewish, you're gonna have a very hard time wifeing a Jewess from the Homeland.

Oh God.

I thought they were open minded about who to marry? Was that bull? I've got a degree and I'm currently working on my Masters. Is being educated and having a steady job not good enough?

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you can't get married to a jew in israel unless you're a jew yourself and your jewishness is recognized by the jewish orthodox church
it takes like 2-3 years to become a jew in a manner compatible with orthodox jew traditions
if you just want to live in israel, you can try a reform judaism conversion which takes a month or two
oh and a benis snip is also mandatory

they want you to be open-minded about who you marry, but Jews typically don't racemix themselves.

Ask Jow Forums

People are people anywhere user. Liking someone usually transcends any religious objections, running away with your sweetheart is an age old trope.

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>you can't get married to a jew in israel

Yeah but... what if I take her with me? Sorted right?

I hope so user

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>Guys it's not just about culture. It's about the aesthetics. I just love how they look.

That's the dumbest thing I've ever heard. Almost as bad as that type of beta who only wants an Asian girl.

I just can't help it. I'm sorry.

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Good luck in the journey for your long nosed goddess op. Have her in the nicest clogs and the longest black dresses you can find. SHALOM

Is that Ben Shapiro's sister?

Nice catch