I want to fucking kill myself so bad, but I don't want to leave my dad without his only son.
I have absolutely no idea about what I should do, I'm so lost in this fucking life you have no idea.
I want to fucking kill myself so bad, but I don't want to leave my dad without his only son
welcome to the club brah
does it have an end at least?
Pray to God using your voice, pray to Him to show that He loves you, pray this for 7 days, for 7 weeks, for 7 months
forgot to mention my motives, it's a mix between child bullshit and physical health problems.
been doing that for 20 years now. If a God exists, it's not the Catholic one.
I have a very painful neurological condition and my family is planning to kick me out onto the street like a hobo any day now.
I cannot live outside because I have very painful heat intolerance, I will have to commit suicide, all I have is 3.75mg of Triazolam and I am too young to buy alcohol, until mid September.
I will try to get a script for barbiturates but my psychiatrist doesn't want any liability if I die from the drugs.
You’re here forever
If it's true, I feel for you bro.
Why do they want to kick you out?
I don't know I have very severe pain all over my body and I have amnesia and speech problems.
ever since I started to get painful conditions they turned on me and became hateful and cruel. before I got sick everyone loved me, now they all want me dead after I started to get painful conditions.
If you're too young to buy alcohol, you're too young to commit suicide
I think I am also too young to be in so much pain, and I am so tired and exhausted from all my debilitating pain that has been gradually progressing.
I unfortunately have no options family is going to let me die on the streets, it will hurt a whole lot to die like that, I would rather just do it quick and painless...
How old are you?
20 I am going to use alcohol for my overdose when I can buy it in September, I am tired of being in pain and my family offers no sympathy.
I had 60mg of hydrocodone but I through it away when I had second thoughts.
Try going out of your circle and go for a long vacation not with the same set of people
Dude go to India try the 6 months yoga therapy it really does wonders I heard. Trying I'd better than death right
Isn't there any other family member that you could live with? Tell them about how fucked up you're.
>going out of your circle and go for a long vacation
I don't have the money to do that. It'd be easier for me to just send my parents on a vacation.
it's not as hopeless as you would think right now, if my family allowed me to improve I might even return to college.
blah blah go do yoga you have a hopeless terminal illness, I am not even diagnosed as we speak how do you know I am terminal right now? maybe if I was allowed to follow my doctors directions and given a chance I could live another 6 months feeling better than now.
Does it look dumb trying to fight a terminal illness is that why my family hates me if so I am very offended, because they could be taking years of life away from me with all their abusive treatment, I am only 21 if it weren’t for the way my family handled my disease I could have lived a few years longer for all we know, but they refuse to let that happen they all want me dead right now.
Your family doesn't want you dead. That's ridiculous.
Well I am going to die in the coming months if I continue to lose weight and physical strength and my ability to breathe.
I used to run a mile in 6min just to give you an idea of how much illness I have developed, I can barely study anything in college and I have been unable to eat or gain even 1lb of body fat
kill him instead you have any questions please feel free to contact me. pussyfaggot
take a look at
What is so dumb about living with a terminal illness I don’t get it, why not?
It’s not that difficult to live with the disease the only issue is my family and those around me Criticizing me for searching for a hopeless miracle cure, while it is not the case, why am I not allowed to use medicine, everyone acts like I am retarded for trying to treat an undiagnosed health condition.
They are not even doctors they have no authority to claim that medicine is hopeless
stop being such a pussy. christ.
Ok so the smart socially acceptable approach to a terminal illness is to commit suicide immediately, that explains all the conflict with my family they think I am retarded for not committing suicide.
What incentive am I supposed to have for killing myself I am perfectly comfortable with my illness, and it doesn't bother me at all.
It feels really dumb to watch people with 0 knowledge about medicine give me a their very opinionated closed minded viewpoints on my situation as if they had any kind of knowledge on this.
what? I am supposed to kill myself, because I am too tired of living with the disease, because I am not. I am too tired of my family.
I am not tired from the disease
1) no. don't kill yourself you fucking pussy
2) stop being a fucking pussy
what does that mean? if I am not going to kill myself right now because I still have time, than i want to improve my physical health which I am already doing by exercising and trying to gain weight, medicine could help me if my family would stop being so dumb and arrogant about their obviously superior medical knowledge, and their understanding of biochemistry.
if you kill yourself you're a fucking pussy
if you victimize yourself and blame your problems on your family, you're a pussy
get your shit together, you fucking pussy
I am I do 20 pushups every day for exercise and I was doing 30 a few weeks ago but I deteriorated. aiming to do 60 like I was before the illness
Look it ain't easy. There's no bright side to look on so don't bother trying to find some silver lining. Just, when you actually do come to cross the line that is suicide, think about the satisfaction your death would bring on your family (if they hate you as much as you say they do). Don't give them that. Live for yourself man.